
If you don't collect your boots... the battle has already been decided!

Katz: Huh...

There was a trace of unwillingness in his original spirit!

Jojo and Lisa Lisa are all smiling, very satisfied with this battle!

Jojo said loudly: "I'm really lucky in this battle! Just hooking the hammer on the lip ring of the little finger is enough to earn, and now it's this again, but luck is also part of strength, I will win this battle!".

Chapter 376 Battle Crazy Wamuu: Exploding his eyes! (please customize)

All heavens and all worlds!


"Wamu's appearance is obviously exposing his weakness to Jojo!"


"Didn't you find out? As long as Jojo dodges the attack just now, another horse can freely attack the blood-sucking horse. As long as his ripples can hit the horse, Wamu will definitely escape." No!"

"Understood, it is the conductivity of the ripples, which will definitely affect the Wamu inside!"

"Is such that!"

After seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They had to admit that although jojo was mean, he was really lucky. It can be said that fate was on his side!

In the picture, Jojo held the long hammer on his shoulder and said loudly: "Wamu, you didn't expect that, if the accumulation of this blow fails, you will be equivalent to trapping yourself on the horse."

"Next is..."

Jojo raised the hammer high, and it was about to hit it!

"One, two..."

Although Jojo shouted the number, he swung it down hard before waiting for three to come out.

How shameless!

It was entirely because Wamu's body was inside the horse and he couldn't see what was going on outside, so he deliberately counted and made a feint!

He has already won, but he still needs to use such a shameless method as 457!


Who is the villain!

"Even the blood-sucking horses bear my ripples, Wamuu!"

Katz sneered and said loudly: "Baga, don't you understand? Wamuwu wouldn't make such an obvious mistake!"

"Danger jojo!"

Wamuu suddenly stretched out his hands from the horse's body, and quickly approached Jojo!

His body is below jojo, just avoiding the sledgehammer held above!


What's this!

Why is Wamuu so fast and so accurate!

Everyone in Wanjie was shocked, and there was only one thing in their minds at this moment, and that was to let jojo get away quickly!

It's too late to hide!

But Jojo's situation is different, he is already in mid-air at this time, and in such a short time, even if he sees Wamuu, he can't dodge immediately!

Lisa Lisa: No one can survive this move, like Caesar!

With a strong killing intent in his eyes, Wamuwu said loudly: "I will kill you, Shen Shalan!"

Jojo was caught in the middle of two tornadoes, and there were countless sharp blades in the tornado, constantly cutting Jojo's body.

Finally, under the remaining strength, jojo flew out directly. Fortunately, the landing place happened to be my own scooter!


Lisa Lisa looked at jojo, who was unconscious on the ground and completely unconscious, and couldn't help shouting!

However, jojo was lying on the cart at this time and did not respond at all.

Katz smiled and snapped his fingers, and then a vampire came to him, handed him a goblet, and kept pouring red wine into it.

Lisa Lisa took a step back, but her expression was sweet, but she didn't lose her composure because of Jojo's dying!

"Although I only ran half a circle, it was really a battle with twists and turns!"

"In the end, it's Wamu who crushed Jojo in all aspects, both in terms of intelligence and combat power!"

"Next is the battle between me and you!"

"However, I don't want to fight women, and that guy from Wamuu also respects you as a powerful Ripple Warrior." Katz took out a silver product from his pocket, and then threw it at Lisa Lisa, saying : "So, you should kill yourself!"


"I'm afraid you misunderstood something!"

Kaz looked at Lisa Lisa in surprise, wondering what she was going to say!

Lisa Lisa said coldly: "The battle between Jojo and Wamuu is not over yet!"

Katz stood up suddenly and said loudly, "What?"

Everyone in Wanjie also realized that it is impossible to survive after being hit by Shenshalan, how could Jojo be an exception!

But in the next second, jojo stood up, he was indeed injured, but it was not serious enough to take such a (bace) step!

Looking at Wamuu again, he shouted at this time, and he received a very large wound between his two arms. Under Ripple's attack, his hand seemed to be broken off!


When did Jojo launch the attack!


Sauron sneered and said with emotion: "These two people are really extraordinary! But Jojo is even better!"

Metke: "Jojo has been attracting Wamu's attention in other ways. In fact, his feet and the reins that can transmit ripples on his feet are the key!"

White Beard: "These two monsters fought with countless minds, it's really scary!"

Although Wamu's injury was unknown, it left him devastated.

Katz: "As a fighter, there will be a point that triggers your own powerful power. When you find this point, your strength will become extremely powerful, and Wamu has already discovered this point. Just right, let Jojo put some pressure on him, let him stop underestimating the enemy!"

Lisa Lisa: "?"

The battle was still going on, Wamu didn't attack, but put his hands on his eye sockets!

What's this?

Lisa Lisa was puzzled.

But in the next second, Wanjie was shocked!


He actually popped his own eyeballs!


For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Difficult to believe!

Wamu what the **** are you doing!

Is this suicide?

But in the next second, a drill drilled out of Wamuu's forehead, and the drill continued to rotate.

"Because I can see, that's why I let you, jojo, take advantage of it. Now I can only use my tentacles to perceive the flowing air, instead of using light to perceive everything. I have no weaknesses!"

After Wamuu finished speaking, a huge aura erupted from his body and rushed towards Jojo.


This is too scary!

Jojo's face changed greatly in fright.

Although he knew that Wamuu was a fighting lunatic, he didn't expect to be so crazy!

But...Wamu in this state did put enormous pressure on himself!

At this time, there were two weapons on the field, both of which were crossbows, but one was large and the other was small. Because the pillar had been broken, the vampire held the weapon in his hand and asked Jojo, "Which one do you want?"

Jojo said loudly: "Idiot, of course it's the bigger one, it's more powerful!"

Wamuu had no chance to choose, he took the small one.

"Now is the time to test Wamuu, see how he can hurt people without eyes!"

"If it's indoors, I believe Wamu has this ability. The body's perception is better than the eyes, but this is outdoors. With so many messy clues, how can he perceive Jojo's movements, and the farther Jojo is from him, Wamuu's perception is getting weaker!".

Chapter three hundred and seventy-seventh final flow method - muddy setbacks


Jojo has a presumptuous smile on his face!

This crossbow of mine is...


This crossbow!

The one Jojo chose is more powerful than the latter one, but it also requires a greater pulling force!

Facing this big guy, jojo couldn't pull away for a while!


It's so heavy!

If Wamuu gets this crossbow, wouldn't it be possible to knock me out with a single blow!


The blow just now was very fast!

Fly past jojo's body and hit one of jojo's horses **** the head!

Brains radiate!

Under the shock of everyone, Wamwu almost shot Jojo when he lost his eyesight. If he misses a little bit, the blow will hit Jojo, and the consequences will be disastrous!

And jojo is still desperately pulling the crossbow!


Wamuwu felt it silently, and said: "I have already felt the distance from the blow just now. Next time, it will not be as simple as killing your horse!"

Wamu's arm was injured, but he still easily pulled the crossbow apart, not only the gap in the crossbow, but also the gap in strength!

Jojo had no choice but to run for his life.

Wamuwu has been locking the direction of Jojo, but the distance between Jojo and him is getting farther and farther, just on the diagonal line, and there are layers of flames in the middle, and the flames can affect the air flow, so although Wamuwu has a killing effect at this time Heart, but it is still difficult to hit with one hit!


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