Everyone is eager for a hearty battle! !

This also made Sun Wukong excited, because Saitama's strength is very strong!

How powerful Saitama is, which has not been fully revealed yet, makes Monkey King a little unclear.

"Why don't you want to attack!?"

Xiao Lin was stunned, he really couldn't understand the brain circuit of martial idiots like Monkey King.

Sun Wukong didn't answer, he was carefully observing Saitama's muscle movements.


Sun Wukong's eyes froze, and he saw that the muscle power point on Saitama's body suddenly changed!

Saitama is going to fight back! !

boom! !

A sudden shot!

It made countless people who watched the video unresponsive.


On screen!

Saitama swung a punch straight ahead!

The red fully wrapped hand landed on Poros' belly.

Poros was stunned, and then a shocked expression appeared on his face!

The blood shot instantly covered the white of Poros' one-eyed eyes, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth uncontrollably!

boom! !

Caught off guard, Poros, who didn't expect Saitama to make a sudden move, was directly sent flying by Saitama's punch!

The terrifying impact actually formed air shock waves in the air! !

In the picture, Poros flew hundreds of meters away in an instant like a bolt of lightning! !

The camera followed Poros, and countless people watched Poros who was knocked out and quickly adjusted his center of gravity.

Snapped! !

Both feet on the ground! !

But after he fell, he still couldn't resist the subsequent power of Saitama's punch. He stepped on the ground with both feet, but he still retreated tens of meters, and his feet drew two terrifying marks on the ground!

However, what people didn't expect was that even though Poros was spitting blood at this time and looked extremely embarrassed, there was still an excited smile on his face! !

"That's right!! This is Saitama! You are worthy of me defeating you!!"

Poros laughed loudly, this battle was really enjoyable for him! !

And the next moment, Saitama's figure appeared in front of him! !

"Consecutive ordinary punches!"

Saitama's extremely flat voice sounded from the video screen!

Then everyone saw that Saitama's fists hit Poros who had no time to react at a speed beyond the speed of sound!

one second! !

Hundreds of punches! !

puff! !

Poros' body exploded like a piece of tofu! !

It exploded into brilliant fireworks in the air! !


It's One Punch Man! ? ! ?

Countless people watched the video in astonishment, and these words came to mind in unison!

The strength of this Saitama! !

How terrible it is! ! .

Chapter 48: Killer! Serious Punch from One Punch Man! ! (Kneel begging for flower monthly ticket evaluation ticket)



Alien world!


"This... such an exaggerated attack!? Is this still human!?"


Bao'er frowned, staring at the scene in the video with dull eyes, she was dazzled by the terrifying punching speed!

Xu Si sat aside, looked at the picture in the video, his face was numb, he reached out for a cigarette again, lit it, and took a deep breath.




Xu Si's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, revealing the unrest in his heart at the moment.


"Hey, hey... Are you surprised that you came a little too late!? The previous Poros punched that bald man to the moon with one punch! Compared to this, isn't the previous one more terrifying??"


Zhang Chulan immediately retorted when she heard Bao'er's words.


"How do you know that this bald man named Saitama used all his strength in this attack?"

Xu Si glanced at Zhang Chulan indifferently, as if looking at a fool.

"It shouldn't be that exaggerated..."

Zhang Chulan scratched his head, but his tone was full of confusion.

Naruto World.

Maitekai looked at Saitama's punch in the video, his face was solemn, but his eyes were shining.

He was amazed by Saitama's attack!

The next second, Maitekai suddenly burst into tears, and turned his head to look at his beloved disciple Xiao Li.

"Li!! Did you see it!!"

Locke Li was also full of excitement and emotion. He also looked at Maitekai with tears streaming down his face, nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "I saw it!! Teacher Kai!!"

"This boxing technique is full of youthfulness! This bald cloaked man is a role model for our youth!"

When Maitekai heard his disciple's words, he shook his head seriously, and retorted:

"No! Li!! You are wrong! He is not the bald man in the cape! He is One Punch Man!! The youth shown is not our role model! It is what we want to surpass!!"

"Teacher Kai!! I understand!! I will definitely work harder! Surpass him!!"

Hearing the teachings of his most beloved teacher Maitekai, more tears appeared on Rock Lee's face.


"Teacher Kai!!"

In the next moment, Rock Lee and Matt Kay embraced passionately with tears in their eyes and began to cry loudly.

"This... can this really be called a human being?"

Tiantian directly ignored the wonderful master and apprentice next to her. At this time, she was deeply shocked by Saitama's attack in the picture.

Ning Ci was silent, but he subconsciously clenched his fists and his pupils dilated.

Can that kind of punching speed really be achieved?

With a human body...

Ning Ci was greatly shocked. After all, he specialized in body skills. Rouquan's Baguazhang was similar to Saitama's "continuous ordinary boxing" in some respects.

"If it's possible...I should be able to."

Ning Ci had a firm gaze. He was a genius, and he would reach this point sooner or later. He had no doubts about this.

Pirate World.

The Straw Hats.

"It's so strong! Can I use rubber fists to do the same as him?"

For the first time, Luffy did not yell, on the contrary, his face showed a rare expression of contemplation.

Seeing Usopp on the side was shocked.

a few seconds later...

Usopp seemed to be frightened by something, jumped back subconsciously, and said in horror:

"You you you!! Who are you!! Where is our captain!!"

Luffy came back to his senses after being frightened by Usopp's words, and saw Usopp looking at him in horror, and even Zoro and the others had unbelievable expressions on their faces.

"I... I am Luffy! Why are you looking at me like this!!"

Zoro looked at Luffy with twitching corners of his mouth, as if he didn't know Luffy anymore.

"You are Luffy!? How is it possible! Our captain is so stupid! It is impossible to think!!"

Usopp didn't have so many crooked brains, he expressed his thoughts directly and honestly.

boom! !

Luffy couldn't bear it anymore, his right arm suddenly stretched out and hit Usopp directly in the face.

Navy Headquarters.

Zhan Guo raised his hand and rubbed his temple.

He looked a little headache.

The strength shown in the video has completely exceeded his expectations.

In the previous video, the strength of the head pillar was just like that, which made Warring States feel a little contemptuous.

Even if it was the later Divine Beast Chaos or the Four Uchiha Masters, the strength displayed only made his eyes shine, and he felt a little cramped in his heart.

But the strength of Saitama and Boros in front of him...

A wave of despair rose in him.

Is this kind of guy really a match for their navy?

The power of despair made even him feel palpitations.

too strong...

so horrible…

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