Pirate World.

Headquarters of the Navy.

“This old man called Two-Day Scale Onoki is very courageous! I appreciate it!! “Sengoku’s eyes are full of appreciation for the two-day scale Onoki in the picture.

In his opinion, this kind of action of weighing Onoki in two days, even if it is a mantis as a car, is also a hero!!

After all, real men, on the battlefield, if they want to die, they must also die standing up!!

The person who can make the Warring States feel appreciated is undoubtedly a famous existence, and now, this stubborn little old man from another world also makes him show the idea of appreciating and cherishing.

“This Uchiha is really outrageous…”

Karp didn’t care how brave Onoki was in those two days, he cared more about the Uchiha who seemed to summon such a terrible meteorite without much effort.

“This guy is even more outrageous than the golden lion! If in our world… It’s a disaster. ”

Vice Admiral Tsuru also agreed with Karp’s statement, and she did not think that if Uchiha was in their world, she could be recruited by the Navy.

She could see that this Uchiha was an extremely ambitious person, and also an extremely conceited person.

This kind of person will never work for an organization or an institution!!

And if Uchiha is in their world, it will inevitably become a very difficult pirate.

It can even be said that this Uchiha will become the biggest enemy of the navy and the world government.

“Keep watching…”

Chi Inu said with a cold face, and he was extremely unwilling in his heart.

Because he discovered the existence in these videos, he began to be stronger than the other.

The first head pillar is okay, as long as it can prevent the opponent’s iron head attack, it is an existence that he can pinch to death with one hand

But in the second video of the divine beast battle, each divine beast made him feel extremely great pressure, and even, he felt that he faced any of these guys, and the final result may be death.

And the third video… This Uchiha spot, one of the four masters of Uchiha’s laughter, was even able to summon such a terrifying move as a meteorite.

He went to blast meteorites ??

No kidding!

Akainu knew that if he faced a meteorite with his strength, the impact of the meteorite’s fall could shock him to death.



Hokage World.

Countless ninjas had fallen into panic.

Especially when they saw the meteorite summoned by Uchiha, they were almost frightened and stupid.

There are smart people among them who see that this is the picture of the future, but because of this, they feel desperate.

“The future of us … To face such an enemy ?? ”

“No wonder the ninjas of the five great ninja villages have united… If the opponent is Uchiha Madara … It is impossible to fight without uniting…”

“It’s terrible… Is this the Uchiha of the original Weizhen ninja world!? Is there really anyone who can reach this kind of strength!? This is a god, right!!! ”

“I’m already desperate, my strength, will I really be able to survive this attack in the future?”

Such talk is everywhere in the ninja world.

All ninjas despair about their future.

But except for some who were discouraged and chose to give up, almost all ninjas suddenly began to become more diligent in cultivation.

The reason is simple….

In order to be able to face such an attack in the future ….

Stay alive!!!


Inside the village of Iwahi.

Two days of scales Onoki is already stupid, he looked at the determined face in the video screen, and rushed towards the meteorite without hesitation.

He really wanted to question out loud.

‘Is this really me!?’ What has changed so much in the future me!! When did I become so brave!? ’

And granddaughter Kurodu looked at her grandfather Tsuchikage with adoration.

For the first time, she showed an adoring expression to her little old man grandfather, who was stubborn in her impression and always flashed to her waist.

“Wow!!! Grandfather!! Are you so brave!!! ”

Hearing Kurodsuchi’s words, the corners of Tai Yeki’s mouth twitched wildly.

He really….

I’d rather not be so brave.

Is that a meteorite!!!

Smashing it down will kill you!!!

However, in the face of the worship of his granddaughter, the little old man of the two-day scale Onoki still couldn’t help but flutter.

“Hmph, the old man is a third-generation Metokage!! Courage is such a thing… That doesn’t need to be proven!!! ”


Go back to the video.

Two-day scale Onoki supported the meteorite with both hands, and the terrifying impact immediately made Two-Day Scale Onoki’s face become extremely hideous.

But he still gritted his teeth and shouted:

“Tudun Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!!!”


Chakra pours out on the meteorite.

The weight of the meteorite instantly decreased a lot, and the rate of descent slowed down.

Seeing this, I Ai Luo immediately supported, and countless sand surged and rushed towards the meteorite in the sky!!!


The meteorite fell and hit the sand, making a loud crashing noise!!!

But its falling speed has slowed down slowly, and everyone can see that with the condensation of sand, the meteorite is slowly no longer falling!!!

A moment later….

Everyone looked at the meteorite that was successfully blocked in the sky, with an adoring expression on their faces, and looked at the two people who stopped this annihilation.

Three generations of Metokage!!

Five generations of mekaze !!!

The two filmmakers teamed up to prevent the disaster.

Everyone smiled with joy.

But the next second….

They heard Uchiha’s voice.

“Well, what can you do with the second one? Onoki Kid. ”

Clause…… The second one!?

All the ninjas were stunned, and turned their heads with difficulty to look at Uchiha in the distance.

If they heard correctly, Uchiha just said the second meteorite, right?

There is actually a second one!?

At this moment, the lens is pulled into a long view again!!

The eyes of countless people watching the video widened.

Because in the picture….

The second meteorite, which was even bigger than the first, broke through the clouds….

Out of thin air!!!!

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