The raindrops hit the wooden house and made a dull sound, as if telling the world that this was the power of nature showing its infinite power.

The message, without sadness or joy, full of eternal power and terrible majesty, reached the girl kneeling on the ground!

That was not a language or text belonging to humans at all, and there was no emotion belonging to ordinary people. The indescribable information flow was rearranged and combined to form the meaning that her poor mind could understand.

A god!

Irene was shocked. She didn't expect that the source of the sound was actually the god in myths and legends!

There are many legends about the sea god around the east coast. The priests of the Storm Church believe that he is the manifestation of the storm master. Many sailors and fishermen believe in the sea god.

She knows that most of the gods in myths and legends are moody. Sometimes they save the world, and sometimes they may destroy everything.

She must repay this god well. On the one hand, she should be grateful, and on the other hand, she must not bring disaster to this town!

"Lord God, thank you for saving us. I simply... I simply cannot repay you, but I will do my best. I will try to satisfy whatever you ask for."

Irene responded cautiously, fearing to anger the mysterious Lord God.

Carl suddenly discovered that conveying thoughts would also consume very little spiritual power. It seemed that every communication needed to be cherished.

He decided not to use real language to communicate anymore, but only to convey commands with the most basic meanings. It would be best to save the spiritual power that was already limited.

The command, which was incomprehensible without any human emotion but could understand the meaning, suddenly appeared in the girl's heart.

She understood immediately!

"Great being, do you need the power contained in that amulet? Do you want me to get it to that transparent bottle?"

Irene nodded repeatedly and stood up, ran outside the wooden house, and found a purple finger-shaped amulet from the burnt body of the priest with nausea. The burnt flesh and blood stuck to it, which looked extremely disgusting.

Carl had long sensed the spiritual power contained in it, and his heart was stirring, as if he was facing a delicious dessert.

Irene knelt in front of the transparent bottle, holding the finger-shaped purple amulet with trembling hands, and offered it in a slurred voice in fear.

"Great Lord of the Lost, I, I will offer it to you."

The next moment, the spiritual power contained in the finger amulet rushed to Carl's soul in the bottle.

He suddenly found that after waking up from the darkness, the efficiency of devouring spiritual power increased significantly.

The spiritual power contained in the amulet was too small compared to the bottle, so it was quickly devoured by Carl.

Assuming that the original spiritual capacity limit of Carl's incomplete soul was ten, it turned into thirty after devouring the spiritual power in the bottle, and the spiritual limit after completely eating the amulet was only thirty-two.

His spiritual power, which was almost exhausted by casting the "curse", was restored to nearly one-tenth.


Irene was surprised to find that the purple finger withered visibly with the naked eye, and finally turned into black ashes and disappeared.

Another extremely magical scene!

It was like it was eaten by the great god!

"Are you satisfied?" Irene asked with her head down, and took a look at her brother's condition.

Suddenly, she found that her brother's breathing was a little wrong and gradually became a little rapid.


Soon Irene realized that her brother had a fever!

However, it was difficult to find medicine in such heavy rain weather. Once a young child had a fever, the mortality rate was alarming!

Irene stared at her brother whose breathing became rapid, struggling in her heart, in great pain, and had the urge to get up and go to the town in the night rain.

But now the heavy rain made the road slippery and muddy, and even if she could get to the town overnight, she had no money to buy expensive antipyretic drugs.

There were patients in the town who couldn't pay every day, and the doctors who were used to seeing them had long been numb. It was difficult to get medicine just by begging, and if she had an accident on the way, her brother might not survive.

"How could this be?"

One wave after another, Irene's heart was almost broken, and tears of despair kept flowing from her eyes.

Oh, there is another way.

Only by continuing to pray to this Lord God can I save my brother.

She knelt on the ground with tears streaming down her face, and prayed again to the mysterious existence who saved herself and her brother.

"Please save us, great Lord of the Lost, I am willing to give you anything!"

"Lord God, please save my brother, I can't leave him!"

[He will be saved. ]

Without sadness or joy, the voice of a god from another world suddenly came into her mind, and Irene raised her head in astonishment.

A strong sense of fear surged from the depths of her heart. The mysterious existence that suddenly appeared so easily satisfied her wishes one after another. Is he a great and kind god or an extremely evil devil?

But no matter whether the other party is a god or a devil, as long as he can save my brother, I can give him anything!

Irene still knelt down despite the pain in her legs, and without any room for persistence, she asked the mysterious voice.

"Please save my brother. As long as you don't hurt my family, you can take anything from me!"

Life and soul are worth it as long as they can save the lives of family members. As long as family members live healthily, it is already a blessing from fate!

As a former commercial salesperson, Carl no longer knows what embarrassment in communication is, and is almost a social terrorist.

He knows best how to communicate, contact, and build trust with "customers" in a series of skills and methods.

"Customers" never really trust anyone, they only believe in what they expect and want, and are fascinated and even unable to extricate themselves.

The two people in front of him don't even need power and dignity, but just the right to live.

Then, he and they can reach a cooperation.

Carl's non-human will came out again, full of awe-inspiring majesty, making people even want to worship.

The serious will was conveyed and then reconstructed into an understandable meaning. Irene was slightly stunned, and then she realized that she had to accept the fate that the mysterious existence was about to give her as early as the beginning.

Fate has revealed an irresistible corner, no matter whether the source of the sound is an evil devil or a great god!

Carl can clearly feel that the green grass rune in his soul has the property of "healing", and may be able to cure the disease of the baby.

But how to exert this power is indeed a problem.

If he wants to have an impact on the outside world, he will consume a lot of his spiritual power. It is better to use the remaining spiritual power as a reserve trump card.

Then, it seems that there is another way.

He can fully feel the strong connection with the girl and can share the authority to activate the green grass rune.

The next moment, Carl conveyed his will again and ordered Irene to stare at the transparent bottle not far away.

"What does that mean?"

At this point, Irene knew that she could only completely believe in the mysterious existence of the source of the sound.

When she looked at the bottle on the wooden bed, she suddenly found that there was a cross of black light flashing in the middle of the old transparent bottle.

The distorted and terrifying breath it exuded made her whole body freeze!

When looking directly at the black light, all the colors in the world seemed to disappear in an instant. Everything in the scroll was left with only the most basic black and white. The sounds around her completely disappeared, and all spirituality and life seemed to have been deprived to the point where they could not be deprived.

Everything has an end, and everything will be completely destroyed by Him. At the same time, extremely terrifying thoughts emerged from Irene's mind.

This is the power of God!

How great!

Must not be disrespected!

That is the great power of the Lord of Loss!

Irene trembled subconsciously, and the light and shadow of the green grass rune appeared faintly in her pupils.

Carl felt that there was already a "soul imprint" in Irene's soul, which was enough to activate the magical power contained in the green grass rune.

The behavior just now was like sharing some kind of administrator privileges, but considering her pitifully small soul quality, I am afraid that bearing a soul imprint is already the limit.

Irene was extremely confused and her body trembled slightly.

She suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a warm power hidden deep in her heart, so gentle that it could heal any wounds in the ordinary world.

There is no doubt that it was the power bestowed by the great Lord of Loss!

The wind roared with thunder, rushing from outside the wooden house, and hit her hard with extremely sharp rain, tearing her clothes like a sharp blade, and the coldness made people tremble violently.

The light of the firewood went out, and the girl, who was soaked all over, couldn't help but be confused in the dark.

She didn't know whether that power could really save her brother's life, so she subconsciously prayed to the gods and heaven.

"Gods and fate in heaven! Please don't take him away no matter what!"

The girl in the wind and rain roared, her eyes glaring at the sky, her face full of tears.

But, will the righteous gods preached by the church really have mercy on the world?

If they were really useful, wouldn't her father and mother have returned long ago?

The gods are useless!

A firm look flashed in her eyes, and she changed her words and shouted:

"Great Lord of the Lost, please save him!"

Irene took a deep breath, turned around and walked to her brother, slowly sat down, and struggled to lift up the baby's hot head.

"Good boy, good boy, get well."

Deep in Irene's heart, there was anxiety and expectation, and green grass runes appeared faintly in her pupils, and her hands gradually emitted a emerald green light full of vitality.

The baby, who was burning all over, had already fainted. The weight of life was so small and fleeting. A very gentle warm current suddenly gradually flowed into the baby's body.

At this moment, Irene's heart was all on him. She sincerely hoped that her brother's little life would not pass away here. Great Lord of Loss, please send down a miracle.

A miracle happened!

With the inflow of the gentle warm current, the baby's breathing became stable, the heat of the body gradually subsided, and the painful expression on his face disappeared.

The baby was still drowsy but no longer had a fever. The disease that could have brought death just now was instantly gone. The whole thing was a miracle that happened in an instant!

A very surprised look appeared on Irene's face. It succeeded!

The power just now was the divine power given by the Lord of Loss!

How should I repay Him!

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