From the Bird

Chapter 71: exchange

Yi Yu put the "Dong Xuanzi" in his case on the case, and quietly looked at the Chief Banner Officer in front of him.

There were only two of them in the entire camp. The lotus petal burner on the side was smoky, and the atmosphere was very delicate.

Li Yan wore a bronze-green ancient mountain-patterned armor, and a ring-shaped dragon-sword like autumn water was around his waist. He had a steady look and stood upright.

If Li Yan when he first entered was like a blaze of flames, then Li Yan with a headband wrapped in a net, waistbands, and boots, like a surging active volcano, took off that share. The fierceness converged most of the time.

After a while, Yi Yu said, "Zong Qi ’s late-night visit was just to tell me about it?"

"Good," Li Yan replied.

Yi Yu shook her head slowly: "It's a big deal. You should go to Li Tidu or Song Jinglue. I can't be the master."

He looked at Li Yan with a smile: "Li Tidu's nephew Shen Heyan has always appreciated you, not to mention that your superior's ancestral training is an old subordinate of Li Chengliang (father of Li Rusong). You are also considered to be a Li family and you propose it. , Lord Tito will try to some extent. "

Li Yan thought to himself: "Song Yingchang was born as a civil servant and Li Rusong fought all year round. The two of them did not add up as much oil and water as your Heavenly Master. Of course I came to you."

His face was very respectful: "Of course, the opinions of Lord Admiral and Master of Management are important, but in the end I think that if you want to make a difference in this matter, it is necessary for Yi Gao to agree."

Yi Yu's face was soft and quite useful, but she didn't know what she thought of, and said queerly: "The two of them are the Protagonist of Beiji, and the other is the strategy of Beiji. Where can I, the audit supervisor, speak? what?"

Li Yanwen heard, and looked up indignantly:

"How can a figure like Elgo Gong be so arrogant?"

Yi Yu saw Li Yan react fiercely and couldn't help it.

Li Yan pretended to be a thoughtless big man, and he felt a little helplessly before he said:

"At the end of the camp, it was Master Yi who sent his master to cast a spell to save my brother's life in the camp. I also heard that the silver money allocated at that time was actually the pocket of Master Yi. This, this Really ... "

"Ah, the trivial matter, Li Zongqi doesn't need to be on his mind. He and other soldiers tossed their heads, sprinkled blood, and a few thin silvers, but what is outside the body, what is it." Yi Yu's face was pitiful, but secretly muttered: "He is afraid I do n’t know yet because I was greedy for his credit. ”

"Of course I know it's your grandson playing tricks, first go to the Baoju book, then go to the war report, and share Lao Tzu's credit."

Li Yan secretly sneered.

On that day, when Li Yanxian raised an objection to the promotion inspection, Li Rusong's face was as usual, and Song Yingchang's face even smiled a little. Then, looking at Yi Yu's unnatural performance at the time, the original **** who had been greedy for his military achievements Who is it?

Li Yangong clenched his fists, and said with red eyes on Yicheng, "In short, Yi Gaoong has great kindness to me. I think about it. There is really no more suitable candidate than you. As for the Governor, please also Elcometer passed on. "

Yi Yu groaned for a moment and was quite moved. It wasn't Li Yan's tongue that bloomed, but this matter, he just had to move his lips. I ca n’t take much effort, and I can get credit for it. What ’s so old like Song Yingchang ’s bastard, he is pondering to find a chance to pinch himself to the pirate's eyelids.

"And ..." Li Yan looked reticent.

"Li Zongqi might as well have something to say." Yi Yu asked curiously.

"The end general, the end general and Heavenly Master Tao have a great destiny. That year I was still a Liaodong feeding grass and a groom, and I met a visiting Taoist person ..."

Li Yanbi said, repeating the words of the former protector Deng Tianxiong and hearing Yi Yu froze for a long time, he murmured for a long time: "I haven't heard that there is such a person in the Longhu Mountain."

After a pause, he went on to say, "I'll take a look at the spell you said."

Li Yan walked in front of a withered plum blossom in the vase on the book case, his hands rippled white.

The wilted and curly plum petals were full of vitality visible to the naked eye, and one after another the tender white flowers and bones stretched out.

Yi Yu's eyes narrowed. He didn't see Li Yan using the spell, nor did he see Li Yannian moving the spell. Most importantly, he didn't feel the slightest bit of dragon and tiger spirit.

Thinking of it, Li Yan was still in white.

Spells that can be cast without the use of dragons and tigers, which directly subverts Yi Yu's perception!

Yi Yu's face was cloudy, Li Yan looked at him secretly. In fact, he was also trying his luck. The Yellow Scarf Charm and Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Tao were not the same. He could not judge, but watched the reaction of Deng Tianxiong and others. There should be some origin.

Suddenly, Yi Yu patted her thigh, and her face looked like a sudden realization.

"Yes, this is exactly the same vein of spells from Longhu Mountain. Now you think of it, the unruly Taoist priest you said is exactly the Hu of Tian Shidao everyone, eh, Uncle Hu Shuode!"

Li Yan: "?????"

Yi Yu smacked Li Yan's shoulder, his face bright red: "In theory, you have to call me a brother. Good brother, hurry up and sit down. You don't have to go tonight, the brother wants to feast you."

Li Yan stepped back, holding Yi Yu's wrist subconsciously, but with no effort, he asked sternly: "So, my old teacher is really a dragon tiger?"

"That's right, it's my spell!"

Yi Yu replied decisively, and he grasped Li Yan's hands affectionately.

Suddenly, Yi Yu's attitude changed 180 degrees. Without a few words, his title for Li Yan changed from Li Zongqi to Shi Li.


"Master, don't worry, just do whatever you want. I will tell you there, Governor Li."

The table is full of exquisite wine and dishes. In the morning, Yi Yu, who was thinking about the twenty-seven precepts of Xianger, was holding a bowl of millet Liaoshen porridge at the moment. Li Yan patted his chest and said.

He took a short sip of tea from the parents of Li Yan, only when his throat was a little dumb, then he seemed to ask casually: "Speaking, brother, from the point of view of your brother, some of your magic skills Omission. "

"how do I say this?"

Li Yan had a certain understanding in his heart.

"If you ask me like this, I can't say it well, it's better for you and I to communicate this spell proof, or forgiveness.

Li Yanzheng groaned. Yan Fu's cue sounded.

"Dragon Tiger High Skill Master Yu Yu is trying to exchange your skills. Yellow Scarf Charm: Qi Yu."

"After the exchange, you will lose the ability of the Yellow Scarf Charm: Qi Yu, and gain an exclusive skill of Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master."

"The exchange list is as follows."

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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