From the Bird

Chapter 559: Sinfire

Two hours ago.

Chinatown in San Francisco Old Town.

There is garbage floating in the pothole's sewage, unknown stench stains are everywhere on the gray brick wall, and the air smells of rain and pee, and the smell of it is nasty.

The quake-filled dirt alley was filled with victims, motionless in the gloomy rain, and from time to time two dry moans were heard.

The raindrops fell into the sewage pit, reflecting a unkempt child's face. The icy rain silk slaps on the child one after another, but he crouches in the rain like a **** mouse, exposing himself.

Suddenly, a sharp yelling and scolding came from the top of his head: "Lou Shou, I am ashamed."

The child was so excited that he couldn't even care about raising his pants and ran away.

Cluttered breathing and footsteps came closer,

The strong men with wet cloth on their faces rushed into the alley with a straw mat on their faces. The wet marks on their necks were scattered, and they could not distinguish between sweat and rain. They picked out the corpses from the crowds of victims, wrapped them in straw mats and carried them away, without dragging mud.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Hu Guanshi, sent by Ningyang Guild Hall, covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and pressed his throat around: "Hide the body first, and wait for Yu to stop burning immediately."


The whistle of the train stopped slowly in the hoarse iron sound.

The health bureau doctors in straight suits stepped off the train, and then there were nearly a hundred medical staff wearing white quarantine clothes. Finally, the viper detective Duke Weilang wore a bright red soldier and led his agents. Get off the train in a hurry.

The rain was heavy, and the people at Heshengtang emerged from all corners of the alley. They crowded each other and blocked the road into Chinatown, their faces were very clear.

The medical officer of the Bureau of Health opened the door of the car, looked around, and found a search warrant from her arms. Chong Hesheng's thugs said: "The Bureau of Health received a report that there was a case of suspected severe infection in Chinatown. We Go in and search. "

The person in charge of He Sheng with a red scarf on his chest pocket stepped forward: "Mr. Medical Officer, a fire broke out in Chinatown in Honolulu a while ago. The whole street was burned to white ground, and the killer has not been caught yet. Fellow fellows Displaced, the boat and car rushed over, and some were too weak to survive, and died without any infectious diseases. "

In the corner, the folks in the clubhouse and the people in Hesheng whispered: "It is not once or twice that the foreign devils robbed the corpses. The last time they took the plague, they proposed to burn Chinatown. This time, they really want the corpses to fall into their hands Here, are there any infectious diseases? That's what they arranged. The brothers of He Sheng stopped the Health Bureau, and the hall will finish it right away. "

The medical officer's face was indifferent: "I only warn you once, and immediately ask your people to give way."

The red kerchief stiffened and said, "Is there any misunderstanding in this. It's better to wait for my boss ..."

Duke Wieland fired his gun as a gesture, then pointed his muzzle at He Sheng's thug.

"Step aside"

Everyone suddenly changed color.

"Cough! Cough!"

Hu Guanshi of the Ningyang Guild Hall was sweating and trotting all the way, shouting loudly: "We cooperated with the inspection of the Health Bureau, and He Sheng's brothers gave way."

He ran to the red kerchief and whispered, "Everything is good,"

After listening to the red square, this allowed the quarantine staff of the Health Bureau to enter Chinatown.

It is undeniable that because of the influx of large numbers of refugees and the hygienic level of Chinatown, the environment here is messy, and the bodies of rats are even more common. Especially those shanty houses that temporarily vacated shelter for the refugees were smelly. Duke Willang was almost spit out by this pungent smell. Disgust overflowed in words, and swearwords soared in his mouth.

Nearly a thousand refugees were rushed to a place, and the Health Bureau will sue them for illegal entry. In the name of vaccination, they forced the residents out. The methods are extremely arrogant, but the people in Chinatown have to swallow their breath.

Finally, when the quarantine personnel took out the flamethrower and claimed that they would disinfect the houses in Chinatown, the people in Hesheng and Ningyang Hall realized in horror that something was wrong.

The houses in Chinatown are densely packed, and most of them are rough wooden structures. Together with the fire, it is easy to flood.

A fierce clash broke out on both sides.

However, when several heavy-duty forklifts drove into Chinatown from three directions: north-south, and knocked down the house like a child's building blocks, all the places they passed were rubble debris. Hesheng's talents were desperate to discover that Come, it is simply a long-planned plan, there is no room for resistance at all!

The fire was raging, and this rainy rain had no effect. Instead, it caused the fire to run wild, and the situation was completely out of control.

A heavy forklift went deep into Chinatown. People ran about in its fierce roar, and the driver rolled over the ruins expressionlessly. Suddenly, a man appeared in his field of vision, facing the flow of people, toward the forklift. Came in the direction.

The driver poked his mouth and turned on the high-beam steam lamp. The strong light pierced the morning mist and flashed in front of the man's eyes.

This is a warning.

However, the man in the field of vision actually sprinted forward, while the driver was still weighing whether to follow the above statement, no matter whether he was alive or not, the windshield was occupied by a dark shadow, followed by blood.

Zha's knife stepped on the forklift, and the black flame of Yaoye immediately engulfed the entire forklift.

An agent driving a steam solo witnessed this weird scene. Without thinking, he fired two grenades at the cha knife standing on the forklift.

Black smoke shrouded the battlefield, and suddenly, a touch of gold pierced the black smoke.

The forklift was burned down to just one car frame, but the black flame stuck to the frame was still mad.

Stepping on the flames of the full car, the whole body of gold shook off the shrapnel like Luo Han's camel, and then turned to stare at the agent who had the grenade.

The detective took a breath and started the leg engine to escape.

Cha Xiaodao held up his right hand, and a tongue of fire protruded under his feet, heading straight for the detective.

His right hand clenched!


The black flame climbed on the right leg of the detective's individual, then drilled into the steel individual.

The agent's fabric and flesh quickly ashed, and the flying soldier rushed forward a few steps by inertia, then his legs were broken and broken, and the man fell to the ground, his fragile neck was broken, and his skull was broken. far.

Cha Xiaodao's pupil was filled with bloodshot eyes, and the sore fire at the bottom of his heart couldn't stop the swell from the ground. Suddenly, an indescribable colic came from his heart!

"Yan Fu walking please pay attention!"

"Yan Fu walking please pay attention!"

"You have read the Book of Creation for a long time, and the negative emotions that have fluctuated strongly have finally triggered a latent state: the resentment of the super-ancient ghost."

"Please calm down immediately and use all methods to resist spiritual attack to resist the super-ancient ghost! Once you are completely occupied by the super-ancient ghost for more than 72 hours, you will lose your identity as Yan Fu."

"Your travellers have received a warning of endurance, so please be sure to stick with their support."

Li Yan, however, glanced at the Book of Creation and tossed it aside, with the existence of a fourth-order gene "resistance to the vanguard", so there was almost no abnormality.

Ke Chadao read the Book of Creation for several nights. He was more prone to excitement than Li Yan, and with a little bit of heart-warming stir, he finally caused a large-scale defeat of heart defense.

Cha Xiaodao ’s temple suddenly shrunk, and the black flame under his feet also lost his restraint, like a group of snakes dancing wildly!

The roar of the forklift, the crackle of the flame licking the house, the cry, the roar mixed with the sound of Cha Xiaodao's brain.


Cha Xiaodao's eyes flickered, and finally, he completely lost consciousness.

I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.

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