If you want to attack from all directions, from the bottom of the sea, the Nanfeng fleet will stimulate the lightning matrix, and the dragon touched by the power grid will not be able to get close to half a step away except for the focus of the entire electricity.

The heavy encirclement of the dragon army, like peeling an onion, peeled off layer by layer, and the south wind fleet rushed straight to the center of the battlefield, leading and swaying the sea in a circle.

“Long Yue Tian Bai sees the Great Leader.” When the six sea cooks meet the Grand Leader, they hope to see you as soon as possible.

Among them, Lang Yuetian introduced Li Yi, “His mission is not disgraced, bringing Ye Jie-level reinforcements, Nanfeng fleet.” ”

The Great Leader and the swaying sea festival made him look up to Li Yi, first surprised to find himself so young, and then saw that the fleet behind him was full of vitality, apparently a powerful army.

Coupled with the fact that the Nanfeng fleet was like a failed attack just now, the two confirmed that Li Yi must have been an unstoppable young hero when he rose.

“Ye Jie is young, but he is idle behind, and he is an old man who is blind.” The swaying sea festival sighed: “If the leaves had fought side by side, the army of our alliance would not have lost so badly.” ”

Li Yi hurriedly persuaded, “Don’t be discouraged by the older generation, we haven’t lost yet, take advantage of the turn of the two armies, the enemy’s foothold is unstable, let’s go out together!” ”

Until now, the Tang Hai Festival is incomprehensible, the Dragon Palace Army has the opportunity to destroy mankind, but in the battle, deliberately, forced to delay for a day, there must be a conspiracy.

It is not interesting to fight this war again. The current priority of the Alliance fleet is to maintain its strength and break through the battlefield as soon as possible.

At this time, the South Wind Fleet, as a new force, was a new force.

And Li Yi, who is in charge of this force, although he is only a small force of a practitioner, his status at this moment is no less than that of the big leader, waving the sea festival so that the two complement each other.

If before the shipping order was issued, the status of Li Yi and the two leaders was very different, now the three can go hand in hand.

“By the way, I have some weapons here that are of little use to these insects.” Li Yi took out the wave energy weapon. Wild Goose No. 6, bounded by the mountain range where Zen Mountain is located, is divided into two places: the south side of the mountain and the north side of the mountain.

The imperial capital Kami is located in the northern part of the mountain. The mountains and mountains very close to the sea separated it. The sea breeze cannot be blown away, and nature is far away from wind and blood rain.

The land to the north is the heart of the emperor, and the biggest enemy is the chaos of the three barbarians and the barbarism of the mountains and forests.

The vassal towns of the coastal region need to fight the sea family every year to hang these aliens.

However, Beishan also has to deal with three barbarians, although barbarians are also people, but the language of civilization is not enough, and the tyranny and cruel means used to plunder the Daye people are the great enemies of the same name as the sea people.

Over the years, due to the rise of the northern part of Yuanchu Mountain, in order to expand its power, it not only annexed large and small vassals, but also spared no effort to collect these three barbarians. Other vassals fought every few years, and as long as the barbarians did not provoke their heads, they would not actively attack the barbarians. However, the vassal towns of Yuanchu took the initiative to attack the barbarians, waging several wars a year.

This vassal town in the north of the mountain is both respectful and fearful of Yuan Chu. Respect for this person is that this person’s means are tough, his external enemies are never weak, and they are actually the umbrella of all. What he feared was that this person was ambitious, and in the future, he would definitely aim his sword at Jiang Shan and attack them.

During this time, these three barbarians were all taken by Yuan Chu on their own initiative and could not come to rob, and they had not taken the initiative to invade them for more than a year.

Therefore, apart from small frictions between towns, there were no large-scale wars in the area north of Chanshan Mountain.

The common people were accustomed to living a small life, farming, buying and selling, although the tax collected by the old man Yamen was too difficult, but after paying the tax, the miscellaneous grain and broken rice were put away, and the wild vegetables were mixed into thin vegetable porridge, and finally they could live half hungry and half hungry, until the end of the year, no matter how tight their hands were, they had to move, weigh a few sides, and cut a small piece of fat. You can listen to firecrackers eating white dumplings full of fat.

As for the local vassal towns, festivals make it possible to stabilize the territory, and each person performs his or her duties under his or her command. Even if the troops and horses are not fully paid, they should try to avoid creating trouble.

Whether it is a civilian official or a general, who wants to promote official wealth, whether it is peace or the chaos of war, there is a way to find oil.

Although these three barbarians have not committed it for almost a year, in everyone’s impression, the days of peace have been long gone, and many no longer remember the painful memory of being burned, killed and plundered by barbarians.

In the early morning, some people get up early to fetch water, whether it is washing water, or eating and drinking, they are inseparable from water.

In ancient societies, there was no huge water supply network and almost entirely dependent on surface water sources, and only poor areas relied on drilling wells for groundwater.

Although the land of Kitayama is not as intertwined as the water network of the coastal areas, it is also rich in soil and water, and it is a greasy and rich land whether it is cultivated or grazing.

The ancestor of Daye fought against the Sea Dragon Palace, recruited and suppressed three indigenous peoples, and divided the most fertile land in the six lands into territories, leaving a rich legacy for future generations.

Zen mountains are separated from north to south, but countless rivers flow through the mountains, or dive from the ground into the northern part of the mountain, and then into the open air, becoming several famous rivers that nourish the leaves of the trees everywhere.

Most people in the northern part of this mountain use the water that branches of these famous rivers.

As usual, people only need to carry buckets and get water back from the beach.

But that morning, the accident happened, and some people saw that the originally clear water flowed very low, and countless huge shadows appeared, as if some behemoth was hidden.

“Look, it looks like there’s a big fish in the river?”

When I heard someone remind me that there were strong villagers taking out harpoons from their homes and wanting to fork big fish. At night, the whole village eats meat.

Ordinary people are short of cash, can not touch a little meat all year round, only rely on water, occasionally fork some fish to replenish the body.

When the villagers picked up the harpoons, Redleg’s belly waded forward, pointing the shadow to stab downward, suddenly parting the current and cutting through the entire river.

In the terrified eyes of a group of villagers who fetched water, the shadow broke through the water, revealing a fierce body.

Countless tall monsters, strange in appearance, or with huge fish heads, or crab feet with bone spurs, or thick scales, spit out the smell of seawater.

“Monster, monster is coming” How could these short people have seen such a terrible animal, they were all scared and their hands and feet were soft.

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