From star abyss

Chapter 72 072. Roche Limit

The gravity field expanded to the limit of 15 meters radius, capturing the professor instantly.

Twenty times the weight of gravity!

No one can resist gravity, not even extraordinary beings.

The heavy pressure came instantly and broke the professor's spine immediately. She tilted her head. Due to the extremely high gravity, the wind, snow and sand were pressed evenly on her body, forming a ball of hot water mist.

The concussive shock waves were continuous, not only making it impossible for her to raise her head, but even the muscles and skin all over her body were rapidly resonating.

"I thought you were as rational as me and put your interests first."

The professor raised his hand with difficulty, and a needle protruded from his palm, injecting some medicine into his body.

"Fuck your mother's leg!"

Li Ozi picked up the chain, and the chain, stretched directly into a straight line by gravity, was like a silver holy sword, sweeping across the professor's neck neatly.


The medicine was injected into the body and quickly combined with the cells. The professor's figure suddenly swayed, and the spine behind his back split like a gill slit for heat dissipation.

With a hiss, high-pressure blood-colored steam spurted out, pushing her body horizontally, avoiding Li Ozi's sweeping sweep.

"How much meaningless waste can be avoided if human beings remain rational."

The professor's big mouth opened, and a slender mouthpart came out of his throat.

Her lungs and organs instantly burst out of her body like the wings of a butterfly, opening back five to six meters wide. Her limbs became more slender and flatter, and the fibrous membranes of her muscles extended outward to inflate enough air.

For a moment, the baby eater's body immediately lost its human form and transformed into a ferocious monster posture.

"The ability is really incredible..."

The professor praised while dodging Li Ozi's whip.

By reducing her weight, expanding her surface area, and relying on air resistance, she was able to withstand this gravitational environment.

She lifted her claws, and dark red blood gushed out from the heat dissipation mouth on her body. Due to lack of water, her voice became hoarse:

"You probably control gravity and other arcane powers. If you are a [Mechanic] or a [Warrior], you will be doomed if you meet you."

She took a sudden sharp breath, and the lung lobes extending behind her back were like wings, instantly expanding to a width of twenty meters. The blood vessels were filled with air, and her body density was reduced to less than a quarter of its original size.

"But for [Biochemist], your attack is too weak!"

This move allowed her to even overcome the limitations of gravity. She floated into the air for a short time, struggling out of Li Ozi's gravity field. She was high above, circling like a falcon, and suddenly fell down in an instant!


Li Ozi seized the opportunity and suddenly released the chains. When the professor dived, he turned around and somersaulted, elegantly dodging her outstretched claws.

At the same time, like a gymnast, he turned around in the air and fell down. The chains in his hands spread out and woven into a net, instantly catching the professor's swooping figure.

"Get down!"

Li Ozi grasped the chain tightly with both arms, and the gravity turned twenty times, throwing the professor's body to the ground instantly. However, despite this, the professor's physical strength was still much higher than him. She struggled slightly, and was irresistible. The power lifted Li Ozi up from the ground and threw him into the air!

The power gap is too big.

The capillaries on Li Ozi's arms burst open one after another, and the power transmitted through the chains had been transferred away by his gravity, exploding a series of noise waves in the air.

Even so, his right wrist was dislocated in an instant, and the bones echoed with a sharp and crisp sound like a glass falling to the ground and breaking.

"I can fail countless times, but you'll be dead if you take one hit from me, Li Ozi!"

The professor screamed, and she found that she could not break free from the gravity chains. These gravity chains sunk deeply into her muscles, and they were covered with regenerated flesh and blood.

She simply twisted her waist suddenly and ran away in the distance. Li Ozi was like a kite, being pulled in mid-air by her, unable to break free.

Maybe none of them can do anything to the other, but nature can easily deal with both of them.

Because the storm is coming.


Thunder and lightning that stretched for hundreds of kilometers instantly illuminated the sky. The ozone that shattered the air with arcs was as pungent and unpleasant as fish. Then came rolling thunder, like the sky was falling apart and the earth was cracking, roaring like a mountain.

Rumble, rumble——


Li Ozi gritted his teeth and tugged at the chain. His arcane energy value dropped rapidly and then recovered quickly, but the limit was already reached.

It was impossible for him to press forty times the force of gravity again, which would directly shatter this battered ordinary chain.

At that point, the professor can no longer be controlled.

The thunder rolling in the distance made Li Ozi suddenly wake up.

"Storm...yes, I can't take care of you, can't the storm take care of you?"

Li Aozhi's eyes were filled with red eyes. He made instant calculations in his mind, suddenly deflected the gravity, lowered his body, and used the garbage man's strong coat to press on the ground and slide on the ground.

He almost forgot that the fashions in [Mall] will not be destroyed.

"The planner and designer of "Star Abyss"! I announce that your mother is resurrected!" Li Ozi was overjoyed and gave the game planner the highest praise.

Li Ozi manipulated the force of gravity and constantly adjusted it to make his acceleration direction go backwards and get bigger and bigger. The professor's running steps became more and more sluggish. The chains deeply embedded between the bones of her torso restricted her momentum and pulled her backwards.

She suddenly turned back, and Li Ozi's speed had surpassed her and started dragging her backwards.

"--Are you crazy?!"

Until this moment, the professor finally felt the madness of Li Ozi's series of actions.

The gravity moved toward the center of the storm, and Li Ozi dragged himself with gravity. The garbage man's coat pressed against the ground, and burned with red-hot flames due to the high-speed friction.

The tables are turned.

Li Ozi and the professor pulled each other, but in the end the professor's strength prevailed. Her legs were buried in the earth, plowing deep ravines on the sand dunes and snowdrifts.

At the same time, she quickly spreads her wing-like lung lobes and the fibrous membrane in her body to increase the contact area and air resistance as much as possible.

Li Ozi's arcane energy recovery speed can no longer keep up with the consumption, but things are not without improvement - because the storm in the distance is getting closer!

The frost storm that penetrated the sky and the earth had not yet landed, but it had already uprooted the sand dunes and glaciers and threw them into the sky, smashing them into powder and finally becoming a part of itself. The momentum became more and more intense, thunder and lightning flashed, and the vast land was desolate and wailing. .

"Captain Nimotin, let's go first..."

The storm could no longer be ignored, and Yawen immediately stepped forward to help Nimotin. As soon as the black shadow flashed in front of her eyes, she heard Li Ozi's shout.

"Agent Yawen, shoot me twice!"


Yawen was startled.

"Stop talking nonsense, hit me twice with your gun, be careful not to hit me on the head!"

Yawen was confused, but Nimotin did not miss this opportunity. He immediately grabbed the pistol from Yawen's hand, pointed it at Li Ozi, and pulled the trigger neatly.

"As you wish!" Nimotin mocked.

Bang bang!

Li Ozi was shot once in the abdomen and shoulder, and blood spurted out.



Li Ozi's blood volume dropped rapidly, and coupled with the dislocated arm injury just now, it just dropped below ten percent at this moment.

Feat·[Jedi Counterattack] triggers.

Toughness, output rate and attack speed are all increased by 80%!

Attack speed and output rate have no impact on Li Ozi's [Gravity] arcana, but the key lies in toughness.

The so-called resilience is the ability to resist any controlling state.

Only the [Destruction type] profession has true dominance and control-free abilities. The value of high toughness is self-evident. This attribute has never been difficult to improve.

"There is a storm in the outside world behind you. What are you doing? You will be swallowed by the storm yourself!"

The professor's tone became more solemn:

"Li Ozi, you are seeking death!"

Li Ozi did not answer. Due to the pull of gravity, he himself was also subjected to the same considerable overload under constant acceleration. Even as a gravity manipulator, his body was compressed by almost five centimeters.

He rushed towards the storm at a speed of more than 400 kilometers per hour. This speed was no less than a high-speed train. The speed was so fast that the snowflakes hit the breathing mask and goggles as painfully as bullets.

He's still accelerating.

The professor's body was dragged to the ground. She stretched her body as hard as possible, trying to use the principle of a parachute to increase wind resistance, but soon the water in her body was exhausted.

Arcane energy comes from the power in genes, but the body of a biochemist doesn't have that much water.

She grabbed the chain and tried to discharge the electricity to make Li Ozi let go, but... Although the trash man's tattered clothes did not have any armor properties to resist damage, his gloves were insulating.

"You're stupid! I'm so rich!" Li Ozi turned around and gave the professor a middle finger.

Even though he was not feeling well, his 80% toughness allowed him to adjust his posture and movements almost unaffected, even if he endured the deformation of his whole body muscles. He could dodge and bypass the boulder obstacles in time while gliding quickly in the snowfield. .

Li Ozi tilted his head. He suddenly stood up straight, turned over with his resilience, and threw the professor and himself out towards the storm clouds in the sky!

Before that, he relied on the direction of gravity to provide acceleration as high as 20G. The moment he threw the professor out, she suffered a positive and negative overload of 20G.

If it was just a brief moment of overload, it would not be enough to cause her extraordinary body to feel pain.

However, the structure of the human body determines that the neck cannot be fixed. The blood in her body separated from her head in an instant, and black vision appeared instantly.

After leaving Li Aozi, she faced a more serious problem - load overload.

Compared with super-gravity pressure, the reverse acceleration caused by instantaneous deceleration is also as high as 20G, but creatures living under a gravity system are far from being able to withstand such negative pressure.

The blood in her body poured into her head in an instant, and the blood vessels in her brain burst instantly under this pressure. Even though the biochemically modified body continued to repair and heal itself, in this short period of time, the professor's will had been interrupted and he could not before any control over the baby-eater's body.


The baby-eater's mouth opened, and blood spurted from her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

But even so, there was still no way to kill her. The core in her chest continued to operate, and her metabolic rate far exceeded the destructive power of gravity on her.

There is still no way, and there is still no way to kill her. With this desperate gap, is there really nothing that can be done...?

Li Ozi's clumsy mind was spinning rapidly. Thanks to the "Higher Education Knowledge" obtained from Agent Yawen, university-level physics knowledge is covered.

knowledge is power!

Not only that, the professor also has to withstand gravity in two directions.

Li Ozi squeezed forward with both hands.

Gravity retraction!

One is from the gravitational field released by Oz, which is closest to her and has a force of up to 40 G.

Second, there is a G force from gravity.

At this moment, Li Ozi relied on his resilience to cancel the control of the Blue Star's gravity on him, and stabilized his figure in the air.

During this short period of staying in the air, Li Ozi output all his remaining arcane energy. With the gravitational field centered on him, the air, snowflakes, and sand rose from the ground and quickly condensed towards him into a semi-gaseous and semi-solid state. sphere.

"Pull, pull, tear apart!"

Under the action of the force between the two gravitational celestial bodies, the baby eater's body was instantly torn apart and torn apart. Together with the skull and cervical vertebrae and the thin organ meat, it formed a chain around the sphere with Li Ozi as the core. Band of flesh and blood.

But even so, the kill prompt still did not come. The vitality of the Beta-level powerhouse was too terrifying. Li Ozi could still see her blood bar rising rapidly, and fine flesh sprouts sprouted between the human rings surrounding her. and plush tentacles.

This is the horror of the [Biochemist]. Once the cells breathed into the body enter the body, they will eventually be infected, possessed, and slowly replaced.


A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and Li Ozi used gravity to drive the fake celestial body surrounding him to the ground, quietly waiting for the storm to pass.

"Speaking of which, Professor, as a materialist with no bottom line and a scientist, I wonder if you don't believe in divine retribution?"

The ring of flesh and blood had lost its self-awareness, and could not understand Li Aozi's words at all, and was only focused on repairing itself hurriedly.

Li Ozi smiled and sat cross-legged inside the fake celestial body:

"Then I will personally strike the curse on your head!"

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