From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 188 He is the only one!

Maynard held the microphone, flipped through his PPT and said:

"First, we introduce the circle method created by British mathematicians G. H. Hardy and J. E. Littlewood. For odd numbers N, we use the circle method to convert the equation

N=P_1+P_2+P_3, the number of solutions P_i≥3 is expressed as an integral:

(∫_0^1)((∑_3≤p≤N)e^2πiαp)^3e^-2πiαNdα. From a paper by my collaborator Harold Hoofgot, we can figure it out directly."

When everyone saw this, they secretly thought that it was indeed the new path of Zhou's analysis method combined with the circle method.

Mirno next to Zhou Yi said to Zhou Yi:

"Harold Hoofgot has been studying Goldbach's conjecture before, but many of his ideas and results have not been published.

Now when working with Maynard, those thinking methods and results collide with your Zhou analysis method very quickly, which is why the current rapid progress is achieved. "

Deligne also said:

"Many people have made considerable progress and achievements on some problems. It is easy to publish these results in journals such as the Annals of Mathematics. If they are published in advance, they may become a wedding dress for others."

Zhou Yi suddenly understood and said

"Oh, I see. The fierce collision between the two of them must have created a huge spark."

Faryans said to the people around him:

"This young man's talent is pretty good. Unfortunately, it's a bit uncomfortable to be in the same era as you monsters. But his talent is still far behind mine."

Several people around Falyans had no objection to this.

There are really not many people who can compare to this arrogant old man.

Some Wolf Prize winners and Abel Prize winners are not as good as him.

He is a figure who stands at the top of mathematics in the world.

Schultz also said:

"At present, it seems that their certification process is fine. It's just that I always feel that something is wrong. I can't tell where it is. It's a very strange self-consciousness, but I definitely don't say this out of jealousy."

Wiles also said:

"According to my mathematical intuition, it is indeed a bit weird, but I can't find the problem. But at least for now, it is correct and perfect."

Farjens said:

"My consciousness is about the content behind him, not the current content. The current proof method is perfect and worthy of our study. Moreover, Zhou Yi is still sitting there. He is reading it with great interest and has not found any mistakes.

Is it possible that you think Zhou Yi’s talent is not as mathematical as ours? "

The two nodded at the same time to express their approval, then stopped talking and continued to listen carefully to Maynard's story.

Maynard said very passionately:

"So far, we can get the following formula:

L(s,χ)=(∑_n=1)^∞χ(n)n^-s, s=σ+τi(30). Therefore, our Lemma 2, Lemma 3, Corollary 1, Corollary 3, and Corollary 9 can be directly established. Next, we can use this mature tool to analyze Goldbach's conjecture step by step! "

When everyone heard this, they knew that the key point and Gao C were coming.

They all held their breath and listened. This method was completely different from Zhou Yi's method. Although it was a little more complicated, it was also a brand new way of thinking.

The Philippine Prize winner is so scary!

This Maynard deserves to be known as a genius. He is really fierce.

However, Zhou Yi suddenly realized at this time that he had always felt that something was wrong. When Maynard said this, Zhou Yi completely understood.

That formula is a definition, not established. This step needs to be proved, otherwise the subsequent proof process will be wrong.

The proof process after this step is all based on the premise that this formula is true, but if this formula cannot be true, then the second half of this paper will be worthless.

A situation similar to that experienced by Wiles emerged.

Zhou Yi knew all the content behind Maynard, so after hearing this, Zhou Yi was no longer interested in listening.

Zhouyi said:

"Teachers, it's not that I, Zhou Yi, am petty, but I found a mistake in Maynard. I don't know what you think."

Zhou Yi immediately expressed his thoughts. The three of them also felt that there was something wrong with the paper before. Now after Zhou Yi said this,

It's already very certain.

Milnor said:

"It's hard to say who we are. You go and ventilate Faljens and the others. Your friend Schultz will also sit with them. Maybe there will be more topics to talk about. Or you can wait for Maynard to finish speaking and tell him directly. .”

Zhou Yi moved forward cautiously, came to Falyans and others, and said:

"Hello everyone."

Schultz was the first to say:

"Hey, Zhou Yi, hello, why are you here?"

The three of them looked at Zhou Yi together, and Zhou Yi said:

"What about Maynard's proof? Do you have any ideas?"

The three of them looked at each other, and for a moment they couldn't tell what Zhou Yi meant.

Jealous Maynard also proved that Goldbach guessed that, like them, he felt something was strange.

Zhou Yi knew by looking at their expressions that they must have thought too much, so he explained:

"I'm not jealous, nor am I maliciously slandering Maynard. It's just that when I first read his paper, I thought there was something weird about it, so I wanted to ask you. You are all top figures in number theory, and I think you should have followed him. Just the same mathematical intuition I have.”

After listening to Zhou Yi's words, the three of them looked at each other, and as expected, they noticed it despite Zhou Yi's talent.

Schultz said:

"It's not like we didn't notice it. When we first read Maynard's paper, we all had this idea and felt that something was wrong. However, we didn't find any errors in the argumentation process of his paper, so we didn't say anything about it.

What, you see something is wrong? "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:

"That's right, formula (30), don't you think there's something wrong with it?"

The three of them are all top-notch mathematicians, top-notch mathematicians. When Zhou Yi said this, the three of them immediately fell into deep thought.

In an instant, the three people's eyes revealed a glimmer of light, and at the same time, they also showed a hint of horror.

The exposed light showed that they knew what was wrong with Maynard's paper, and the horror was that Zhou Yi's talent was so terrifying.

So many people didn't notice it, but he was the only one who discovered it, and he was careful to verify it.

It's so rigorous that it's outrageous.

At this moment, the three of them remembered what Maynard said before. Zhou Yi not only made Maynard feel huge pressure, but also made the three of them feel huge pressure.

This is an aura from a king. Zhou Yi's appearance at this moment, in Faryans's eyes, seems to be one with his former teacher, very similar.

"It seems that Maynard is going to have something to play. If this style can be explained, Maynard can imitate Wiles's comeback from a desperate situation. If not, it may become a joke."

Schultz said calmly, glancing at Wiles from time to time.

Wiles said:

"I hope he can make a comeback. Isn't this a wonderful and exciting thing?"

Faryans said one word coldly:


How could Wiles not know what the word 'ha' in Farjens meant? It was obviously meant to make fun of himself.

"Zhou Yi, please talk about this issue more gently later."

Schultz thought for a while and said, after all, the words were too intense and neither side could stand down.

Zhouyi said:

"I wanted Teacher Deligne to say it, but they all asked me to say it. It's very embarrassing and there's nothing I can do. How about one of you say it?"

The three of them shook their heads and said:

"No, it's up to you. After all, you discovered the mistake, not us. We won't take your credit and limelight.

In addition, although we are not afraid of things that offend others, we do not want to act recklessly on other people's territory. "

Zhou Yi looked embarrassed. He was already famous, and he didn't want to become more famous.

Farjens said:

"For the sake of mathematical rigor and correctness, you should tell Maynard in person. This will make Maynard and Harold Hoofgot convinced of their defeat, won't it?"

Zhouyi said:


Not long after, Zhou Yi returned to his position, then closed his eyes and began to think about whether Maynard's path was still feasible.

In addition to the question of the origin of this formula, Zhou Yi felt that this new proof method was perfect. If it could be solved, it would also become a good talk.

As time went on, Maynard's report gradually came to an end.

Maynard concluded:

"The above is my proof report on Goldbach's conjecture. Now it's time for everyone to ask questions, or for everyone to point out my mistakes."

When a conjecture is proven, the proof process must be subject to doubts and inquiries from colleagues. Only when each explanation is clear can the conjecture be considered emperor and become a theorem.

If everyone imitates Mochizuki Shinichi, it would be discrediting the subject of mathematics.

When mathematics is questioned as not being rigorous, then mathematics will lose its highest status and authority.

"Wrong is wrong, right is right. There is no fraud in mathematics. No one asks or questions?"

Maynard said with some surprise.

Everyone present was whispering, and no one asked or questioned.

Either they can't understand or understand, or they think Maynard is right, or some talented players also find something wrong, but don't know what is wrong.

Just when everyone was silent, Zhou Yi slowly stood up.

Countless eyes instantly focused on Zhou Yi,

"Zhou Yi? What does he want to do?"

"Hiss, could it be?"

"Wonderful, questions or doubts from Zhou Yi!"

At this time, the keen reporters also pointed their cameras at Zhou Yi. Except for a few cameras in the online live broadcast, most of them were pointed at Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi smiled slightly and said:

"I have a question, and I would like to ask Brother Maynard to explain it to me. Otherwise, I think your argument may be wrong."

As soon as Zhou Yi said this, countless people were shocked, and those watching the show online were shocked.

I couldn't understand what Maynard said before, but when Zhou Yi came out and slapped Maynard in the face, we did understand.

The manuscripts of various self-media editors have already been written.

Many barrages passed by.

[Professor Zhou is doing a great job, now slap Maynard in the face! 】

[Sure enough, Professor Zhou still can't tolerate the person who proves his guess with him. 】

[I finally saw the most exciting scene this afternoon. I thought the people on both sides would slap each other in the face. Unexpectedly, Maynard surrendered directly, but Professor Zhou stood up. 】

All the mathematicians present were top mathematicians who had won various mathematics awards, and they all looked at Zhou Yi.

They hoped that Zhou Yi had really discovered the mistake, rather than trying to monopolize the result.

This kind of open-mindedness will make people feel that this trip to Shuimu University in Daxia Kingdom is like eating a fly.

Maynard smiled bitterly and said:

"The top experts in the field of number theory questioned me. It seems that I am going to be embarrassed today, but fortunately I have been prepared, and mathematics cannot be rigorous.

This is irresponsible to my field and the greatest disrespect for mathematics. Otherwise, the disgrace will be even greater and even be relegated to the history of mathematics. "

When the lights, cameras, and the eyes of countless people all focused on Zhou Yi,

Zhou Yi just said two words lightly,

"Formula thirty."

For a moment, the person who had always felt that something was wrong suddenly realized that this was what he had always felt was wrong.

They get it.

After many people figured it out, they shouted excitedly.

"That's it, that's it. This boy is really terrifying. Zhou Yi is not only the chosen one, he is the only one!"

Many people were amazed.

Maynard and Harold Hoofgot looked dejected. Apparently when Zhou Yi asked this question, with their talent and strength, they understood the meaning instantly.

There is only a group of doctoral students and reporters left who are confused. What are you talking about? Can you stop being immersed in your own world and us?

Why are we all listening to the report, and why are we now divided into two types of people?

Zhou Yi only said two words. How come Maynard's original correct proof has been overturned now?

Who can tell me what's going on?

Rivers and lakes help, it’s urgent!

Maynard smiled bitterly:

"It's because I didn't think about it properly. The proof process was so perfect that I ignored it. I have to study it again to see if I can explain it from another angle. Otherwise, I and Harold Hoofgot All your hard work will be in vain.”

Zhouyi said:

"I just realized it. I also had this perfect feeling when I read your paper before, but my mathematical intuition told me that something is wrong. I'm really sorry. I don't think I meant to embarrass you."

Zhou Yi said with a hint of apology.

After all, it is indeed very embarrassing to forcefully steal someone else's home for today's report meeting and now point out someone else's mistakes.

Maynard shook his head and said:

"I have said before that it is necessary to point out errors. Mathematics does not allow false proofs to exist. If there are, it is just not of good enough level and no one can find it. I am very fortunate that my wrong paper was discovered by others instead of... Wrong forms are spread in the world, and the shame at that time is only greater.

Professor Zhou doesn’t have to be apologetic. This is the greatest respect for mathematics in our field, isn’t it? "

Suddenly, Zhou Yi applauded directly, and countless mathematicians present also stood up and applauded with Zhou Yi.

This spirit is the spirit of their mathematicians. Wrong is wrong and right is right. If you insist on cheating, you will only be despised.

Fraud is more hateful than watering down. This kind of wrong conclusion will lead to countless wrong results!

The applause was thunderous and lasting. This was not only an applause for Zhou Yi, but also an applause for Maynard’s spirit.

I also applaud them for their perseverance!

Pursuing academic pursuits will certainly not be smooth sailing. This path has the most setbacks, failures, isolation and loneliness among all industries.

There are countless people who are depressed, but if they cheat in order to produce results, they may achieve temporary success, but sooner or later they will be discovered and exposed.

Maynard said at this moment:

"I think today, Zhou Yi is not only the chosen one, he is the only one. Let us applaud Professor Zhou. I believe that applause never goes to losers, but to winners!"

At this time, the applause was much louder than before.

Sympathy between rivals?

No, it is the sympathy between the strong.

They have never been rivals, but their interest is in analytical number theory.

Maynard's open-mindedness and Zhou Yi's outspokenness were the reasons why everyone applauded him.

Thanks to zhengli for the 500-point reward, thank you Fenji Sword Master for the 400-point reward, and thank you book friends for the 100-point reward. Thank you for the 1500 coin reward from Interpretation of Youth.

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