From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 142 National Projects and New Tasks

Zhou Yi opened the door and saw a group of people.

"Why don't Zhou Shen go and sit in the lobby? This hotel has been reserved by us and there will be no outsiders."

Liu Qingfeng said.

Zhou Yi nodded and said:


After all, it is a large company with a market valuation of nearly 100 billion, so it doesn't hurt to meet Zhou Yi.

Not long after, Zhou Yi and a group of senior executives of iFlytek Group were at the table in the hall.

"I have admired Zhou Shen for a long time."

Liu Qingfeng said.

The last time he called Zhou Yi, he wanted to poach him, but unfortunately he was rejected, which made Liu Qingfeng very upset.

Zhou Yi also said very politely:

"We have been friends for a long time."

This ICCM conference is not only attended by Jinling University, Dongda University, Suimu University and other universities, but also many large enterprises in society come here to seek help.

iFlytek is one of the giant companies that cooperates with Jinling Kirin Technology Park and is a leading company in artificial intelligence.

Liu Qingfeng said:

"Our professional and technical personnel, including me, have downloaded and registered as a member of Scientific Research Assistant. It is hard to imagine that the image and text recognition technology in the APP can be perfect. We are also committed to research in this direction, but due to technical constraints The problem has never been solved.”

At this time, Liu Qingfeng gave the people around him a wink,

I saw a middle-aged man with some bald hair saying:

"Hello Zhou Shen, in fact, we cooperate very closely with the School of Mathematics at Dongda University, the School of Computer Science at Jinling University, and the School of Artificial Intelligence. However, the technical bottlenecks there require strong mathematical knowledge and the development of new mathematical knowledge, which involves a kind of Brand new mathematical theory;

And your Zhou's geometry and some of the algorithms used to prove Kepler's conjecture actually have very important changes in our technology. We would like to invite you as our technical advisor. "

After talking for a long time, it turned out to be because of this.

This is one of the core tasks of my scientific research assistant, how could I teach it to them.

There are not many mathematicians who can understand their own papers, and they are basically big guys in the field of classical geometry.

There are very few people in the world who can apply the mathematical knowledge in the paper.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you have to wait at least two or three years. As for who comes first, it depends on which company in the world has reserved mathematical talents to thoroughly understand Zhou Yi's paper in the first time.

Daxia's artificial intelligence level is one of the few technologies that is at the forefront of the world.

Zhou Yi shook his head and said:

"Sorry, I don't have time at the moment."

In fact, Liu Qingfeng not only wanted image and text recognition technology, but also wanted accurate speech recognition technology under high noise. But what Zhou Yi said really made it difficult for them to start.

You can't rob it, right?

They all plan to distribute dividends or give Zhou Yi some shares.

Or buy out Zhou Yi's patented technology.

Papers cannot be counted as patents.

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward,

Senior officials from Suzhou Province, a middle-aged and elderly man, and Qiu Chengtong came over with a group of people who seemed to be students.

"Hello Zhou Yi, I am Cao Jin."

"This is Ms. Zhang from our Su Province."

"We won't introduce you to your teacher Mr. Qiu."

Cao Jin introduced the important figures.

Zhou Yi said very respectfully:

"Hello, Mr. Cao."

Liu Qingfei on the side looked at Zhou Yi as if he didn't know the situation, and reminded him:

"Academician Cao is an academician of the Tsarist Russian Academy of Sciences and the dean of the School of Mathematics at Dongda University."

An academician of the Tsarist Russian Academy of Sciences, not an academician of the two academies, Zhou Yi seemed to understand something.

Beijing University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Aurora University have basically controlled the selection of mathematics academicians.

Unless something amazing is achieved, there is no hope.

But not necessarily.

Ms. Yan and others have made great achievements, and it is not that they were not selected in the end.

"Zhou Yi, we mainly want to attract you to participate in one of our national strategic projects. The team lacks a mathematician who can apply theory to application. We sincerely invite you to participate."

Cao Jin said.

Qiu Chengtong also said:

"Zhou Yi, don't worry about your paper. We have contacted my friends. Even if you are both right, you will be the one who publishes it in the Journal of Mathematics. You can try to participate in this project. I I think it’s pretty good.”

They have heard about the recent events in Zhouyi, and they cannot say that the results have been robbed. After all, there are countless people in the academic world who use other people's theories to research new results.

It can only be said that Zhou Yi's situation is really shameless for Hales.

Countless examples of overlapping ideas occur almost every day, and are common in academia.

Zhou Yi looked at them and said truthfully:

"I don't know what the project is. I'm just studying geometry and number theory right now. I may not be able to apply it. As for the paper for the numerical simulation competition, it's just a child's play."

Everyone murmured in their hearts that this was not children's play house. When they were young, they were not sure of winning the first place.

Pure numbers and applications are two different worlds.

Cao Jin said:

"This is your old profession, mainly smart grid distributed control and optimization. You only need to be responsible for the mathematical theory. Our professional staff will break down the mathematical part, or you can learn it in advance. A little bit of content in this area, this content can also be regarded as a small branch of applied mathematics.”

After listening, Zhou Yi wanted to refuse, but a cold voice sounded in his mind.

[Ding, task 4 is released, the first trial of a master's degree.

Mathematics is of course the supreme truth, but the existence of truth lies in application. Put down the high airs of people who are pure mathematics and try to show your talent in application.

Requirements: Cooperate with Cao Jin of Dongda University, State Grid Corporation of China, Electric Power Research Institute and other departments to optimize their mathematical models, develop new algorithm theories, and apply them to a new prefecture-level city.

Reward: 500 points, two lottery chances, and 10,000 math experience. 】

Ah this?

Can Zhou Yi still refuse?

Zhou Yi guessed that the first mission was obviously about to end, and he happened to encounter the fourth mission, so he started it in advance.

If you don't accept it, doesn't it mean that you don't want to complete task four?

Zhou Yi looked at their expectant eyes and said:

"I can only try my best. I don't know whether I can succeed in the end."

Cao Jin said:

"With your participation, we have greater certainty. Whether we can succeed or not, we just have to do our best."

Ms. Zhang on the side also said:

"This project not only represents the country, but also represents our province, so we will give the green light to everything needed."

Zhou Yi understood. Everything was done, only people were needed.

Thinking about the past when some departments wanted to apply for scientific research funds,

Eating and drinking are trivial matters, and you have to apologize for them.

As for now, it's a little better, but only a little.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

Zhou Yi said.

"Let's do this. Two of my Ph.D.s who are involved in this project will also be transferred to be your assistants. During this period, after the ICCM conference is over, how about staying at our Dongda University? I will arrange a dormitory. "

Cao Jin said.

Zhou Yi nodded and said:


After the discussion, Zhou Yicai said to Qiu Chengtong:

"Teacher Qiu, there is an error in Hales' paper. I have discovered it and posted it on arXiv."

Qiu Chengtong was a little surprised and said:

"I didn't expect you to find the error in his paper so quickly. That would be easier. I will contact Professor Milno and Professor Faljens later to see what they say.

Contact Xiang Yi and the Zongmen professor yourself. "

Zhou Yi nodded and said:


The reason why Zhou Yi told Qiu Chengtong is very simple. He hopes that Qiu Chengtong's status in the international mathematics community will contact a group of authoritative people to quickly decide who is right and who is wrong, and then publish this issue of the paper as soon as possible to complete task one.

Judging from Zhou Yi's current status in the mathematics world, he is simply a newcomer with great potential and basically no connections. Although he has achieved results at the Philippine Prize level, he has not been able to win it in one day, and he has always been the prince.

It can only be said that Zhou Yi has a great chance.

Moreover, many mathematicians have made great achievements and are eligible to be nominated for the Philippine Prize. But whether they can win it depends not only on a certain achievement, but also on whether they can win it.

It also depends on the significance of this achievement, whether it has pioneering significance, whether it has stage significance, and whether the mathematician has any landmark achievements in other directions.

The Ukrainian Philippine Prize winner is not only a top expert in classical geometry, but also has landmark achievements in other aspects.

None of the Philippines Award winners rely on luck, and they are all obtained with strength that is difficult for others to match.

As for the weight of Zhou Yi's voice among international mathematicians, it is basically not at all. If it is not for Qiu Chengtong's sake, it is estimated that the two papers will continue to quarrel for several months, or even longer.

That's why Qiu Chengtong asked Zhou Yi to announce the directions in which Zhou's geometry can be explored in depth, so that mathematicians from all over the world can dig into this fertile ground, preferably in classical geometry, so that Zhou Yi can become the leader of a small school.

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