From small town academic to chief scientist

Chapter 138 I only publish my research

“The second person to win the ICCM Mathematics Gold Medal is Zhou Yi from Chongqing University.”

Upon hearing this name, everyone in the room was quiet for a moment.

No one will be unfamiliar with this name, whether it is in the circle or a hot search.

But immediately, everyone was relieved. The ICCM Gold Medal was originally awarded to young people, and this was not the Chen Shengshen Award of the Chinese Mathematicians Conference. That award might still be available, and some older mathematicians could win it.

But the ICCM Gold Award depends on young people and their strength.

Does Zhou Yi have no strength?

Apparently, he participated in the National Congress of Mathematicians at the age of eighteen, solved a conjecture that had been unresolved for four hundred years, and developed a new branch of mathematics, Zhou's geometry.

The four top mathematics journals have published 3 papers, which is enough to qualify for it.

Academician Yang Le continued to say in a calm tone:

"This medal is mainly to commend this talented mathematical boy for solving Kepler's conjecture that has been unresolved for four hundred years, and also to reward him for opening up a new branch of mathematics for mathematical geometry, Zhou's geometry.

Moreover, he is still young, the rising star of mathematics in our country, and the young man with the greatest hope of winning the Fields Medal! "

Suddenly, applause broke out like thunder.

Zhou Yi was confused. His master didn't tell him that he could win the gold medal.

But it feels good to win such a grand prize.

Academician Yang Le said in a solemn tone:

“A new mathematical star in Daxia is rising.

This is his first medal representing achievement in mathematics.

But I can be sure that this medal will not be the last one. This medal is the beginning of his mathematics career and the most basic starting point. "

Zhou Yi finally remembered why Ding Jian wanted to congratulate him. It turned out that he had won the award.

At this moment, the applause continues for a long time, and not many people can receive such evaluation from Academician Yang Le.

Shan Peng and Xiao Wanyi next to Zhou Yi looked at Zhou Yi with envy.

"Junior, come on stage to receive your award~"

Xiao Wanyi reminded.

Zhou Yi then stood up and went on stage to receive the award.

Countless media cameras were all snapping pictures.

"Congratulations, young man."

The 80-year-old academician said.

Zhou Yi nodded politely and said respectfully:

"Thank you, Academician Yang."

Academician Yang Le has spoken out for himself many times, and Zhou Yi finally met him this time.

There was a hint of gratitude in his tone besides gratitude.

"You don't need to thank me. This award is all based on ability. Otherwise, it would be impossible for someone who went to Beijing University to win so many awards."

Academician Yang Le looked at Zhou Yi with a smile.

Ding Jian on the side was a little embarrassed.

Internal slander, aren’t you also from Beijing University?

Then the microphone was handed to Zhou Yi,

"Just say a few words of acceptance speech."

Zhou Yi took the microphone, said, "Thank you," and then said to the colleagues in the audience:

"Thank you to ICCM for affirming me, thank you to my alma mater, Chongqing University, for nurturing me, thank you to Teacher Qiu for your recognition, and thank you to Academician Yang Le for his recognition. I will continue to work hard, not forgetting my original intention, and strive to go further on the road of mathematics. , achieve greater results.”

Academician Yang Le said:

"Very good. Although the acceptance speech was short, there were no hypocritical words or impassioned speeches. However, this is a cry from the Chinese mathematics community to the world mathematics community!"

Shan Peng in the audience was a little envious and said:

"It's the first time I see Academician Yang and a young man complimenting each other. Alas, it's so irritating to compare people to each other. I just won a silver medal at the last ICCM."

Wu Hao, a girl on the side, said:

"But there is something in Academician Yang's words. Are these hypocritical words dissing Beijing University?"

Shan Peng nodded undeniably and said:

"Everyone knows what happened between Beijing University and Academician Yang in 2017. Otherwise, how could Academician Yang, who graduated from Beijing University as an undergraduate, be so close to Mr. Qiu?"

Only Xiao Wanyi looked shocked, "Oh my god, there is such a thing."

At this time Zhou Yi came down with the gold medal.

The three women said one after another:

"Congratulations to Zhou Shen."

"Congratulations, junior~."


Zhou Yi replied politely.

At this time, the award ceremony of the conference continued. In addition to the ICCM Mathematics Gold Medal, there was also the ICCM Mathematics Silver Medal.

Two people received gold awards, and five people received silver awards.

The first is Professor Miao Shuang from Jiangcheng University, for his important contributions to nonlinear partial differential equations in fluid mechanics and general relativity;

The second place is Wu Hao from Shuimu University, the girl next to Shan Peng. She graduated from Shuimu University with a bachelor's degree. This silver medal is mainly in recognition of her development of various SLEs and their application in percolation, Ising model, and Gaussian free field. Applications and outstanding contributions in important mathematical models such as and uniform tree formation.

The third place is Zhong Zixin from HK University, for developing novel discretization and multi-scale discretization methods for differential equations and solving challenging real-life problems.

The fourth is Fan Youwei from Shuimu University. He graduated from Bayan University and later came to Shuimu University to become an assistant professor. In recognition of his important contributions to the moduli space and dynamics of Calabi Yau manifolds.

The fifth place is Chen Gao, who is two generations shorter than Zhou Yi. Although he only won the silver medal, he is only 27 years old and has a promising future. It is not impossible to sprint for the Philippine Medal.

Five people gave speeches one after another.

Just when everyone thought the award ceremony was about to end, the main person in charge of Jiangsu Province said:

"This year we have specially established a Mathematics Contribution Award to award leading mathematicians with outstanding achievements and high moral standards in the field of mathematical sciences in recognition of their lifelong outstanding contributions to the great achievements of mathematics in Daxia."

At this time, the big boss gave up and said:

"Guess who it is?"

Zhou Yi and others also looked at the big podium curiously. No news about this award was revealed.

"He is the proud Academician Yang Leyang of our Suzhou NT. Congratulations! This is a surprise we have prepared for you and it is also a newly established award."

Academician Yang was about to step down from the podium, but was stunned when he heard this.

The big boss walked up to Academician Yang and said with a smile:

"Mr. Yang, congratulations."

At this time, Zhou Yi took the lead in applauding. Suddenly, the applause sounded again, like thunder.

Academician Yang said with a trace of tears in his red eyes:


"You deserve it!"

Shan Peng said at this time:

"Mr. Yang has been committed to cultivating education and mathematical talents in his later years. He is also a disciple of Mr. Xiong Qinglai, and is a fellow disciple of Hua Luogeng."

Zhou Yi nodded, that's it.

"There is a huge conflict with the re-election of the chairman of Beijing University in China. As for the truth of the matter, it is unknown. However, a certain academician has not been able to publish an article in the four major journals, and Mr. Yang is at the beginning of his graduate school. An article was published in Acta Mathematica within three months.”

Shan Peng continued,

"For the first six terms, the chairman of the Daxia National Mathematical Society was served by mathematicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. From the seventh term, the chairmanship was alternated between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing University. There are a lot of games, and you should be careful of some old guys anyway. "

Shan Peng reminded Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi nodded silently after listening.

Not long after, all the winners took a group photo on the big podium.

After the group photo, it was almost noon. In the afternoon, the two ICCM Chen Shengshen Award winners gave their reports, and in the morning of tomorrow, August 1st, Zhou Yi gave his report.

At this time, Zhou Yi and Ding Jian were pulled by the media for interviews.

The media here include not only a large number of official media, but also other media, and there are also a few foreign media.

People's Daily, Yangshi Daily, Science Daily, Daxia National Youth Daily, Daxia National Mathematical Association Daily, etc.

When a reporter from the Daxia Mathematical Association Daily saw Zhou Yi, he was stunned.

Why is it him again?

I have met him many times at this kind of mathematics academic conference.

From last year’s interview with the Mathematical Modeling Higher Education Society Cup to the interview with the first place winner in the mathematics competition, to the previous interview when I returned from the International Congress of Mathematicians,

I never expected to see him here today.

This guy is so scary!

This medal is known as the World Chinese Fields Medal, but I didn’t expect that he would win it.

Tonight’s title name is here again!

As the youngest winner, Zhou Yi has already overshadowed Ding Jian.

"I would like to ask Mr. Zhou, as a young winner of this award, what are your thoughts?"

"Excuse me, classmate Zhou Yi, can you share any learning methods with others?"

"Excuse me, classmate Zhou Yi, can you talk about your experience in learning mathematics?"

Next to him, Ding Jian was embarrassed but did not lose his politeness.

They all asked Zhou Yi, but no one asked me?

Are you polite?

Do I have no sense of existence?

Zhou Yi replied one by one:

"As the youngest ICCM Gold Medal winner, my thoughts are good luck and the affirmation of Teacher Qiu and Academician Yang. As for the learning methods, I have shared them before and later published them on Research Assistant. As for mathematics experience, I don’t have much experience. , I just like it, learning mathematics is my hobby.”

Zhou Yi replied that he was not causing trouble and replied in a normal manner.

Because there are too many official media, especially Yang's interview, which is even broadcast on the 7 o'clock news broadcast, this cannot be messed up.

Academician Yang gave special instructions before Zhou Yi came for the interview.

Obviously, I have some understanding of some of Zhou Yi's previous interviews.

When Zhou Yi had finished asking questions, everyone heard that there was a big shot next to Zhou Yi.

So they all focused their cameras on Ding Jian, and the questions were basically the same.

Nothing changes.

At this time, Ding Jian burst into tears, and finally remembered that there was someone beside Zhou Yi.

However, one person asked something a bit out of line.

"If you didn't win the Fields Medal this year, is there any hope for the next one?"

Zhou Yi couldn't stand listening to this question. Damn it, these non-official media are really just for traffic and they dare to ask anything.

Ding Jian has a very high emotional intelligence and said:

"Studying is not about winning awards. Our scientific researchers who study mathematics are just to contribute to the country, nothing more. Only by staying true to our original aspirations can we achieve success."

At this time, another non-official media asked:

"I heard that Professor Ding is studying probability theory. I heard that the most popular game on the market is related to mathematical probability models. I wonder if Professor Ding has played it before and if he has any experience to share. method."

Ding Jian:...

"I have never played this game. Young man Zhou Shen should have played it. Ask him? He may know."

Zhou Yi looked at Ding Jian in bewilderment, "Good guy, you know how to kick a ball. You can still kick this question to me."

Fortunately, I've played it before. At home, Xia Xue couldn't pass it, so I tried it with Zhou Yi, but Zhou Yi studied it all day and couldn't pass it.

Zhou Yi was so angry that he almost asked Mudan to write a plug-in program. Later, Zhou Yi studied it carefully and found that it had nothing to do with IQ but his luck.

Except for plug-ins.

"Excuse me, God Zhou, do you have any good methods?"

The media have turned their attention to Zhouyi.

Zhouyi said:

"I'm just publishing my research."

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