From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 56, attack! For yourselves!

But this made Li Sheng quite annoyed.

However, under Du Yuan's entanglement, he could only helplessly be a spectator who could not see clearly.

After a while, Li Sheng seemed to have thought of something and regained his calm, and just faced Du Yuan on the sky.


Old Qi City.

It was almost midnight, but the lights on the city wall were still bright.

The lizardmen were very patient, but the other side could no longer endure it. They waited in vain, but did not wait for the appearance of flaws.

The fragmentary sound came from afar and gradually echoed around the old Qi City.

At first, the lizardmen warriors on the city wall did not notice any problems. After all, there was never a lack of fragmentary sounds in the depths of the swamp.

Until the sound became more and more frequent, more and more, closer and closer, overlapping, and finally, the hurried shouts were accompanied by several fireballs shot into the sky.

All the defenders were a little more alert and nervous.

Even though they had just defeated the rats that surged like a tide during the day, they were deeply impressed.

They were definitely not facing the weak ratmen that were most common in their memories, at least not when those guys gathered in groups and surged like a tide.

Especially after a reckless dog-headed warlock on the garrison cast a fireball into the deep darkness in the distance.

The exploding fireball illuminated the surrounding darkness and also disturbed the ratmen running in the darkness.

They were illuminated and howled in anger.

The flames left by the explosion of the fireball were quickly extinguished by the running ratmen. As for the unlucky ones who fell in the fireball, no ratmen paid attention.

In this dark night, the ratmen were more excited than in the daytime.

It was as if a switch was turned on.

Sharp howls continued to sound in the dark night, accompanied by the increasingly close and fragmented sounds.

From all directions.

They are coming!

In this deep dark night, at this moment, the flickering flame in the brazier can't bring much sense of security.

At this moment, even the bravest lizard warriors had to admit that the group of inferior rats had left a deep and inconspicuous fear in their hearts.

He held his weapon tightly.

They are coming!

They suddenly broke into the darkness, and then hit the wall in front of them without hesitation.

The enemy's shouts of attack echoed on every section of the city wall.

But they were interrupted by the crazy shouts of the figure who climbed up the watchtower again and waved the battle flag!

"Charge! Charge! Whoever kills the red lizard will be the new warlord and the new boss!"

"Whoever kills the red lizard will be the leader in the subsequent sacrifice! It means being seen by the gods!"

In the crazy shouting, all the rat warriors were boiling, and even the priests mixed in the rat group were more excited!

Chaotic cheers rang out in the charging rat army, and finally gradually unified into one, for the gods!

Huo also saw the rat figure waving the battle flag on the sentry tower, and heard shouts and sounds from all directions.

This group of rats not only came again at night, but also launched a full-scale attack without any reservation.

Unconsciously, there was some confusion and hesitation among the lizardmen.

Facing such a bad situation at this time, Huo took a deep breath.

At this moment, as a leader, he could not be confused.

Climbing the high platform.

The dragon's might was released without any room for reservation, and the pressure that frightened the enemy became the best way to appease the soldiers at this time.

Gradually, a large number of soldiers turned their eyes to Huo.

To their leader.

Huo raised his war stick high.

The voice with a bit of childishness was so convincing and peaceful at this time, shouting loudly, shouting with all his strength.

Huo shouted loudly and with all his strength.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be scared! Don't be terrified! We are the children of the dragon! We are the darlings of the gods! We are also fearless warriors!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The firm and loud shouts gradually calmed the shaken warriors.

Even though they became Li Sheng's believers earlier than the ratmen, the piety of these lizardmen to Li Sheng was far less than that of the ratmen to Du Yuan.

It was also more than the pursuit of courage and fighting.

In the gap when the ratmen were about to hit the wall, in the shouting of the fire.

Gradually, some warriors followed the shouting of the fire, and then spread to all the warriors present.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

In this way, a more brutal battle than that during the day began.

The ratmen were almost crowded under every inch of the wall, clustered and piled up a row of siege rat slopes, and then charged towards the wall.

This put more pressure on the defenders on the wall.

But the lizardmen did not retreat at all. Even though they were tired, they could still feel the terrifying pressure reverberating on the city wall as long as they looked at the fire that was still standing.

These warriors held on like crazy.

The brutal battle made many young ratmen want to flee, but in most cases they would be stopped on the spot, but there were still some clever guys who rolled and crawled away.

This made the rat warlords supervising the battle scream.

But there was no way, after the war team and the priest were taken away.

Such a situation is inevitable.

And the war team and the priest went there.

That was when they came to the frontal battlefield. This time, the crazy rat war was no longer prepared to tolerate the existence of the red lizard.

And prepare to take the field in person.

The war supervisors who had essentially become his personal guards were transferred to his side unceremoniously. Of course, although there was no more warlords, the siege in other directions was also handed over to other warlords, but Rat War doesn't trust other rat warlords.

It was an unceremonious order. If the warlord was still in a stalemate with the defenders after killing the red lizard man and taking over the city wall, the warlord would be unceremoniously beaten into a slave rat.

But on the contrary, whoever is the first to capture the city wall will be promoted.

For this reason, Shu Zhan did not hesitate to put Hao Yan in the leadership position.

Whoever is first will be the leader.

Regarding this unreasonable and harsh request, not only the good-looking people dared to get angry but did not speak out, but all the rat warlords dared to get angry but did not speak out. After being criticized by Rat Zhan, who was holding the artifact in his hand, he used red and crazy eyes in the meeting. While watching.

Even these cunning rat warlords had to obey and did their best in the siege battle at this time for their own position.

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