From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 372, Grand gathering, goblin carnival

The meeting was over, but Sheng Qi's work was not over yet.

Bring a few gifts to the two loyal rat priests.

Buy a batch of miscellaneous goods from the caravan of the rat lord.

Go and listen to the big claw priest's chattering about his ideas.

Finally, offer sacrifices to the great god devoutly in the original temple.

This set of procedures was almost completed in every major group in the Rat Empire.

Sheng Qi is indeed a talented guy, a qualified rat socialite, a guy who is naturally good at wandering between various forces.

Every empire needs a guy like Sheng Qi, even this twisted and deformed Rat Empire is no exception in this regard.

It's just that the Rat Empire needs a rat socialite, but it doesn't mean that the Rat Empire needs a rat priest who is a socialite.


On that vast scarlet grassland, a big thing happened.

In the accumulation of generation after generation, in the thinking of one wise sage after another.

We will get rid of the abuse of those cruel guys, and we will stand up.

A group of huge goblins, so numerous that you can't see the end of them, gathered together at the moment when the harvest season was about to come, and pushed a goblin with the loudest voice to the platform.

The great Goblin Kingdom was established.

The goblins gathered here began to cheer loudly at this moment.

The sound waves spread in all directions.

With the maturity of the mushroom cultivation theory of the big claw priests, a large number of cave mushrooms began to be born in the underground cities of the ratmen. Food was extremely abundant, and cave mushrooms became cheaper and cheaper.

Now, a cave mushroom on one side is only worth a dried blood mushroom made from inferior blood mushrooms.

This situation attracted the ratmen farmers. After all, it took a lot of effort to dig the river and plant grass, which was not as convenient as dumping baskets of cave mushrooms directly into their own farms.

And there was more food here, and maybe it could attract the goblins from the neighboring farms together.

Of course, such a strategy is not difficult at all, and it will naturally attract imitation.

Starting from the first rat farmer doing this, soon after, the rat farmers on the entire vast grassland all chose to imitate.

Countless cave mushrooms were dumped on this scarlet grassland like garbage.

While consuming the surplus of those planting rooms, it also triggered a surge in the number of goblins on this scarlet grassland.

There are goblins everywhere, and there are goblins everywhere. At this time on the scarlet grassland, if you throw a stone casually, you may be able to hit a goblin, or even more than one.

This is a jaw-dropping scene, but the rat farmers are very happy.

Today is destined to be a bumper year with the theme of abundance for them.

They originally thought so.

It’s just that imagination and reality always have some discrepancies, and these goblins seem to have been prepared for this situation.

They gathered together and began to run wildly on this grassland.

There was something wrong with the problem.

Things started to move in a strange direction.

This year's harvest day was brought forward because the rat farmers who were watching the fun suddenly found a very embarrassing problem.

Even if they fought on this grassland without sleep, they might not be able to catch them all in a short time.

Small groups of rat armies, not weak, emerged from various places in this scarlet grassland, not to fight civil wars or greet their colleagues next door in a friendly manner, but to harvest.

And there is also a big variable, that is, the group of goblins that keep gathering together and expanding in size.

Well, this is not a particularly big trouble.

But there are too many goblins.

The scale is too large, like a group of sardines. The rat farmers mobilized a larger army and hired rat mercenaries to participate in the harvest. Then this group of running goblins quickly left this area. Even if a large piece was bitten off, as long as they could successfully enter the area of ​​other rat farmers, they could basically escape.

If these harvesting teams actively invade the farms of other ratmen farmers, then it will be a war between ratmen and ratmen.

And if they don't gather enough strength, then this group of goblins, with a number gap of hundreds or thousands of times that of ratmen, will even want to say goodbye to these farmers.

Indeed, some smart guys were born among the goblins.

Now, the problem arises.

No matter what the ratman farmer wants to say or how to respond, but now, what lies before him is just a simple and direct problem.

There are too many goblins!

A ratman farmer, unconvinced, came out of the underground tunnel with his guards.

He wanted to harvest all the goblins who dared to resist.

In the angry roar, he did not see the desired scene. The goblins did not flee in all directions.

Instead, they gathered together, a dark mass, and just stared at the roaring ratman farmer.

The number gap between the two sides was too big.

The irritable rat farmer brought his own private army of five thousand rats, armed with spears, magic guns, and various types of weapons.

On the other side, there were two million goblins holding various weapons, from stones to bone sticks to bare hands.

The king of the Goblin Kingdom, the goblin who had just been pushed onto the platform, began to roar loudly!

The goblins began to charge in a black mass, rushing over like a tsunami.

No, something is wrong! The rat farmer realized something was wrong, something seemed to be wrong.

"Damn it! You damn guys!"


In the angry roar, the irritable rat farmer was drowned.

This victory made the goblins even more excited.

All of a sudden, the goblins became excited. Amidst all kinds of chaotic sounds and exaggerated shouts, such a message was passed to all directions of this scarlet grassland.

A kingdom belonging to the goblins was established, and a loud goblin became the king. His shout was so loud that the ratmen were defeated by them.

In this way, countless goblins began to gather here actively. The number of these goblins accumulated to a terrifying number in a very short time.

Four million, five million, it is difficult to estimate. There are too many goblins, a huge group, and it is difficult to calculate the exact number.

But just this estimated number is terrifying enough.

And this scale is not the end. There are still a steady stream of goblins coming from all directions, gathering around the natural king of goblins, the loud goblin Dasheng.

The matter is completely out of control.

The rat farmers gathered together, staring at each other.

This year is indeed a bumper year, but they were attacked by the goblins they planted.

It's not that there is no room for easing. As long as these rat farmers can sit down calmly, choose to tolerate their colleagues crossing the border on their farms at will, and pull out their guards to form a rat coalition, and don't even have to spend blood mushrooms to hire rat mercenaries, then this riot will not be a big problem.

But can it be done?

This is very difficult. Compared with the chaotic situation, the uncontrolled harvest day, the faces of colleagues are just as ugly and infuriating.

The possibility of unity is gone, but if there is no unity, it will be a hindrance to each other. If colleagues are not allowed to cross the border and other rats are not allowed to touch their cultivated crops, how should this matter be handled?

The rat farmers thought about this problem for a long time, but they didn't come up with a suitable solution.

In fact, there is no need to worry too much about these problems. Just wait, and these goblins will naturally fall apart. After all, this grassland can't support so many goblins. Such a chaotic scene appears because of the cave mushrooms that these rat farmers continuously dump on the grassland.

Over time, these goblins will naturally collapse in the shortage of food.

But this is too undignified.

In the end, it was the rat lords who cleaned their butts.

These huge goblins have seriously hindered the trade routes maintained by the rat lords.

Although the underground tunnels connecting various cities of the rats have basically been opened, these underground tunnels are really not wide enough. Many large commodities, some huge bronze bells, transported war equipment, and some large and small packages of things can't go through the underground tunnels at all.

The rat lords have tried to change this situation, but at least for now, the ground caravans composed of a large number of giant rats, rat mercenaries, and various trailers are still the main force of rat transportation.

At this time, these overly noisy and annoying goblins caused great trouble to the passage of the caravan.

This is something that the rat lords cannot tolerate in any way. They don't care about the so-called customary rules of the rat farmers, nor do they care about this group of guys uniting to plunder other rats and goblins.

The rat lords are a more powerful authority class than the rat farmers.

Soon, an army retreated from the main continent behind the Twin Fortresses, led by a dark guy with a big sword on his back.

This guy led a small number of rat troops, only about 20,000, but he was not afraid of the upcoming war at all.

Cursing in his mouth.

"Damn, damn the ratman farmer, he can't even suppress a single goblin! What a waste! Useless idiot! Damn garbage!"

It was the black-haired guy. After leaving the flag, this guy went straight to the ratman lord.

It stands to reason that as a ratman warlord who was also canonized by the Rat War, he shouldn't get close to the ratman lord, but how can I put it? Compared with honor and hatred, he cares more about war. This guy is a pure war maniac.

He cares more about the power in his hands and the progress of the war. The reason why he didn't have time to evacuate during the first expedition of the Eastern Expeditionary Force was because he was too excited during that period. When other ratman warlords either died or retreated, he was still gathering the fleeing ratman warriors and fighting with humans in the continuous mountains.

Then, the Golden Province was taken back by humans, and his retreat was cut off. He could only fight guerrilla warfare with humans in these continuous mountains.

Until the expedition was restarted and the Golden Province was broken again, he, who had long been forgotten and unknown, was finally able to withdraw from this place.

Then he was severely educated by the progressive era.

If it weren't for the flag saving his life, he would really be hanged alive there.

After leaving the flag, after a simple understanding of the situation of the Ratman Empire and the situation on the front line at this time, Heimao chose to approach the Ratman Lord without hesitation. There was no other reason for making such a choice.

At this time, on this battlefield, only the Ratman Lords could support him to go to the battlefield, bring him enough Ratman troops, and allow him to continue the war.

So it was not surprising that he joined the Ratman Lord.

But how to say it, the Ratman Lords did not show too much attention to Heimao's joining, nor did they show too much indifference.

How to say it, a very calm attitude, even with a bit of contempt, may be related to the fact that Heimao was once a subordinate of Rat War.

Heimao was very unhappy about this. He felt that he was despised. The first task assigned to him after he joined the army was to clear out the goblins.

Why can goblins be his opponents?

After severely cursing the rat farmers who caused all this, Heimao left another sentence at the end.

"And you, damn rat priests!"

If there is no cursing of the rat lords, others will distinguish between rat priests and rat lords, but they, the old subordinates of Rat War, still know that these two groups of guys are the same kind of stuff.

Heimao was very angry about this contempt, but in the end he still endured it.

How to say it.

It can only be said that although these rat lords are infuriating in this way or that, their wealth is also real.

The 20,000 troops of Heimao are all composed of storm rats. Yes, all of them are storm rats. Let’s not talk about the weapons, equipment, and logistics of the storm rats.

But these storm rats are not cheap.

If Heimao wants to accumulate these storm rats bit by bit, he will definitely not be able to do it. Let’s not talk about the blood mushrooms he spent, but he doesn’t have the channels to get so many storm rats.

The power of blood mushrooms is real, and it is also so that people cannot ignore and be moved.

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