Two drawbacks of Scouting Seagulls.

The first disadvantage is that the seagull itself needs a certain genetic modification to adapt to the biological breeding equipment.

Natural seagulls that have not undergone genetic modification cannot be directly implanted with biological breeding equipment. If they are forcibly implanted, the seagulls will be out of control, and even lead to the collapse of the seagull's genes and death.

This problem is mainly due to the characteristics of the biological breeding equipment, which is a kind of prepared genetic creation. In order to avoid runaway and mutation, the evolutionary ability of the biological breeding equipment has been locked.

Unless Wang Gao released the genetic lock of the biological breeding equipment, the biological breeding equipment could only be used according to the set ability.

At the same time, Wang Gao's genetic modification ability comes from the chain fruit, and after the genetic creation is separated from his body, it naturally does not have the ability of the chain fruit, so he cannot complete the genetic modification independently.

Now he has started to study the second-generation biological device, hoping to give the biological device a nucleus, self-replicate and modify the host's genes, so that the host and the biological device can be perfectly integrated.

But the job is not simple and may take a while.

The second problem is the control problem.

Although some control programs are set in the biogenic core, the instinct of the seagull itself still affects the precise control of the biogenic core.

If we want to solve this problem, we can only rely on the controller behind it to carry out manual intervention.

In addition, information analysis and storage is also a problem. At present, there are only more than 100 reconnaissance seagulls. This problem is not obvious, but when the number increases in the future, it will have to be considered.

Looking at the seagulls in the cage, after the fusion was completed, Wang Gao thought quietly.

First of all, to detect the genetic modification of seagulls, you can create a genetic adjustment cabin and set a fixed genetic adjustment program.

In this way, Wang Gao does not need to do it himself, and the genetic adjustment cabin can continuously transform the seagulls and produce reconnaissance seagulls in large quantities.

For manual control, information analysis, and information storage, create a special clone.

I saw Wang Gao isolated one of his own stem cells, and then opened the stem cell's restriction, allowing it to transform into a cancer cell.

It is connected to the body's nutrient delivery tube and injects a large amount of nutrients into the cancer cells. Soon, the infinite proliferation mechanism of the cancer cells makes them proliferate wildly.

In less than 27 hours, the meatball turned into a meatball with a radius of about 2.1 meters, but the meatball at this time, although it was homologous to Wang Gao, was a meatball formed by the proliferation of cancer cells. There is only endless greed and appetite, without wisdom and reason.

Chain - Gene Chain.

The cancer cells in the meatballs were repaired by the ability of the chain fruit to repair the loophole of infinite proliferation. At this time, the cancer cells, like normal cells, will enter a state of senescence after dividing 72 times.

For ordinary humans on this planet, the limit of cell division is about 72 times.

The cancer cells that have been restricted again are full of vitality like a newborn baby.

Chain chain - gene induction.

The fruit ability was activated again, and the cells in the meat balls accelerated their differentiation. Using Wang Gao himself as a template, they quickly differentiated into various organ cells, stem cells, bone and skin, and the like.

Two days later, the meat ball squirmed for a while, it seemed that the meat ball's meat membrane reached its limit, one hand tore the meat membrane, and then a little giant came out of the meat ball.

It's just that the little giant's eyes are very empty, as if there is some problem with intelligence.

Wang Gao was not surprised by this, because the intelligence of this man-made man was only equivalent to that of a newborn baby.

He directly input the memory template he compiled into the artificial human's brain through brain waves. After receiving the memory, the artificial human's eyes gradually became more spiritual.

After getting used to his memory and physical abilities, the android knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:

Father, Lucifer sends you the highest regards.

Wang Gao waved his hand, and while destroying the cracked meat balls and the culture liquid all over the floor, he ordered: Get up! The task is in memory.

Understood! This is my honor! After Lucifer finished speaking, he stood up.

With a height of 3.14 meters, he has strong muscles in the golden ratio, and his style of painting is comparable to that of Hong Kong Man's muscular men.

And on the big bald head, except for the vertical eye pattern in the middle of the forehead, there is no other hair, as if to remind others that this person is extremely smart.

In fact, the brain of the artificial man, Lucifer, is indeed very powerful, because Wang Gao needs him to control the reconnaissance seagull. If the brain is not strong enough, it cannot handle the flood of information that is fed back all the time.

Wang Gao took Lucifer and took the elevator to the top of the mountain above the base.

This is the highest peak of Camel Island, with an altitude of about 736 meters. Except for the bare rocks on the top of the mountain, there are only some weeds growing in the cracks of the rocks.

The sea breeze blew Wang Gao's long black hair, and he simply tied a ponytail, stood on a large rock, and glanced at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is not wide, only about one hundred and twenty square meters, and the top is in a state of strange rocks.

This was not difficult for him, he saw Wang Gao open his hands, countless vines spread out, and then the vines occupied the top of the mountain.

On the steeper side of the mountain on the north side, the small caves were corroded, and then the soil and rocks were wriggled and changed, and a hollow of about 500 square meters appeared below the top of the mountain.

After arranging the highly poisonous thorn vines around the top of the mountain, some enhanced antenna vines were made and arranged in all directions on the top of the mountain to enhance the reception and emission of radio waves.

When he came to the cave, he made a control rattan chair, Lucifer immediately sat on it, and connected the vine to his body.

Then on the other side of the cave, a special seagull genetic modulation cabin and a scout-a replica of the biological breeding nucleus were arranged.

The next step is to create a special customized version of the biological breeding suit for Lucifer.

First of all, it is necessary to create a bird that catches seagulls. This is very simple. Based on the eagle gene, add the anesthesia gene of crab-eating flowers and the cobweb gene of bird-catching spiders.

Genetic creatures called falcons were created.

And Lucifer's biological breeding equipment has the gene seeds of falcons. When needed, some seeds can be copied to quickly spawn a group of falcons.

Even the gene-seed for Scout Seagulls is in Lucifer's bio-breeding suit.

Then it is to enhance Lucifer's information storage ability, information analysis and processing ability. Wang Gao's solution is an artificial brain.

The artificial brain is wrapped in a meat ball and filled with nutrient solution, which is equivalent to the biological version of the CPU core.

Because it is an artificial brain, Lucifer can write some data processing programs in the blank consciousness of these brains.

The preliminary preparation of Lucifer's bio-reproduction nucleus was completed. With the implantation of the bio-reproduction nucleus, Lucifer quickly mastered the relevant abilities.

A vine grew from his body, and then the top of the vine began to swell, and finally turned into a pale green sphere, about the size of a basketball, with an artificial brain soaked in it.

Sure enough, with the assistance of the artificial brain, Lucifer's speed of processing information became faster.

Immediately, Wang Gao handed over the monitoring rattan net of Camel Island and the more than 100 reconnaissance seagulls to Lucifer's control.

Lucifer, your next task is to spread the reconnaissance seagulls to all sea areas of the entire planet.

Yes, Father God.

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