"Cickie, this is over, then I will go first. "

“...... Uh-uh, okay, Lord Josson, slow down!" A

blue light flashed, leaving only a cautious Siqi and a tornado with his eyes closed.

I am most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet....

“...... Really, I actually messed up my hair casually!"

The poor acting skills made Siqi a little too caught in Bengbu, and could only cough violently to hide his embarrassment.

Tornado blushed, turned around to prevent Cich from seeing his expression, and crossed his hands at his waist.

"It's all coming, Sitchie... Is there any task that I need to dispatch?" Cich

quickly got serious and replied, "Well, not yet, Miss Tornado, the world is still very peaceful at present, and there are no weirdos who need to use your great power."


that case, then I'll go back first

!" "Eh, okay, then you can go slowly!" Seeing

the petite figure floating out of the training ground, Siqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Whew—fortunately, Lord Johnson is here, and today's crisis has finally passed safely!"

"However, it seems that Miss Tornado's temper has indeed improved a lot recently?"

"The latest news, confirmed with the spokesperson of the Heroes Association, is currently organizing a selection and recruitment activity throughout the society, when a group of strong people will stand out from it, and the team of S-class heroes will grow again. "

Exclusive reveal, front-line scientists and the Hero Association have reached an agreement, will send the strongest combat armor to join the Hero Association, and become an S-class

hero!" "A quick news is played below, the champion of the three-time World's Most Powerful Stomach King Competition officially announced that he has joined the Hero Association S-class hero sequence, and the hero name is confirmed as "Pig God"!"

In a special training villa on the outskirts, Saitama lies on a tatami, supporting his head with one hand and pulling back and forth the TV channel with the other.

Almost all shows are saying the same thing, and that is the news of the Hero Guild S-class sequence recruitment.

"The TV in my apartment can only watch free disaster channels, how did Jossen do it, and so many paid channels can be searched in the temporary villa

!" "It turns out that there are already so many well-known heroes in the world!" Saitama

rubbed his chin, and his painting style suddenly changed from salted fish to serious: "Then I have to work hard!"

At this time, King's voice came from the kitchen downstairs, "The takeout I just ordered has been delivered." As

soon as he heard that there was something to eat, Saitama put down the remote control and got up from the ground with a grunt.


footsteps rushed downstairs, and just as they reached the first floor, the heavy stone door opened, and a burly figure walked in.

There were also bags of fruits wrapped in azure Nian Li floating beside him.


Jossen," Saitama helped take the plastic bag in Jossen's hand, "It's not dark yet, so busy so soon?"

Joson walked into the kitchen to say hello to King, and the food and fruit floating around him were also stacked on the ground, and those that needed to be chilled automatically flew into the refrigerator.

"It's more convenient for me to rush, so I went to the supermarket by the way, it takes energy to recover my physical fitness, and I can't eat enough.

"Jossen-san, you're breaking the bank again. "

Little meaning," Jossen smiled and washed his hands, wiped them clean and walked out of the kitchen, "How is it, are you still used to living in this house?" "

The water and electricity are complete, the furniture is also very high-end, to be honest, I have never lived in such a big house!"

Saitama touched the smooth wall of white jade, and couldn't help but sigh.

"If you like it, let's build one on the outskirts of Z City in the future, anyway, it's not troublesome." Having

said that, Joson can't create everything out of thin air now, and most of the interior and furniture of the villa were done by Doraemon using the four-dimensional home improvement building materials card library prepared in advance.

He sat down on a soft, high-end leather sofa and casually pulled out a large plump orange.

Johnson threw a piece of tender and juicy pulp into his mouth: "It's just that if you want to live alone, it's best to call King together, and now the electricity for the entire house is provided by King alone." Saitama

heard that if he wanted to live in a big house, he had to trouble King to follow him, and immediately scratched his head: "Ah, wouldn't this be too much trouble."

Cub F quickly appeared to pick up the two fragmented cards, and Johnson shrugged: "Of course you can live in one, but you need to pay an additional electricity bill."

Saitama immediately changed his words: "Then let's call King with you then."

"Also, did you see any purple dirt just now?"

"Strange, obviously I saw that there seemed to be a purple shadow flashing past, and I couldn't find it if I tried to find it, and it was also in the apartment in Z City." "

Think so, you actually chased all the way from Z City to M City!"

Saitama thought, immediately turning his head suspiciously to look around.

"I can't really get stung by something dirty, can I?!" I

can already sense the existence of the F cub!

It seems that it is only a matter of time before the complete exposure of the F cub is reached.

In fact, he did not deliberately hide the existence of the F cub in front of Saitama, but Saitama could not see it before.

But that's nothing, a stand-in is not something shady in the first place.


also passed the initial period when he needed to hide his hole cards, and the exposure was exposed. Anyway, just now, even the tornado knew that he still had such a strange superpower.

King in the kitchen heard the conversation between the two and said in a gentle tone.

"No problem, if the Saitama clan wants a vacation, just give me a call." From

time to time, there was a sound of electricity on his body, and where the conventional perspective could not be seen, a trace of electricity flowed along the ground where the soles of his shoes were conducted, and the large storage battery buried in the ground was received and supplied to all the electrical appliances in the villa through the transformer.

It is not only an environmental protection energy supply, but also a kind of spiritual training.

Especially for King now, the fine manipulation of the current generated by cell friction is far more important than simply storing electricity.

Only if you understand the power of electric currents enough, you can have the opportunity to develop new forces on this basis.

Compared to Saitama, who seemed to do nothing all day, King's practice was much more serious and assiduous.

Of course, this is because he started too late.

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