From NPC To Overlord

Chapter 79: Dark Murder, one of the best!

This silent move is the most terrifying in the dark!

Even though Gu Chong has also practiced listening to voices and debating positions, he can even detect his body shape from the changes in the air flow produced by the movement of Mr. Bat's body, but it is always a beat slower than his eyes!

This shot is enough to kill!

Don't say that if you are blind, the martial arts are still there. At least as far as Gu Chong knows, unless you are a master-level master who can replace your eyes with mental power, or a blind master who has been practicing hard since childhood, once any master becomes blind, he will have the least martial arts. To scrap half!

And the bat boy is the enemy who is best at fighting in the dark!

With such an increase and a decrease, the situation is even more unfavorable for Gu Chong!

At this time, the two of them fought each other, but they were silent, but the thrill between the silent and the silent was ten times, a hundred times more than before!

Young Master Bat's attack was like a gurgling stream, continuous, not giving Gu Chong any chance to damage the wall and let the light in.

And Gu Chong didn't have such an idea, because only the Bat boy in this state can bring him a little pressure!

Even a long-lost sense of danger!

After Gu Chong slaughtered the Shaolin Temple with his own blood and plundered the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, the accumulation of martial arts on his body had reached a limit.

He knew that only a life-and-death duel with an extremely powerful master could stimulate him to complete the breakthrough.

Later, he blood-washed the Tsing Yi Building, even destroyed Emei, Tangmen, Diancang, Bashan Sword Sect, and even went to Xuejiazhuang to single out Xue Yiren, all in order to find a master to duel and help him break through.

It's a pity that it's always a little short of inspiration!

Because with his current strength, it is difficult for anyone to put too much pressure on him.

"Is this all your strength?"

Gu Chong's voice was a little disappointed. He thought that Young Master Bat would give him a little surprise, but the pressure was the same. Although he was stronger than the little old man, his strength was limited.

There was no answer, it seemed that Yuan Suiyun was unwilling to reveal his position.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound!

Gu Chong's right hand was like electricity, the black light flashed, and it rose in a circle. With powerful strength, he slapped the Bat boy who was attacking again.

Yuan Suiyun gritted his teeth and took over the palm, with a loud 'smack' sound, his energy overflowed, and a huge force hit him. He couldn't help but take three steps back in a row, and the bluestone floor under his legs shattered again and again, leaving three deep into the stone slab. Footprints of a ruler.

Gu Chong Cheng Sheng followed closely, raised his hand and slapped it again, he couldn't help screaming, and the whole person quickly retreated.

Until then, Yuan Suiyun had to admit that even in the dark, he was no match for the Lord of Heaven's Gate at all!

However, he still has hope. As long as the guards outside the house can stop Gu Chong for a moment, Chu Liuxiang and a large number of martial arts friends will be able to hear the sound, and with the combined efforts of everyone, Gu Chong may not be able to be completely left behind!

However, just as he ran out of the house, at this moment, Gu Chong's robe suddenly bulged, and suddenly, his long sword dropped, as if an aurora shot directly at Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun, who was about to flee, turned pale in shock and twisted his body to avoid the streamer's trajectory.

But as Gu Chong stretched out his hand a little, the streamer changed direction and passed through Yuan Suiyun's chest in an instant, leaving only a hilt on Yuan Suiyun's back!

Swordsmanship that can turn in the air!

Straight like the flying sword in myths and legends!

Blood spurted out like a spring, Yuan Suiyun stood stiffly on the spot, still maintaining the posture of running away, looking down at the sword edge in his chest with an incredible look, raised his head and asked with difficulty: " ... trick... style?"

"The Thirteen Swords of Death!"

Gu Chong reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword inserted into Yuan Suiyun's back, and slowly pulled it out.

As the long sword was drawn out, the heart ruptured, and the blood was squeezed by the heart and spurted down the sword body like spring water. With this fatal blow, Yuan Suiyun would surely die.


With all his strength to say these two words, Yuan Suiyun closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

The door opened with a creak. When they saw only Gu Chong stepping out, all the guards in the courtyard immediately turned red.

The dark and invincible myth of Mr. Bat has been shattered!

"Kill him and avenge the son!"

Knowing that they were defeated, this group of guards rushed forward without fear of death.

In the face of this group of dead men trained by Yuan Suiyun, of course Gu Chong would not be polite.

He held his sword like a tiger into the flock, and when he charged, blood splattered and his limbs flew, screaming incessantly.

"Hurry up, there seems to be an accident in the Yuan Gongzi's yard!"

When the guards of the Jin Dynasty's mansion and the heroes of the rivers and lakes rushed to the courtyard, they only saw the broken arms and stumps all over the floor, and the body of Yuan Suiyun in the main hall!

Three hundred years ago, the original Qinggu built the "No Contest Villa" in the west of Taiyuan. The word "No Contest" was not taken by him, but the congratulatory name of the world's martial arts heroes, because there was no one in the world at that time. But it's too long to compete with him.

Since then, "No Dispute" famous heroes have appeared in large numbers, and I don't know how many vigorous and eye-catching events have been made in the arena!

And now, the son of the dignified Wulin Wuzheng Villa was actually killed in the Jin Palace?

At this time, everyone's mind was slammed, blank!

Even Chu Liuxiang was gone, no one found out for a while!


After killing Yuan Suiyun and leaving the Jin Palace, Gu Chong walked to the street with Shi Now he still looks like a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion.

"As long as Bat Island is conquered, Tianmen's power will expand greatly. Find an opportunity to expose the prize pool task and hand over the Right Path Alliance to the players. Tianmen will take this opportunity to unify all the dark forces in the world of martial arts and become this world. The true king of the dark side!"

Gu Chong knew very well that the next time was the time for the players to perform, and Tianmen did not have to continue to confront Zhengdao.

And what Tianmen does is to seize the opportunity to develop, grow, accumulate strength, and become an existence like a giant that even the imperial court can't shake!

Until then, will there be enough confidence to turn from darkness to light, to unify the martial arts world!

Harvest the leeks of players all over the world!

Although the power of Tianmen is huge now, the number of players it absorbs does not match its strength.

This is the limitation of the dark side. Many things are sneaky, the number and efficiency of tasks will be reduced, and the appeal to the bottom players is limited.

And advancing the process of world conquest also requires extensive and far-reaching changes to a world.

So it is impossible that Tianmen has been lurking in the dark side.

In the noisy crowd of people, Gu Chong dressed in white and strolled in the streets, but he had an aura of incompatibility.

After the battle with Young Master Bat, Yuan Suiyun, the energy in his body was even more unpredictable at this time, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and the door to a new realm would soon open in front of him.

"Innate... it's just a step away!"

Gu Chong can clearly feel the barrier between himself and the innate. Once he breaks through, it will bring him great help, which makes him even have the idea of ​​retreating and breaking through at all costs.


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