Life paper is a special item in the New World, which is neither afraid of water nor fire, and is made by mixing one’s own nails with unique materials, and is a kind of paper that represents the life force of the owner.

Usually people will tear the complete life paper made into several pieces and give them to their relatives or friends who will be separated, and the torn life paper fragments will attract each other, no matter how far apart the two pieces of life paper are, the paper will guide each other’s position like a record pointer.

The life paper will not be destroyed by ordinary methods, it will only shrink when the owner is seriously injured and weakened, and turn into ashes when it is not far from death, but if the owner recovers health, it will change back to its original size.

It is a special item and position pointer that cannot be explained by science.

Hearing this proposal from Tsuru, Sengoku’s eyes lit up.

To be honest, if he hadn’t been reminded by Tsuru, he would have forgotten that there is such a thing in this world.

Since joining the Navy, the people he cares about have always been around, and even if they are separate, they can know each other’s situation through phone worms and intelligence anytime, anywhere, so they really haven’t thought of such a practical thing.

“And with the life paper, although I don’t know where you are, at least it can make me feel at ease.” Tsuru continued.

“Hmm! I’ll cut it out for you when I get back to the office. After thinking about it, Sengoku spoke, “Give me a few of yours too.” ”

“Okay, I’ll arrange for the soldiers to make it later.” Tsuru nodded.

The two soon arrived in the office building, Tsuru went to the staff office, and Sengoku returned to his office.

“General Sengoku, this is your document today.”

The soldiers, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately followed in, put dozens of pages of documents on the table, and saluted and left.

Sengoku sat in a chair, lit a cigarette for himself, picked up a pen, and began to correct.


The tip of the pen stroked on the document, and after Sengoku changed a few pages, he suddenly stopped, and he raised his head and looked forward.

At the open door, Steel Bone Kong was standing there, looking at him with complicated eyes.

“Air Marshal, is there something wrong?” Sengoku tilted his head and asked suspiciously.

“The old man called the five old stars yesterday to inquire!” The steel bone was empty for a while before he spoke.

“Well, then? What do they say? ”

“They said you were going to complete a test, and if you passed, you would become a new Draco.”

Sengoku put down the pen, leaned back in the chair, wrapped his arms around Hun, his eyes flashing slightly.

“What if it fails?”

“Didn’t say.” Steel bone empty shook his head.

“Oh! So you came here? ”

“Although I don’t know how you got involved with the five old stars, as your elder, the old man gave you a reminder.”

The empty eyes of the steel bone froze, and the whole person became serious: “Be careful, don’t play with fire but be swallowed by fire.” The world is big and big, and the immortal gods really exist. ”

With that, he turned and left.

Sengoku watched his back in silence.


A dull and boring day passed as usual.

The next day, Sengoku and Tsuru, dressed in suits, boarded the warship and gradually sailed towards the distant sea.

“First go to the Kingdom of Lake Owa to pick up Miyu, and then go to the set destination.”

On the deck, Tsuru walked over with a paper full of densely written words in his hand and said softly.

Sengoku, who was lying on the fence smoking a cigarette, came back to his senses and nodded: “This kind of thing is up to you.” ”

“Do you have a place you want to go?”

“Where do you want to go?”

After thinking about it carefully, Sengoku nodded and said, “There are two places. ”


“O’Hara, there is also the empty island.”

Sengoku shook the cigarette butt and said.

He didn’t know how long he would leave before returning, and this time was when the five old stars were in power, and according to his memory, O’Hara was destroyed in these years.

The Tree of Omniscience contains the richest and most advanced books and knowledge in the world, which is of great significance to the entire society, and it would be a pity if it was destroyed by the Demon Slaughter Order.

Therefore, before leaving, Sengoku intends to remove it and protect it.

As for the reason for going to the empty island, it is simple.

After eating the Wind Wind Fruit, he already had a deep understanding of the power of nature, and during this time period, the Thunder Demon Fruit was still on an empty island called Beka that was not eaten by Anilu.

If you don’t know where you are, if you don’t know where you are, how can you skip it if you know the Warring States.

“Okay, then I’ll go to these two places then.”

Tsuru pulled out a pen and added these two locations to the paper.

Sengoku looked at this scene with a smile.

The warship was fully clothed and quickly advanced towards the position of the Kingdom of Lake Owa under the influence of the wind and wind.

With the constant blowing of powerful hurricanes, the distance that would have taken several days has been directly reduced several times.

The warship stopped at the port position in the evening.


As soon as Sengoku came down from the deck, Miwa, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately rushed into his arms.

Sengoku hugged Miwa and gently patted her on the back.

“Commander, after receiving Sister He’s call, I have already packed up all the clothes that need to be changed, let’s go.”

Miwa took a deep sip of the Sengoku before raising her head and saying gently.

“You guys get your things on the warship first, I’ll go talk to Vegapunk.” Sengoku said softly.

“Okay, I’ll let the guards send you!”

Miwa had no objection, turned to the guard behind her and ordered, “Drive the car and take the king to the palace.” ”

“Yes!” The guards hurriedly ran back.

Sengoku thought about it and did not refuse.

I haven’t been to the Ova Lake Kingdom for a long time, and I don’t know how the scientists of Vegapunk will build this place, but you can sit in the car and take a closer look.

Soon, a golden four-wheeled car full of technology drove in front of him.

After Sengoku sat in the back seat, the guard immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

In the evening, the Kingdom of Lake Owa is bustling, and people who have ended a busy day walk around the streets in pairs.

Toot toot.

The horn of the royal family car echoed in the town, and many people quickly gave way when they saw this, and looked at the car respectfully.

Although the special windows of the car prevented them from seeing inside, they tried to keep an eye on the scene inside.

Some playful children chase behind with small short legs.

Sengoku’s right hand supported his cheek, and his gaze swept over the figures and scenes around him.

Turquoise asphalt road,

Telephone booths placed on the street,

Palm games in the hands of small children gathered together,

Ordinary cars that drive from time to time,


And so on, and so on, and new objects that have never been seen in the kingdom before.

“It’s starting to look a little modern!”

The corners of Warring States’ mouth slightly curved, and he secretly said in his heart.

“What are these cars used for fuel?”

“Back to the king, it’s Coke.”



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