[XP +1400.] 】


The figure of Bundy Wald crashed through the mast and smashed directly on the deck.

At this moment, his breath was weak, his face was pale, and his mouth was spitting out blood.

The entire sea area instantly became quiet, and both the pirates and the navy looked at this scene stunned, and did not come to their senses for a long time.

They had the impression that they were invincible and terrifying, and the super strong who could run after the navy was just one move, and they were defeated in one move.

The pirates trembled all over, and their entire faces turned pale.

“Boat Bundy, the captain was defeated, one move, one move.”

“This is also too, too terrifying, is this the strength of the general of the headquarters, my God.”

“I haven’t had enough/had enough of freedom, and I don’t want to be caught in Advance City yet.”

“Gollum, but, maybe we don’t even have a chance to be captured in the Advance City, it is said that the Buddha’s Sengoku subordinates never leave prisoners.”

“Even the captain lost, what are we going to do next? What to do? “”


The figure of the Warring States descended from mid-air.

The pirates took a few steps back.

“Brother, brother, take, take me.”

Bundy Wald stretched out his hand and said with difficulty to Binjack, who was not far away.

Although he had only just made a move, he no longer had the confidence to continue fighting with the Warring States, and that kind of power beyond common sense let him know that even if he developed Momo’s ability to a hundred times, it would be absolutely difficult to resist.

Now he only hopes that his brother and crew can take him to escape by jumping into the sea.

After all, the fact that the Warring States is a capable person is known to the world, and the biggest drawback of the capable person is that he cannot go to the sea.

Bin Jack was breathing shortly/shortly, he looked at his brother, and then at Sengoku who was gradually stepping forward, knowing in his heart that it was impossible to rescue Bundy Wald in front of such a terrifying guy.

All that can be done now is to let everyone run away and rescue him later when there is an opportunity.

Bin Jack gritted his teeth and yelled at the pirate crew around him: “Run, run, jump into the sea!” ”

After speaking, he took one last look at his brother, and then jumped into the sea without looking back.

The other pirates also came to their senses, and did not dare to hesitate and quickly jumped down.

Bundy Wald’s pupils were bloodshot and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

He was abandoned by his brother and crew.


Angry, he directly vomited out a mouthful of thick blood, and his consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

“Betrayal is the main theme of pirates.”

Sengoku came to stand next to Bundy Wald, and when he saw that he felt the sadness and chill that radiated from his body, he shook his head.

“But did you guys leave and ask me for advice?”

The Warring States eyebrows raised slightly, and the terrifying overlord-colored domineering suddenly exploded.


The air solidified and vibrate, and an extremely strong pressure pressed on the entire sea from the sky.

The raging sea calmed down.

Not long after, one corpse after another slowly surfaced at sea.

Bundy Wald Pirates, annihilated.


Sengoku grabbed Bundy Wald and stepped towards the warship not far away.

“Find Vice Hailou Shi to handcuff him.”

Coming to the deck of the warship, Sengoku casually threw him down and ordered the rear admiral.

“Yes!” The major general braced himself up, quickly answered, and waved at the soldiers behind him.

The soldiers quickly ran into the cabin and took out their handcuffs to lock Bundy Wald tightly.

At this time, the exclusive warship of the Warring States appeared on the sea in the distance and gradually drove towards this side.

“You guys go back to the base to rest and heal your injuries first, and then set sail when your injuries are healed.”

Sengoku glanced at the rear admiral, left a word, and disappeared on deck with Bundy Wald.

Ignoring the respectful farewell of the group of soldiers behind him, he soon returned to his warship.

“Take it to the dungeon and keep it.”

After Sengoku handed Bundy Wald to the adjutant, he then took the phone worm from his arms and entered a series of numbers.

Bulu Bru Bru …

It didn’t take long for the phone bug to ring, and the beautiful voice of the crane came out.

“I am the Grand Staff Officer of the Headquarters, Tsuru, who is it?”

“Me! Warring states. ”

Sengoku replied with a chuckle, and then asked straight to the point: “Bundy Wald has been solved, does Ledfield have his specific location?” ”

“So soon, I’ll check it.”

Tsuru was surprised by how quickly Sengoku solved Bundy Wald, but she forced down her thoughts and began to rummage through the documents next to her.

The sound of turning pages came out, and Sengoku did not interrupt, waiting quietly.

After a long time.

“Found it, according to the latest intelligence, Ledfield is currently resting on Spu Island, almost two days away from your current location.”

“Two days? Got it, then I’ll hang up first. ”

“Well, remember to be careful, it is said that this Ledfield is very strong, comparable to the general of the headquarters, and one person is equivalent to a group of sea pirates.”

Is it already comparable to the general of the headquarters now?

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth hooked an arc, and the stronger the other party, the happier he was, which meant that he would be provided with a lot of experiments.


Sengoku hung up the phone worm, looked at the navigator, and ordered, “Go towards Spu Island.” ”

“Yes! Rest assured! ”

The seafaring soldiers quickly saluted, and then ran into the cabin to check the direction to the destination.

Warships sail slowly over the sea.

Along the way, I met some unlucky pirates, and the Warring States did not let go, and they all shot to sink them in the sea.

Now in this world, except for the mysterious Im, there is no one who can make him feel troubled by the force of the Warring States.

All the pirates who met unexpectedly could not even withstand his move.

Late at night, Sengoku grabbed Bundy Wald and rushed to the sky with moon steps, and soon came to the island.

“Put this guy in jail for me, don’t let him die, his fruit ability is very useful.” Sengoku Chao Shiji ordered.

Shiki nodded solemnly and prepared to take Bundy Wald to another prison that he had been watching twenty-four hours a day.

Before leaving, he routinely asked, “Are you going to continue exercising tonight?” ”

Sengoku twisted his neck and threw down the cloak casually: “Time is urgent, at present, you can’t waste a moment, go and bring those guys out.” ”

“Understood, you wait.”

Shiji flew away.

Not long after, a large number of pirates appeared, bursting out with great momentum, and rushed towards the Warring States with all their strength.

Bang bang.

The terrifying battle burst into flames.


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