Sengoku returned to Marin Fandor with two devil fruits and a long knife.

Last night, he didn’t brush the imprisoned pirates, so he didn’t go back to the mansion to take a bath, and went directly to the office.

“General Warring States, this is a document that needs to be corrected by you today.” The soldier walked over on time with the documents in hand.

“Wait here!”

Sengoku looked at the thickness and found that there were only five of them, and without saying a word, he picked up the pen and immediately corrected it.

Ten minutes later, the soldier left with the corrected papers.

The gate was slammed shut, and Sengoku placed the Devil Fruit and the long knife on the table, looking carefully.

In addition to the hilt, the image of the long knife is different from the ordinary blade, the blade is not only the appearance of a dachshund, but even the sword head can conjure up the sharp teeth of a puppy.

Sengoku picked it up and studied it for a while, then left it on the ground and commanded, “Dachshund form.” ”

With a bang, the long knife obediently transformed into a dachshund dog appeared on the floor, pulling his tongue and running to the feet of the Sengoku, wagging his tail to please him.

Unlike the human transformation into the form of a beast, the form that the long knife turns into is completely a simple puppy, with nothing special or fierce appearance.

“If you don’t know its body, no one can tell that this is a sword!”

Sengoku held the dachshund in his arms, looked and stroked its whole body, and the light in his eyes flickered non-stop.

“Because of the fruit ability, it gives creatures characteristics, which is very similar to some kind of strong rule forcing the ontology to change.”

“Could it be that the power of the Devil Fruit is the product of the embodiment of the laws of this world? If that’s the case, it’s not incomprehensible, but…”

“Why does the sea reject the laws of this world? Seawater can be said to be the origin of all things, which is perverse. ”

Sengoku’s ten fingers moved slightly, but without the support of known conditions, he thought for a long time and did not come up with a reason.

“That’s it, a blank hundred years of history should tell me the whole truth.” He shook his head, shaking his thoughts away.

His gaze then turned to the other two Devil Fruits.

“There is no need to talk about the imitation fruit, the primary use can become any person, including the face, body and voice, it seems that von Kray ate it in the original work, and the ability is not bad!”

After Sengoku commented lightly, his gaze turned to the fruit of the next moment.

But suddenly,

A flash of light flashed in his mind, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned his head sharply to look at the imitation fruit again.

“This fruit is developed to the top enough to reach the point of chaos, if…”

“If you become one of the five old stars, then it will be… Hiss. ”

Sengoku was also taken aback by this idea of his own, but the more he thought about it, the hotter his gaze became when he looked at the imitation fruit.

He almost had a preconceived idea that this was a commonplace, unbright ability.

But when he came back to his senses, he realized that this was completely a buried devil fruit, and in the future, it could only deceive ordinary people by von Kray, but if the Warring States fully developed it to the level of awakening, it could even directly deceive the five old stars.

His future goal is to solve the privileges of the Draco, and to do this kind of thing, he must first solve the five old guys, but after observing for so long, he found that the five people stayed in the holy place like conjoined babies and did not leave or separate.

If the five old stars do not walk out of Mary Joa, it will be difficult for the Warring States to kill all five without alarming Im.

If it alarms Im, it will be the same as fighting the Rocks Pirates, and it will be besieged again and unable to distinguish the winner or loser.

Once he fell into this situation, he would face not only Yim and the five old stars, but also the counterattack of the entire world power that they had been operating for eight hundred years.

Therefore, dealing with them cannot be as reckless as fighting Lokes, and it is necessary to ensure that the first battle is the final battle, and the five old stars are solved first, so as to create conditions for being able to fight one-on-one with Im.

And if there is an imitation fruit, when the strength of the Warring States is reached, you can use this ability to imitate the appearance, temperament and strength of a certain person to deceive them, and then lead out of the Holy Land to secretly kill them first!

“The function that this fruit can play is absolutely huge when it is practical, and the next one will be it after I have exercised the wind and wind ability to the fullest.”

Sengoku took a deep breath, closed his eyes and forced down all kinds of tempting/human thoughts that suddenly arose in his heart, and he put the imitation fruit in the same cabinet as the Yagi Great Snake Fruit.

“Sure enough, there is no ability to garbage, only a host who does not know how to use it rationally!”

He sighed softly before setting his gaze on the barrier fruit.

Barrier Fruit: A barrier that can use absolute defense, the barrier will not be destroyed by any means, and the barrier can be used to attack, the disadvantage is that the barrier area released at the same time is limited.

“It’s also a good ability! At least much better and more precious than the animal line. ”

Sengoku also put this fruit in the cabinet: “When Vegapunk can really develop a way to control those who have restraint abilities, then they can use these abilities to cultivate subordinates.” ”

“But forget it now, keep it for now!”

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door, and at the same time Doflamingo’s voice came in from outside: “Master, open the door and open the door.” ”

Like Sengoku fingers, the breeze will be opened by the closed door.

Children are the easiest to coax, and after nearly a year of getting along, Doflamingo’s title for him has changed from “devil” and “bad guy” to “master”, and completely entangled him.

“Master, my birthday is over, and I am now four years old. When will you teach me to practice martial arts, I will beat Mary Joa’s hateful big fat man down. ”

Doflamingo hurriedly ran in with his short legs, and shouted loudly at the same time.

“Let’s wait until you are six years old, you who are still growing your body will hurt your body by excessive exercise, and then the estimated height will only be one meter six or seven, and you will completely become a small dwarf.”

Sengoku shook his head and said with a chuckle: “At this stage, the most important thing for you is to learn to read and learn to be a person. ”

“Alright!” Doflamingo pouted, although he was disappointed, but he also knew that even if he asked for it again, it was useless, so he could only suppress the thoughts in his heart sullenly.

“Naw, this dog is given to you, take it and play with it!”

Sengoku put the dachshund in his arms on the table, patted its dog’s head, and said to Doflamingo: “Be careful, don’t let it hurt.” ”

“Huh~~~ What an ugly dog, I don’t want it!” Doflamingo’s face was full of disgust, and his hands swung back in succession.

“Woof, woof…”

The Sword Dachshund, which has been transformed by its abilities, is extremely human, and knows who its designated next owner is, and it barks a few times and then jumps off the table and runs with its mouth open.

“Wow, don’t come, don’t come.”

Doflamingo also thought that the dachshund was going to come and bite him because of his disgusted words, and he immediately ran outside with a frightened face.

The dachshund was even happier when he saw this, and also chased after him with small short legs.

A child and a dog chased after the whole Marin Fandory.

“The child is so nice and carefree.”

Sengoku looked at this childlike scene with a smile, and sighed: “There is nothing to do, read the book, there is still a book borrowed from O’Hara before!” ”

He took out the book from the drawer, leaned back in the chair, folded his feet on the table, and buried himself in the sea of books.

The sun was shining outside, and the energetic sounds of the soldiers training came clearly from the window.

The years are quiet!


[What seems to be a festival tonight, I hope that most of my readers have a partner and can spend a pleasant (apple) night together.] 】

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