After Sengoku, Kapu, Tsuru and Ryu met Zefa’s wife in the Chambordi Islands and had a big meal, they went back to their headquarters overnight.

When the next day arrived, Karp took the dragon on a warship and escorted the king back to the New World.

Life in the Warring States returned to the peaceful days of exercising at night, sleeping during the day, and teaching Doflamingo by the way.

A week later, at the beginning of the month.

In the marshal’s office.

Steel bone empty looked at Sengoku Hezuru, who was standing in front of him, still a young face, and a talented woman.

“You two want to take leave at the same time?” Steel Bone asked.

“Well, that’s right, Marshal Kong, we’re going out for a good stroll!” Tsuru hugged Sengoku’s arm and replied with a clever smile.

Sengoku’s face was expressionless, like a puppet without feelings.

“In this way, the little couple really needs to spend their honeymoons often to maintain their relationship!”

Although Gang Bone Kong suspected that the Warring States were in a completely opposite state to Tsuru, he didn’t think too much, nodded when he heard this, and said with a chuckle: “But the eight-day vacation is only available to great generals, and Ahe, your big staff officer’s vacation is only six days, and you have to deduct your salary for two more days!” ”

“Buckle it, buckle it, anyway, the salary of the Warring States over the years is enough for us to live carefree for hundreds of years!” Tsuru waved his hand for the first time and said indifferently.

In front of the children, let alone deduct wages, even if the end of the world is coming, you have to lean back.

Steel Bone Empty smiled and shook his head: “Don’t say that being your empty uncle is impersonal, the extra two days you have been taken as going out on business, go ahead!” ”

“Thank you Air Marshal, then let’s go.”

The smile at the corner of the crane’s eyebrows became even stronger, and after saying thank you to the steel bone, he immediately couldn’t wait to drag the Warring States out.

As soon as the two walked out of the office, they ran into Zefa, who was rushing to the scene.

“Brother Warring States, good morning Sister He!” Seeing the figures of the two, he raised his hand and said hello.

“Well, good morning! Did you come here for something? Sengoku nodded in response, and then subconsciously asked.

“Oh, it’s not the beginning of the month today, I’ll ask Marshal Air to take a leave and go back to accompany my wife.”

As soon as Zefa’s voice fell, Sengoku pursed his lips, glanced at Tsuru and then raised his hand to pat his shoulder, and said softly: “It’s hard for you, come here so early, please, go!” Air Marshal goes to work inside! ”

There is also a sentence that Sengoku held back in his heart and did not say: You are not as early as a crazy woman.

Zefa grinned and walked in.

“Let’s go quickly, otherwise we will be a little embarrassed to wait for Zefa to come out.”

After Tsuru whispered, he immediately dragged Sengoku and left.

Behind him, the sound of Zefa and the conversation between Steel Bone Kong came clearly.

“Marshal Air, I’m here again, today is the beginning of the month of the month and I came to ask you for eight days off!”

“It’s a pity Ah Zefa, you’re late, just now the Warring States have already invited first, you can stay at ease in the headquarters for these eight days, and you will invite you when they come back!”



The two walked out of the office building, first went back to the mansion to change into civilian clothes, and then took the clothes to be changed and came to the port location.

“Little Dover, your master and I are going to go on a mission outside, you should go back to your parents first, and then pick you up in eight days.”

The crane touched Doflamingo’s head and said softly.

“Huh? Can’t you take me with you? There is nothing fun in the Holy Land. ”

Hearing that they were going to separate, Doflamingo’s expression was obviously very reluctant, expecting the crane to take him out with him.

Although the crane had a smile on his face, he very decisively picked it up and put it on the warship and ordered the soldier: “Send it to Mary Joa, give it to Don Quixote’s house, don’t let a child as young as him run around by himself, you know?” ”

“Yes! Mission accomplished! The soldier hurriedly saluted and replied loudly.

The warship set sail, and the aggrieved Doflamingo gradually disappeared from sight.

“Okay, Sengoku, let’s go! Eternal record pointers, I’m ready! ”

Tsuru Chang breathed a sigh of relief, took out two recording pointers from his arms, and waved his hand.

“Then let’s go!”

Now that he had decided that the Warring States did not want to regret it, he took a step forward and held the crane in his arms, and slammed into the distance.

Seeing this, the busy soldiers in the port of Marin Fandor exclaimed.

The sea breeze whistled around him, and Tsuru wrapped his arms around Sengoku’s neck and buried his head in his chest, his eyes full of tenderness.

“Tsuru, what if, I mean if it is difficult to have an heir after checking out?” Sengoku suddenly asked.

“That should be fate, I also admit it.”

Tsuru thought about it seriously, and then said softly after a while: “Actually, I just want a crystallization that belongs to each other, if there is really no way, then it’s okay.” As long as you’re always there for me! ”

Speaking of this, Tsuru looked up at the Warring States and said softly: “You don’t have too much psychological burden, this is just my own whim, not your problem.” ”

“Don’t worry, we will always be together, forever!”

Sengoku’s grip on the crane tightened a little, and he said in an extremely serious tone.

He didn’t care that much about whether he had an heir, but he had to worry about Tsuru’s feelings.

Now after hearing her words, Sengoku’s mood suddenly relaxed a little.

“Hold steady, we’re going to accelerate!”

Marin Fandor behind him had disappeared into perception, and Sengoku said with a chuckle.

After the words fell, the wind fruit ability was activated, and a violent wind was generated out of thin air around it, driving the figures of the two to fly towards the sky.

Tsuru’s face was full of surprise: “This is??” ”

“I ate the wind fruit.”


In Tsuru’s shock, he soon came to the flying island controlled by Shiji.

A minute later, the island flies fast towards the position of the eternal record pointer.


Two days later.

On a winter island where snow does not stop all year round, Sengoku Hezuru, wearing sunglasses and a mask, completely conceals his figure, stepped up.

Although the snow fell heavily and urgently, and the temperature was very cold, the two were still wearing thin clothes, and their expressions did not change much.

“This is the most famous medical country on the Great Route, and the doctors’ skills on the island are famous all over the world, and people from different places come to seek medical treatment every day.”

“If you don’t make an appointment in advance, you will have to wait here for at least a week if you suddenly come.”

“And there are a lot of fun specialties here, like hiking bears on crutches, elk that are smart enough to be very human, and…”


Tsuru obviously did his homework and told the entire island one by one.

Sengoku listened quietly while looking at the scene around him.

He recognizes that this is the home of the future Luffy crew, the reindeer Joba.

However, at this time, the king was not yet the waste of the capable Valpo, so doctors and medical skills were still very famous.

The two walked through trees and rubble, and soon arrived in a crowded village.

“Two guests from afar, do you want to come in and rest when it’s cold outside, don’t worry, we have a heater that is a specialty of the Owa Lake Kingdom, which definitely makes you so hot that you just want to take off your clothes.”

Not far away, a villager waved his arm vigorously at them, and after shouting a word, he gave a thumbs up to show his white teeth: “I will only charge you 10,000 Bailey one night!” ”

“Profiteers, it’s too expensive. Let’s go straight to the doctor at our appointment! Tsuru muttered, taking Sengoku’s arm and continuing to walk forward.

Although prices rose much more than before during this period, 10,000 Bailey a night was still very expensive, which was enough to go to a hotel on other islands for two or three days.

Sengoku was dragged and stopped after walking a few steps.

“Has the heater become widespread here? I’ll take a look! ”

Sengoku walked curiously towards that side, talked to the villagers for a while, and followed him into the house.

As soon as the gate was pushed open, a scorching aura immediately rushed to his face, which was in stark contrast to the icy scene outside.

There were also a dozen civilians in short-sleeved shorts drinking frozen drinks, and the villagers continued to sell with a kind smile: “Although every house is equipped with a stove, I promise you that this one must be the warmest and most comfortable.” ”

Sengoku felt the temperature in the room, his eyes showed satisfaction, and asked rhetorically: “Can you withstand the use of this product?” ”

“It’s a little expensive, but you can still make some money every month by letting patients who come to see you stay with travelers.”

“Hmm! As far as I know, it seems that this product is not a one-time purchase, but is heated by a monthly fee based on technical patents, and the king and residents here did not protest or something? ”

“How can this be, do you know who is behind the Kingdom of Lake Owa, it is supported by the Warring States of the Admiral Buddha of the Navy Headquarters, who dares to disagree, and in fact, everyone is very grateful for this kind of thing.”

The villagers waved their hands wildly and quickly explained: “If there were no heaters, we would have to live such a cold life all year round, and no tourists would have come here to stay and watch.” ”

“…” Sengoku nodded and did not speak again, silently observed the device of the heater to send heat in, and left with Tsuru despite the villagers’ retention and price reduction.

On the way, Tsuru looked at each house that was obviously equipped with a heater, raised his head and spoke: “Is Miwa so powerful, she actually made this kind of thing, and what kind of technology patent fee did she make for selling things?” This is the first time I’ve heard of this method. ”

Warring States smiled: “This is what Vegapunk built, and the royalties are also collected by me like this, after all, their scientific and technological research also requires a lot of funds, and then reduce the price when you don’t worry about money in the future.” ”

“So it is, hey, look! On top of the mountain ahead was the top doctor I had finally heard. ”

“There is…”

“Where the 102-year-old witch Dr. Kureha lives.”

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