Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

In the general’s office, after Sengoku hung up the phone worm, the whole person leaned back in the chair and let out a long puff of smoke.

He buried his entire face in the smoke, his eyes flickering.

“Do you want to call Charlotte Lingling again?”

Tsuru walked behind Sengoku, his slender fingers pressed on his eyebrows.

“Karp, Dragon and Matsuura are not too far away, if Whitebeard can’t let Karp and them converge and retreat in the past, one more Charlotte Lingling won’t help, the soldiers at the bottom should be killed and killed.”

Sengoku closed his eyes slightly and shook his head: “Let’s wait here!” ”

“Oh! I thought you were looking for Charlotte Lingling, after all, her soul ability is quite special? ”

“Oh, that woman, I don’t like her!”

Sengoku said lightly.

Although Whitebeard and Aunt are both pirates, they are obviously not the same type, and if you want to say that the harm to civilians is greater, it is definitely Auntie this guy.

And the conditions on which he promised to let Whitebeard make a move, but they could sail at sea with peace of mind and not be attacked by the navy.

This condition he is more inclined to Edward Newgate, who is broad and has a bottom line, anyway, this guy is not going to sea for wealth and fighting, he has also learned about the other party’s intelligence in the past six months, and he has always navigated freely, and he really hasn’t harassed the people.

Tsuru nodded, stopped talking, and stayed in the office with Sengoku Shizuki.

Time passed slowly, and the sun in the sky gradually tilted to the west.

Finally, in the evening, the telephone worm on the desk rang.

I have been waiting for the 507 Warring States to raise his hand and immediately pick up: “I am the Warring States!” ”

“Sengoku! Me, Karp! On the other end of the phone, Karpu’s loud voice appeared.

Sengoku glanced at the crane beside him, his expression slightly relaxed.

Listening to the tone of Karp’s voice, there should be no big problem, after all, they know each other best, if things really make Karp unacceptable, then the beginning is definitely not like this.

“Is the loss big?” Sengoku asked.

“Fortunately, the total number of casualties among all the warships is close to four hundred, I’m fine, Ryu is only a little injured, Matsuura’s words…”

When Karp said this, he paused before sighing softly: “One arm is gone!” Now in a coma. ”

Sengoku’s eyes narrowed slightly: “It’s okay to save a life, what about the guys?” ”

“I originally wanted to capture alive, some committed suicide, and some were killed by their own people, and ran away from a few people who were not bad.”

“Hmm! Got it. ”

“Sengoku, do we still want to continue searching?”

“How have you been doing this month?”

“Nothing, if it weren’t for you saying that I really doubt whether Ralph Drew really exists, if there is no record pointer guidance in this sea area of the New World, I really can’t find it.”

“Then come back, there is no need to continue looking there.”

Sengoku has also figured out a lot today, and combined with the news passed on by Karp and others, the mysterious Ralph Drew seems to be unable to find Qiu according to this stupid method.

And it doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, it’s clear that the world government doesn’t want them to continue to explore like this, so there is no need to continue searching a little.

“Good! The soldiers came and I went to deal with the matter. ”

“Hmm!” Servant. Hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku fingers tapped lightly on the desktop. I feel that the empty film should attract the attention of the world government, the navy is still in charge of the air marshal, it is better to be safe, don’t stimulate the five old stars, let them pay attention to us. @こ丆乃旁边癿鹤突然开口道: “It’s easy to react to a situation like this in a contact prohibition event. ”

“Well, I know, I won’t let Karp do this kind of thing again, and they never said that they were looking for Ralph Drew, even if the five old stars had suspicions, it was just speculation.”

Sengoku’s ten fingers moved, and he clenched his fists violently: “It’s better to figure out the holy place first, I will enter the depths of the castle in two days, and I will try to see if I can see Im at that time.” ”

As a pillow person, Tsuru also knew from the mouth of Sengoku Yi that the owner of the five old stars, Yim Shengxi, did not fluctuate much when he heard this.

“Then you come on!”

She put away the anti-eavesdropping black phone worm that she had set aside and walked towards the door: “It’s time to be handsome, I’ll go back and sort it out first!” ”


The gate was opened, and Doflamingo, who had been locked out for a whole day, looked up at the crane in exasperation.

Tsuru chuckled, crouched down to pick him up and walked towards the staff headquarters.

Sengoku leaned back in his chair, his legs on the tabletop, looked up at the ceiling, and his deep pupils empty.

After a long time, he suddenly chuckled.

“The more you don’t want people to know, the more interested I am.”

………… The dividing line…………

Nightfall, Holy Land Mary Joya.

In the living room exclusive to the five old stars, they also gathered together at this time, quietly sipping tea, as if waiting for something.

Soon, a man in a black suit trotted in from outside and knelt on the floor.

“Five adults, mission failed! Pirate Edward Newgate suddenly appeared and killed our officers. ”

As soon as the man’s words fell, all five old stars raised their eyebrows.

“Pirates help the Navy? This rare scene has appeared again! The old man with the sword stroked the blade in his hand and said in a leisurely tone.

“It often happens at sea every year, but this timing is a little wrong, but it doesn’t matter!”

The curly-haired old man said lightly, waved his hand to the man in black to signal him to go out, and then put his hands together to support his chin: “The key is whether they are really looking for Ralph Drew?” There’s a place where we don’t want people to know about it. ”

“Whether they’re looking or not, we think yes is enough. Now the question is, did Karp make this decision himself, or did someone let him do it? The bearded old man spoke.

“What do you mean? Sora or the Warring States of Buddha? The curly-haired old man’s expression moved.

“It’s impossible for Sora to do these things, but Buddha Sengoku’s words, I’m not sure, at least he has never shown the idea of getting out of control.” The bearded old man thought for a while before shaking his head to indicate that it was not necessary.

“Is it easy for him to test, tomorrow the order is to let the navy not go deep into the waters of the New World, just see what attitude he has.” And speaking of which, don’t you all think that the power of the navy is a little inflated? Over the years, their power has been very heavy. ”

A light flashed on the frame of the old man with the sword: “If they are allowed to develop again, it is very likely that they will really end up in the end, and even reveal a certain period of history intentionally or unintentionally.” I think it’s better that the new world will continue to be chaotic, and the pirates who don’t unite are the best guardians of Ralph Drew.”

“Makes sense!” The long-bearded old man nodded and agreed, “And pirates must also exist, so as to contain most of the energy of the navy and the people, so that they will not do what they should not do, think about it, lest we have to clean it again.” ”

After listening to the opinions of several other old men, the curly-haired old man thought carefully before finally coming to a conclusion: “So be it, since this operation to remove unstable factors has failed, then let it go for the time being.” Whether their actions at the end of the New World were looking for Ralph Drew, whether it was someone’s order or their own decision, let them all withdraw and stop touching the sea. ”

“If Karp or Warring States still insist on their own opinions, it means that their gang of guys are out of control, and then we will discuss how to solve it, are there still problems?”

The other four old men shook their heads.

“I’ll go give Sora a call.” The curly-haired old man got up and walked towards the office in the back.

The four people in the living room continued to sip tea quietly.

After a long time, a blond old man suddenly remembered something and spoke: “Then again, I remember that the full name of Iron Fist Kapu is called Monchi D Kapu, right?” ”

“D? According to past experience, this guy is more likely to be the master without authorization. ”

“Sure enough, D can’t believe Qi, but unfortunately I didn’t know that D joined before, otherwise we should have started it in advance, and now it would be a bit worth the loss to do it to him.”

“At this time, there is really no need, as long as he stays in the position of vice admiral, he can be a naval officer with peace of mind, and he doesn’t have to pay attention even if he recommends it.”


Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, the next day came, and Sengoku and Tsuru led little Dover who had finished breakfast to the general’s office slowly.

“Naw, today is Dover’s day to study, he will give it to you to bring.”

Sengoku said to Tsuru with a chuckle.

Tsuru pursed his mouth, picked up Doflamingo, whose face was wrinkled into bitter melon after hearing the words he was going to read, and returned to the staff department.

Sengoku returned to his desk and sat down, brandishing a pen to correct the documents that had been put away.

“Sengoku, are you free? The old man has something to talk to you about. ”

Just after changing a few pictures, the sound of steel bones sounding outside the door.

I saw that at this moment, the expression of the empty face of the steel bone was extremely serious, and he was not as approachable as before, and his slightly condensed eyes had an inquiring color.

Sengoku raised his eyebrows, put down the pen, nodded and got up.

“Of course you can! You are a marshal after all, even if you don’t have time to squeeze it, you have to squeeze it out. “_

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