The original solemn and magnificent living room was destroyed, and it was now full of debris.

The high white walls around were also shaken out of black cracks.

But the five old stars did not comment on this situation, and they could not initiate accountability for the Warring States.

After all, it is one of the five old stars who proposes to experience, and this is also a trivial matter for them, there is really no need to make an unpleasant mess because of this.

Of course, the main reason is also because of the strength of the Warring States, which is enough for them to endure some flaws.

When the conversation was over, the living room fell silent.

The eyes of the five old stars flickered and they didn’t know what they were thinking, and the Warring States and Zefa were also happy not to speak.

After stabilizing his figure, he first glanced at the Warring States with incredulous eyes, and then asked the five old stars: “The Warring States and Zefa have already met the requirements of the general of the headquarters in terms of strength and merit, so I once again propose to the five of you that they be officially promoted to generals in front of all the media one day.” ”

The curly-haired old man pursed his lips slightly, did not answer Steel Bone Kong’s words first, but looked at the Warring States again: “What do you think of some of the behavior of the Draco?” ”

Some acts basically refer to the injuries they cause to some civilians when they travel.

After all, the purpose of the Navy is to uphold justice and protect civilians.

They have to reaffirm the views of Sengoku and Zefa on the protection of civilians before they can finally make up their minds.

The ten fingers of the Warring States moved slightly, but they did not say anything against it, nodded and said lightly: “I also read the document data given by the air marshal, pirates are the biggest stumbling block to justice, and the navy must exist, so I have no other ideas.” ”

Of course, after the pirates are gone, who is the stumbling block to justice, there is no need to specifically say this.

Zefa, who has been deeply affected by the Sengoku style of “integrating into the rules, complying with the rules, using the rules, and changing the rules” since he went to sea, did not put forward objections, and also responded: “My thoughts are the same as the big brother of the Warring States!” ”

The five old stars looked at each other and all nodded.

“In that case, then there is no opinion on our side, and tomorrow the letter of appointment of the general will be sent to Marin Fando.” The curly-haired old man said.

Gang Bone Kong nodded with a smile: “Then since this is the case, there are also a lot of affairs in the headquarters, so I will go back first.” ”

“Well, go ahead.”

Steel Bone turned around and walked towards the door, and Sengoku and Zefa did not mean to stay too long, and followed closely.

The five old stars stared at the backs of the two until they disappeared from sight, and then withdrew their gaze.

“Overlord color domineering has been practiced to this extent, is there a risk of getting out of control?”

“With the information he has so far, he has never shown such thoughts, and when he ordered him to take soldiers to save the Cristo family, he did not raise any objections, and did a good job in killing pirates and saving Draco.”

“There are not 10,000 or 1,000 overlords on the sea, and it is normal to occasionally have a Buddha Warring Kingdom, just like the Draco people, not all of them have the same character.”

“The CP department also investigated everything about him, he used to be in the small town of Osilen when he was young, where he had never been persecuted by rotten officials and draco, and finally the residents of the town were killed by pirates, and then he directly entered the navy until now, and his resume is very clean.”

“I still remember the speech he gave when he was a lieutenant general, and I was satisfied with everything except for his strength.”

“The five of us working together are enough to deal with everything in this world, so don’t worry too much.”

“If that’s the case, then I’m okay.”

After the five old stars talked to each other for a while, they stopped discussing this incident.


Outside, Steel Bone Kong, Warring States and Zefa were pacing away unhurriedly.

Along the way, Steel Bone Kong always turned his head from time to time and looked at the Warring States with complicated eyes.

Finally, when the steel bone turned back again, Sengoku helplessly asked him: “Do I have flowers on my face?” How to look at me with such eyes? ”

“Not really, I was just shocked by you.”

The empty footsteps of the steel bone stopped slightly, and when the Warring States stepped forward to join him, he patted the shoulder of the Warring States and said with emotion: “People can’t be old if they don’t obey, just now the overlord color, even I was embarrassed by you, your guy’s strength is now stronger than my marshal.” ”

After speaking, Gang Bone Kong sighed again: “In the past, when you just graduated, I told you that the strongest person above the general was the marshal, but now it seems …”

He shook his head, his face full of embarrassment.

Sengoku sensed the breath of the steel bone empty and rolled his eyes: “Don’t joke, Marshal Air, your breath is not weak, is it good, and you still say that you can’t be old, what do you think of those lieutenant generals in the headquarters like this?” ”

“You boy…”

The sentimentality of the steel bone empty was so beaten that it disappeared directly.

The three returned to the warship in the exchange room.

Standing on the deck, Sengoku looked at the holy land Mary Joa, who gradually disappeared from sight, and recalled the many breaths that he had seen and smelled domineeringly, and his eyes drooped slightly.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of eight hundred years of heritage, and there are not many masters in this secret.”

“The Navy is only a single-digit general, and Mary Joa has already broken double digits, not counting the existence of these old guys of the five old stars, and…”

“That mysterious Im.”

Warring States secretly said in his heart, this was only the first day of contact that gave him such great pressure, which shows that the foundation of eight hundred years is really not covered.

“Protect civilians and uphold justice ~~~ There is a long way to go.”

Sengoku sighed lightly, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it, looked at the sea and continued to ponder.

“At present, it can be guessed that the ceiling of the world’s force value should be the mysterious Im, but people have lived for eight hundred years, and even a pig can become an immortal for such a long time, let alone a person.”

“If you don’t see the strength with your own eyes, you can’t think too much about it.”

“Eight hundred years old youkai! But…”

Warring States’ heart sank into his mind, checking his greatest confidence: “It’s not invincible.” ”

【Personal Information】

【Fruit Development: Great Buddha Form and Awakening (100,000/999999)】

[Physical fitness: strongest ancient strength (0/999999), strongest ancient defense (0/999999), strongest ancient speed (0/999999), strongest ancient physical strength (0/999999)]

[Tricolor Domineering: Epic Overlord Color Domineering (0/999999), Epic Armed Color Domineering (0/999999), Epic Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (0/999999)]

[Combat ability: world-class grandmaster (0/999999), life manipulation (0/100000)]


Experience points in the dark world of Lockes before, and he defeated him countless times in a few days of battle to reach the point where he is now.

When the Valley of the Gods was in battle, it was only tens of thousands of points.

“All skill proficiency has reached the same level, so the six-style life return skill seems out of place, just enough balance, then use it. System…”

Sengoku spat out a puff of smoke and said to the system: “Spend 100,000 experience points to improve life return.” ”

As soon as the words fell, the amount of experience in the background immediately decreased by 100,000 points, and at the same time, the proficiency behind the return of life was rapidly skyrocketing.

As proficiency became closer and closer to full value, Warring States’ comprehension of the Six Styles became deeper and deeper, and at the same time, his control over the body increased a lot.

Originally, he could control his hair and internal organs, but now Sengoku feels that he can not only control them, but also exercise and strengthen them.

It wasn’t until “Life Return (0/100000)” became “Life Design (0/999999)” that Sengoku discovered that he could control not only his body, but also all the bones of his body.

He raised the palm of his right hand, looked at the tail finger, and his mind moved.


The phalanges suddenly lengthen and penetrate the skin, creating a very sharp object.

Sengoku pinched the finger bone spur with his right hand and found that the hardness was much harder than the bones of ordinary people.

“There are still 999999 points of proficiency in the back, if you exercise slowly, won’t the bones of the whole body be as hard as diamonds in the end?”

“And since I can break the bones out of my body, if I encounter someone like Lox to beat me in the future, I also have a completely restrained method.”

Sengoku’s eyes flickered, and his mind deduced that when he was dealt with by several people, when someone took advantage of him to fight people head-on, attacking from other directions to contain him, his diamond-like bones directly broke out, penetrating the unsuspecting enemy and hanging around.

“What a good skill.” Sengoku smiled.


Not long after, the warship returned to Marin Fandorne.

Steel Bone walked off the warship and walked towards the location of the office building.

“Air Marshal is good, Brigadier General of the Warring States is good, and Lieutenant General Zefa is good.”

“Hello sir!”

“I’ve seen the sir!”


Along the way, all the passing officers and soldiers saw the three and immediately saluted and greeted.

Steel Bone Kong was in an exceptionally beautiful mood today, and everyone who greeted him, whether he knew him or not, no matter how big the rank, he took the trouble to respond.

When the soldiers and officers saw this situation, they were stunned in place.

It wasn’t until the steel bone sky walked out tens of meters that a veteran pinched his chin and asked his colleague next to him suspiciously:

“Marshal Kong is so happy today, is he married to another wife?”

Steel Bone Kong’s senses are so keen, although people are whispering, but listening to it is unusually clear in their ears, his smile is frozen, his feet are on his feet, and he almost falls to the ground.


[Because I wrote too fast before, the outline was written, today I will make three temporary changes, the author continues to design the outline of hundreds of thousands of words in this chapter, and then it will break out again quickly! ] Thank you for your support and follow-up, and will repay you with millions of words. 】

[The author kneels for collections, evaluation tickets, flowers, monthly passes.] 】

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