“If you want to talk to me, don’t be so sudden! My heart was about to freak out of my mouth! ”

My wife Shanyi cried nervously, leaving the little boy full of black lines, speechless, and could only quickly apologize:

“I’m sorry…”

However, my wife Shanyi did not ease her emotions, so you maintained this expression, your eyes stared at the boss, full of blood:

“I’ll tell you, you’ll be a murderer if that, you know?!”

“It’s just that I see you seem…”

The little boy opened his mouth a little helplessly to explain, at this time his shadow is the biggest okay.

But helplessly, it is most important to comfort the [big child] in front of you first:

“Seeing that your sweating, breathing, and shaking are a little bad…”

“What, I’ve worked hard, okay!”

“It’s not…”

The little boy lowered his head and said depressedly: “I’m sorry, but I’m also a little uneasy…”

“No, I’m sorry!”

Hearing this, my wife Shanyi quickly apologized, but randomly raised her head again and quickly reminded:

“But ah, that’s ah, if you say too much, you will be ghosted… It was discovered, so I better try to keep quiet! ”

This seems to be a reminder, no matter how you look at it, it looks like my wife Shanyi, and I try my best to hide it when I feel that I am embarrassed.

And the main thing is that although the excuse I made was okay, it seems that he has always said much more than the little boy has said so far.

And the “most” main thing is … During their quarrel, everyone seemed to see a black hand slowly stretching out behind their backs.

This operation made the audience of the heavens and realms really unable to stand it, and laughed again:

“Hahaha, this guy, really amused me, is this mouth open? Speaking of ghosts, ghosts are really coming! ”

“Little boy: I’m sorry, I’ve tried my best, but this guy really can’t move, I’m too difficult…”

“Then again, this tear flowed, how did he live to such a big age, how much water does he have to drink a day to ensure the output of tears??”


The screen returns to the video.


With the sound of the floor clicking, the little boy’s face suddenly darkened, and my wife Shanyi also turned her head stiffly.

At this time, a tongue-tongued thief old ghost was lying on the ground at this time, and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the two turn back, he narrowed his eyes and laughed proudly:

“It’s a child, it looks good!”

“Look at you, this is coming out, this is coming out!”

My wife Shanyi’s eyes widened and she shouted in collapse.

This operation this reaction, so that the little boy is infected by him and is no longer afraid (laughs)!

And looking at my wife Shanyi, I don’t know if it’s because I don’t know it, or because I want to cover up, and I put all the blame on myself.

The little boy’s incredible expression already said it all…

“Don’t come, don’t come here! Butterfly (don’t)! ”

Without saying much, my wife Shanyi, who was shocked, grabbed the little boy’s hand and quickly fled for her life, pleading with the ghost while running:

“Me me I, I’m not delicious, I’m definitely not delicious, seriously, this kid is thin and dry, he must be dry, it’s not delicious at all…”

“Hey, hey, hey…”

But this ghost could not care, and kept running on the ground with his hands and feet, extremely fast, and he laughed maniacally:

“If you don’t taste it, you don’t know!”


Bang bang –

In the roar, the tongue of the cannibal quickly attacked.

And my wife Shanyi also narrowly avoided a wave of attacks with the little boy, but looking at the scene on the side, he was still frightened and shouted:

“What the hell? The speed is so fast, the water bottle snapped by…” (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

“This can’t be!”

In the rush to escape, my wife Shanyi once again dodged the other party’s attack, rushed into a nearby room, and fell violently to the ground.

“Mr. Shanyi, stand up quickly, stand up quickly!”

The little boy looked at my wife’s condition and quickly grabbed his shoulders.

“Aaaah! It’s all up to the knees…”

And at this time, my wife Shanyi was trembling all over, and her knees were shaking and she had no strength at all, and she could only shout desperately:

“This terrified eighty percent has reached the knees, and can’t move!”

“There’s no time to say such things now!”

The little boy was speechless, when is this, still chirping here, quickly get up and run for your life.

“No, no, no, leave me alone, you run first!”

My wife Shanyi refused, still unable to get up and lying on the ground.

Now although he trembled all over and said very much, the behavior of staying in the palace did make everyone nod.

The villain has not yet provoked to abandon the little boy, or push the other party into the mouth of the ghost.

It’s a bit of a responsibility!

Well, although it may be because he really can’t run…

“‘I can’t do it!’

However, how could the little boy do this, directly refuted back.

This scene not only saw the audience nodding one after another, don’t wave, my wife Shanyi in crying was extremely moved, and murmured:

“What a good boy, obviously [voice] is already so scared, I have to do something!” It’s too pitiful for me not to protect him.

It’s too much to have a single digit in a year! ”

Obviously, at this time, the danger was approaching, and the atmosphere became more and more tense and terrifying.

However, looking at the reactions of these two people, the audience of the Heavens and Heavens did not feel any horror and nervousness, but felt a little funny.

Dying year (Zhao Hao Zhao) single digit, hahaha, this is too funny, it is indeed a little dry!

And the sound…

Many people who listened to this word frowned slightly, and my wife Shanyi has mentioned this word many times Song.

It seems that this is this guy’s special ability, hearing is powerful to a limit, not only can hear the sound, but also hear the emotions contained in the sound, and even deeper things…

It really can!

However, with this ability alone, there is no way to get out of trouble in such a dangerous situation, and the people here are also very curious, not knowing what kind of development will happen next.

Could it be that Tanjiro arrived here?

Or did the mouth of the pig-headed figure of Hiranosuke break in here and save them?

“But I’m weak…”

Sure enough, no matter how resolute her heart was, my wife Shanyi recognized the reality and hung her head heavily, feeling extremely depressed.

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