“Don’t worry, you are still young, and there are still many responsibilities you need to bear in the future.”

Hestia shook his head next to him, did not mess around, did not joke, just gently persuaded

“The brave do not become brave at the beginning, speed up and grow faster, Bell-kun!”

However, although he said that, Hestia at this moment was also secretly determined.

“Bell must not be allowed to suffer so much….

Bet on the name of the goddess, absolutely not! ”


In the video, with the goddess and the others teleported to the Demon King City.

The camera turns back to the perspective of the Cautious Brave.

At this moment, the battle between him and the Demon King also ushered in the most intense.

The brave man who had completed the temptation gently held his arm, and his eyes were full of determination and determination.

This scene directly frightened Lista, and she shouted desperately, wanting to stop it:

“Stop, holy, use that word, and your life will be…”

“Final Destruction Technique!”

The brave of caution did not pay attention to the words of the goddess, and directly changed the move:

“Heavenly Hell Gate!”

In an instant, a gate with a terrifying female head descended into the Demon King City.

And with the laughter of the head, several chains directly trapped the demon king.

At this moment, the demon king was still very disdainful of this move, and directly mocked:

“That’s it? I’m proud of the anti-magic realm that can block everything…”

However, this move, but a move that gambles on the life of the brave, how can it be easily blocked by the demon king.

In just a few breaths, it was directly swallowed into the door.

However, the demon king of the S-level difficulty world obviously will not end like this, he instantly transformed into the original form, desperately trying to escape from the door.

“Don’t underestimate me, human!”

“No one underestimates you, the demon king of Gaiabrand, whose difficulty is at the S level!”

At this moment, the brave man of caution drew his sword again, and the rushing flame burned again, and he said solemnly:

“I don’t think this level can defeat you!”

Immediately there was a phoenix penetration, the momentum was very powerful, but it was useless.

The weapons in this world cannot cause damage to this demon king at all.

But how could our cautious braves not be prepared in the face of such a situation.

Without any alarm, he directly used the hair of the goddess (?) ), and the fangs in the gate combined into a sword of the underworld.

“Hades through the strike!!”

With the slash sent out by this sword that did not belong to this realm, the demon king was finally sealed.

Looking at this mighty seal, the audience of the heavens and realms did not have any joy, but a little sadness.

Because the price of this seal comes from the life of the brave!

“Is this person going to fall to the final end like the white-haired satyr before?”

But fortunately, this time Lista did not drop the chain, and at the cost of being deprived of the position of goddess by violating the rules, she used healing techniques to pull the life of the brave back abruptly.

The audience of the heavens and realms who watched this was directly excited:

“Well, this goddess finally has the appearance of a goddess!”

“Hahaha, should I say that it really deserves to be a god? Sure enough, it’s the old man who blamed you before. ”

“It’s not easy, woo-woo, finally, after experiencing the death of several world video protagonists, one world can survive.

Otherwise, what kind of strange inventory is the video called, and it is directly called the death ending inventory! ”

However, just when the goddess and the others and the audience of the heavens felt that this time was finally GoodEnding, an accident came!


The gate that originated from the underworld did not disappear, but puffed up one lump after another, as if it had been hit by something.

With the screams of the female head, the demon king directly broke the seal and issued a call for death in his terrifying face:

“Even if I am sealed, I will take you on the road with me, and destroy the world along with it, Dark Return Point!”

Immediately, a dazzling light in the Demon King’s mouth continued to condense, emitting bursts of aura representing destruction.

“Is this the strength of the S-class Demon King?”

Seeing this scene, the goddess was completely desperate, and muttered in her mouth:

“That black light can destroy the world twice, and the entire creature of Gaia Brand will turn into dust, and we…”

Hearing this, the heavens were a little shocked.

At this moment, they finally understood what the group of prudent braves had to face!

The demon king who destroyed the world is not just talking, but really has the power to destroy the world!

“Horror, this is really terrifying, a ball of light can destroy the world, and he is repaid twice!”

“Is this hilarious? What kind of existence are the brave people fighting against? ”

Such a terrifying move made the audience of the heavens close their eyes and couldn’t bear to look directly.

However, at this moment, the brave man of caution did not give up, and he stood up again.

“It’s useless, Demon King!”

The brave man raised his hand again, and having experienced death, he was no longer afraid of death.

The only thing he feared was that he would not be able to do the goal of protection.

So, in order not to face this goal again, he is willing to give everything.

“Heavenly Hell Gate, second!”

With a terrifying light, an even larger door appeared behind the Demon King, which was about to directly swallow the Demon King along with the previous door.

“Abominable, abominable, abominable!”

The demon king screamed, desperately trying to struggle, but at this moment, he could not resist the determination of the brave at this moment.

Finally, in a burst of screams, the door closed, and this time the demon king completely turned into nothingness.

And in the same way, this time the brave man once again paid the price of his life.

It’s just that unlike before, this time the brave ones are going to completely dissipate.

Bearing the price of the underworld twice is something that Lista cannot make up for in any way.

Finally, is it over?

One after another cracks of collapse appeared on the body of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya, irreversible and incurable.

“Don’t give up, I’ll save you.”

Lista’s eyes were already full of tears at this moment, desperately using her ability, and constantly shouting:

“How can it end like this?”

“Lista, you’ve done a great job.”

The brave man of caution did not resist this time, but instead hugged the goddess into his arms and smiled slightly.

“Obviously I became a goddess, but I still didn’t do anything, nothing worked…”

Lista sobbed and closed her eyes in pain.

“I’m sorry, I’m useless, I’m sorry…”

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