From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 621: : unhappy break up

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Everyone could feel that the girl in black was displeased with the women in front of them, but Ye Han still told the truth and did not hide the identities of the two women, which made the two women secretly rejoice, but at the same time they were also happy for Ye Han. began to worry.

"Wife, you are really capable, and you actually married two more. Where is my mother? Didn't you go to her?" The girl in black said with a cold smile.

Ye Han heard the words, for some reason, he felt a pain in his heart and did not answer.

"Let's go! We don't want to see you, take your wife and friends out of here." The black-clothed girl opened her mouth and issued an order to evict the guests.

After the red-clothed girl appeared, she didn't speak, and watched a few people quietly.

The girl in black chased people away, but she didn't stop her.

Ye Han took the palms of Qingxianzi and Qinglin, carefully glanced at the three girls in front of him, then quickly turned around, looked at the hail of bullets in front of him in horror, and then passed through the steel jungle in front of him, under the gaze of a group of guards Go out and walk outside the building.

"Could that girl in white be the one who wants to kill me?" After leaving the building, Ye Han looked at Fairy Qing and asked.

"Yeah! Yes, yes." Fairy Qing was still in the middle of the incident when one of the triplets called Ye Han's father, but after hearing Ye Han's words, she still did not return. He nodded casually.

Only then did she react and say, "She is only one of them, and her strength is the weakest among them."

After she finished speaking, Fairy Qing finally realized that she was now seeing the intimate act of her and Ye Han together by Xiaoyi Xian. Doesn't that mean that her undercover identity was exposed?

Thinking of this, Fairy Qing suddenly felt a little distressed.

She doesn't want to expose it yet. Those women are too strong. Before Ye Han's strength has recovered, she still wants to continue to be a spy, go deep into the enemy's interior, buy time for Ye Han, and give him a tip just in case.

The three were kicked out, and Xiaoyixian was no exception.

The cold and dusty little girl looked at the backs of Fairy Qing and Ye Han, her eyes were full of hatred and hatred, and she followed closely behind the three of them.

Not long after several people left the Sanqing Group, a figure in red suddenly appeared, blocking the way of Ye Han and others.

"Have you really lost your memory?" The girl looked at Ye Han and said softly.

Looking at the girl's beautiful and moving face, Ye Han felt a little dazed, as if he wanted to remember something, but he always felt that something was missing, and he just couldn't figure it out.

Shaking his head slightly, his dazed head instantly regained clarity. Ye Han looked at the girl and said, "I don't know if it's a memory loss. She said I lost my memory."

Ye Han glanced at Fairy Qing next to him, not wanting to lie to the girl in front of him, and told the truth.

"She's right. You do have amnesia. I think your strength seems to have a big problem. This is for your self-defense. I hope that when you recover, you can give us a reasonable explanation." The girl in red looked at Ye Han for three seconds, then his eyes flashed slightly, he quickly looked away from the lines on his forehead, while talking, he threw a bracelet to Ye Han, and then his body disappeared quickly in a flash.

puff! ~

Sanqing Group, the highest level, after returning to the room, the girl in red uncontrollably spat out a mouthful of blood, and her fair face instantly turned pale.

She wanted to spy on Ye Han's secrets, but she was backlashed by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and because she belonged to an outsider, the backlash she suffered was far more powerful than the backlash she encountered at the beginning.

However, because of the blood connection, others may be able to see it wrong, but she will never admit it.

He is the father, but the conflict between the father's cognition of feelings and the concept of the three little girls made them feel extremely disappointed, so this meeting ended in this unhappy result.

However, the boss has a heart and can see Ye Han's physical condition. Although there are two strong women by his side, Qingqian is still worried, so he gave him the newly researched single-soldier mecha to let him He kept himself on guard.

Ye Han glanced at the bracelet made of unknown material in his hand, then looked up at the direction where the girl was leaving, slightly dazed.

"Brother Ye, they..." Qinglin said softly, looking at Ye Han, hesitant to say anything.

Ye Han turned his head when he heard the words and looked at the little girl, how could he not know what she was thinking.

"I don't know either." Ye Han shook his head.

Being misidentified over and over again, Ye Han is now a little nervous, and he is no longer so confident in his previous thoughts.

Maybe he really, really amnesia?

Ye Han smiled bitterly and touched the little girl's head, feeling sorry for the little girl in her heart.

If, in case, he really loses his memory, then judging from the current situation, he is likely to be a scumbag. In that case, it would be too unfair for the little girl.

"Brother Ye, if, if you are true, you, would you still, would you still like me?" The little girl looked at Ye Han and said hesitantly.

"Why don't you like it? If that's the case, I'm worried that you will leave me and look down on me." Ye Han said with a wry smile.

"Hee hee, Big Brother Ye will treat me even more in the future, otherwise I might really leave you." The little girl looked like she was about to cry, but she suddenly burst into laughter as she looked at Ye Han Naughty way.

"You two, can you talk about it later? Should we think about the things we all have to face together now?" Fairy Qing couldn't help but say speechlessly when she saw the two of them being left alone.

"Haha, I'll forget you if you don't speak." Ye Han looked at the beautiful woman with a grudge face, and couldn't help but smile.

Fairy Qing "..."

"Are you worried about the girl behind?" Ye Han put away the cynical expression on his face and looked at Fairy Qing seriously.

"Well! I'm exposed now, I really don't know what to do?" Fairy Qing said.

"How's that girl's strength? Can you beat it?" Ye Han thought for a while and said.

"What do you mean..." Fairy Qing looked at Ye Han with a hint of suspicion in her eyes, raised her palm and made a throat-slashing motion on her neck.

Seeing her action, Ye Han quickly raised his hand, tapped on her forehead, and said with a straight face, "How can you be so I just want to grab it ."

Fairy Qing was stunned, she felt extremely speechless, and she gritted her teeth for a while. If it wasn't for your words being too misleading, it would be easy for people to think crooked, who would have thought of killing people.

"Is your strength not as good as hers?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

"Who do you look down on?" Fairy Qing quit the job immediately after hearing the words, and almost jumped with anger, feeling that this guy looked down on people too much.

But the next moment, Fairy Qing couldn't help but boast, and said pitifully, "Although my strength is stronger than her, it's only stronger by three stars. It's not that easy to capture her alive, this little girl's strength. The fighting spirit is too domineering."

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