From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 611: : Douluo girls are now alive

Chapter 602

The Western Frontier of Dou Qi Continent, the Jama Empire, the Mountains of Warcraft.

The originally lively Warcraft Mountains became completely desolate with the departure of the soul beasts. However, a few years ago, for some reason, there were teams of strong human beings stationed here.

They blocked this piece of heaven and earth, imprisoned this side of the void, and there are powerhouses who are proficient in prohibition from time to time flying into the sky to study something.

Today, the three powerhouses vacated the sky, formed formations one by one, and then hit the sky one after another at the speed of light.

The wind and clouds were surging silently, and the sky that was originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

Click! ~

Suddenly there was a loud noise, the sky cracked, and a huge gap appeared, deep and terrifying, and then as the gap expanded, a small world appeared.

The flowers and plants are abundant, the spiritual energy is liquid, the mountains and mountains are beautiful, and the scenery is beautiful. It is like a paradise on earth.

"Who opened the ban?"

"Is that Brother Ye?"

"not him."

Cold, crisp, slightly magnetic, all kinds of beautiful and beautiful voices reverberate in this world, slowly spread out of the small world, and can be clearly heard by outsiders.

Immediately, beams of light appeared from all corners of the small world, rushing into the sky one after another, manifesting one after another.

It was one after another of stunning alluring figures, each of which was so slender and moving, with national colors and heavenly fragrance, but with such distinct characteristics.

Some people are dressed in white, cool and attractive, some are pink and tender, some are pure and compelling, and some are enchanting and charming...

A group of women appeared one by one, and the eyes of the outsiders were straight, and involuntarily there was a sound of swallowing.

A tall and slender white-clothed woman with silver hair like a waterfall, looking twenty-seven or eight-year-old, swept away the gap in the small world, and then took one step to appear at the entrance of the small world.

"Who are you?" The woman glanced at her, and a strong sense of oppression bloomed from her body, sweeping the surroundings, and said coldly.

While speaking, a golden warhammer appeared directly in her hand.

The thick hammer handle of the baby's arm, the simple and heavy hammer head, and the whole hammer are covered with densely packed mysterious symbols. If it is from the Douluo Continent, it must be recognized at a glance that this is a mutated Clear Sky Hammer.

As soon as the golden Clear Sky Hammer appeared, the time and space were immediately chaotic, and the space collapsed, as if it could not bear the weight of this blunt weapon, and its might was terrifying.

The golden Clear Sky Hammer is one person under the heavens.

She is Tang Yuehua.

Xue Di, Bo Saixi, Gu Yuena, Qian Renxue, the first to reach the realm of the Nine Star Fighting Saint, led Qing Qian, the three girls Qing Xuan and Qing Wu left the small world first and went out to find Ye Han , want to help him lighten some of the burden.

And because Tang Yuehua has the way of time and has a special mission on her shoulders, she can only stay in the small world to open up time acceleration for others, and she has not resorted to the origin of Dou Di in these years. Cultivation to the realm of Dou Di.

But just when she stabilized her realm, the place of retreat was opened.

Originally, she thought it was Ye Han, so she immediately ended the retreat, but who knows, what she saw was a group of strangers.

"We are from Tianmingzong, Lihuo Gang, Thunder Valley." The three powerhouses who opened the small world's restrictions said one by one.

"It doesn't matter who you are. The important thing is that you disturbed our practice. Leave quickly. I can pretend that nothing happened." Tang Yuehua looked at the three people in front of him with a cold expression.

"Haha! ~ The girl is joking, we are here for you, how can we leave just like this?" One of the three said.

"Come for us?" Tang Yuehua opened his mouth and frowned slightly, then suddenly found something, and his face instantly turned ugly.

All the spirit beasts here disappeared.

A bad premonition quickly came to mind.

"Heavenly Dao warns me that heresy is in the world, I'm waiting for clues, I shouldn't talk nonsense with you, but now I suddenly changed my mind, you surrender to me, I'll spare you not to die?" Before Tang Yuehua spoke, among the three, among them, A young man in his early twenties said.

When speaking, there was an undisguised greed in his eyes, and he lingered on Tang Yuehua's exquisite and slender jade body, which was extremely unreasonable.

"Sister Yuehua, these people are not good!" One after another silhouettes flashed over, appearing beside Tang Yuehua, a girl in a pink dress said.

The girl is tall and slender, her face is fair and flawless. The most peculiar thing is that she has a pair of long bunny ears on her head, giving people a strange beauty, but standing among a group of stunning beauties, the most attractive thing is none The doubt is the pair of slender and straight long legs.

This is the little dance known as Douluo's first leg.

"I really didn't expect that there are so many strong men in this world?" said the beautiful woman in a green dress.

This woman's temperament is very similar to Qing Fairy's, her appearance is euphemistic and pleasant, her temperament is elegant and noble, giving people a sense of knowledge and reason, but her body is an emerald swan named Brigitte.

"Fortunately, Brother Ye had the foresight to open up this world for us, and let us hide and practice for so long, otherwise it would be really tricky." Wearing a long white dress, Ye, who has an ethereal temperament and looks soft and weak Lingling said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded involuntarily.

In front of these people, there are actually two Dou Di strong people, and the others have the lowest Dou Zong cultivation Such a force is simply terrifying, and it is no wonder that everyone sighs.

It's a pity they don't know that if it wasn't for their big brother Ye, the Dou Qi Continent would not be what it is now.

Fortunately, they now have the power to protect themselves.

Although the number is far less than the group of people in the Warcraft Mountains, but in terms of quality, it is a crushing level, and everyone is in the realm of Nine Star Fighting Saints.

It is precisely because they have the power to protect themselves that they can talk and laugh in the face of those who have bad intentions.

However, the little witch was impatient. Looking at these malicious people in front of her, she said directly, "You open our ban here, what about the original creatures here?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Tang Yuehua, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and others changed one after another.

A powerful aura filled the air, causing all the people on the opposite side to change color. Even the two pigs who stood on the tuyere and became Dou Di had their faces dignified at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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