From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 602: : Green Fairy and Green Scales

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

"If anyone doesn't want to continue searching, they can leave now. I will never force it." The beautiful woman's picturesque Danfeng eyes looked around the audience, her tone indifferent and indifferent.

Finding that no one spoke except the little girl in black, the beautiful woman suddenly sounded tired and said, "I'm going out too to get some air."

After I finished speaking, I didn't give everyone a chance to speak and flew away directly from the window...

The remaining few people looked at each other, and after a while, they went their separate ways, either finding a place to meditate, or taking out the secret method of scrolls to study.

As an ordinary person, Ye Han's physical strength is really strong, and the physical exertion all night did not make him feel tired at all, but refreshed.

Holding the blushing, shy girl, and admiring a beautiful sunrise, Ye Han walked along the river to his residence with his daughter-in-law, who was unable to move, on his back...

However, when he just walked to the door of the house, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and blocked the way.

It was a woman in Tsing Yi, with black hair like waterfalls, a fair face, and a gentle and moving woman. Her temperament was like a lady, but her figure was exaggerated, plump and seductive...

There is no doubt that this woman is the Qing fairy who just left.

Fairy Qing was originally going to find the woman in white, but the woman in white was not found, but she did not expect that she would find a familiar figure.

"Ye Han!~" Fairy Qing said, gnashing her teeth in her tone.

These people have traveled all over the world for so many years, looking everywhere, but there is no trace. They worry about him in vain, afraid that he will be found and killed by Xiao Xun'er, but this **** is good, he has a new love here.

Ye Han's back figure, Fairy Qing, is all too familiar, because back then she opened her heart to this man's back figure.

This back is turned into ashes, and Fairy Qing can recognize it at a glance.

However, when she fell from the sky, blocked the opponent's way, and called out his name, Fairy Qing was stunned when she saw Ye Han's face.

"How did you become like this?"

"Who are you?"

Fairy Qing and Ye Han spoke almost at the same time, while Qing Lin narrowed her eyes slightly, her muscles were tense, and the fighting spirit swirled all over her body. The sequelae of Ye Han's hard work all night quickly subsided, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Fairy Qing. Just in case.

The appearance of Fairy Qing brought great pressure on Qinglin. Although they didn't do anything to each other, just because she was able to appear silently and block their way, Qinglin felt a great pressure.

At the same time as the alarm bells in his heart, Qinglin was also full of curiosity, wondering how Big Brother Ye knew such a person?

"Who are you? Brother Ye is just an ordinary person, how do you know her?" Qing Lin also followed, and while talking, she glanced at Qing Fairy, and the more she looked, the more surprised she became.

This woman is so beautiful.

Qinglin involuntarily put the two together for comparison, and then found a little dejected that although her figure was also beautiful, if she compared with the woman in front of her, she would definitely be hanged and beaten. Attractiveness, I am even more difficult to beat.

In the face of Fairy Qing, Qing Lin was actually a little inferior.

In fact, if only in terms of appearance and temperament, Qingxianzi and Qinglin are indistinguishable, they are both extremely beautiful women, Qingxian is mature and dignified, but her body is enchanting, like a combination of a devil and a fairy, and Qinglin is pure, Xiaojiabiyu, then Kind of a pitiful woman, the two have their own strengths, and it is really hard to tell the difference.

But from an adult's point of view, the green fairy is naturally superior and more attractive, and the green scales appear a bit green. However, for teenagers who are just beginning to love, it is the green scales that are more in line with their aesthetics. .

Fairy Qing didn't know what Qing Lin was thinking, and didn't care, she only had Ye Han in her eyes at the moment.

The moment she heard Ye Han say who you are, Fairy Qing felt that her heart was clenched fiercely, and for a moment she seemed to be suffocated, causing her body to shake gently.

"Is it because of her that you dare not meet me?" Fairy Qing showed a bleak smile as she looked at Ye Han and said.

I worry about you in vain, afraid that those women will be bad for you. In the end, you pretend not to know me because of another woman.

Fairy Qing felt that her heart was bleeding, and she looked at Ye Han with the same eyes as Chen Shimei.

"This lady, I'm afraid you've identified the wrong person." Qinglin frowned slightly, and Fairy Qing looked at Big Brother Ye as if she was looking at a heartless man, which made the little girl very unhappy.

Brother Ye is such a simple person! The reason why I have come to this day with him is also through my various efforts and insisting on being shameless, and this is how I got his body. How can you look at him with such eyes?

As he spoke, Qinglin got off Ye Han's body, gently took Ye Han's palm, looked at the beautiful woman in Qingyi in front of him, and said, "Brother Ye and I are just an ordinary couple in this countryside, Ye Han Big brother is even more unable to cultivate, and he has no chance to meet such a master as Mrs.

"Ordinary people who can't cultivate?"

Only then did Fairy Qing hear Qing Lin's words clearly, her smooth jade-like forehead couldn't help but frown slightly, and her eyes finally looked at Qing Lin for the first time. Qingxian

"You are husband and wife?" Listening to the fairy said.

"That's right, I just got married yesterday." Qinglin raised his head high, and said with a proud look on his face.

When Fairy Qing heard the words, her expression changed slightly, and a trace of jealousy flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"You really don't know me?" Fairy Qing said.

Hearing this, Ye Han shook his head and said, "Madam may have really identified the wrong person. Although my name is Ye Han, it's good, but this is the first time I've seen Madam."

Fairy Qing kept her eyes fixed on Ye Han's eyes. Seeing his eyes were clear and ethereal, his eyes were calm when he spoke, and he didn't mean to lie at all, and he couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

"Am I really wrong?"

As soon as the thought came up, she was immediately smothered.

Can Dou Sheng strong people admit the wrong person?

Isn't this nonsense?

What's more Ye Han is not an outsider, and her relationship with her has already reached the point of harmony, how could she admit that she was wrong?

Full of doubts, Fairy Qing's eyes fell on Ye Han's face, looking at the criss-crossing, like birthmarks, strips of cyan brand like chains, she couldn't help being slightly absent-minded.

Under careful observation, she was in a trance for a while, and she found herself in a purgatory of punishment, with criss-crossing thunder mans everywhere, as well as the cages transformed by the endless power of rules. The punishment was like a knife, as if a stormy sea rushed towards her.

Fairy Qing had a look of horror on her face, and quickly looked away, but she was still injured by the backlash of the Great Dao.

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