From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 586: : White Moonlight

Chapter 577

In the dark cave, Ye Han slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. After three or five breaths, the memory in the blank brain gradually returned.

He remembered that he was helping the mercenary group to clean the battlefield, but when he searched for another corpse, the corpse suddenly exploded, and a bright sword light flashed before his eyes, and then he didn't remember anything.

"Why am I here?" Ye Han said to himself, he felt that his body was extremely heavy, he wanted to get up, but he tried a few times, but it was useless, but instead affected the injury, and a tear-like pain in his chest hit his brain , so that he almost fainted again.

After finally recovering, he could only slowly turn his head.

Turning his eyes, a small head appeared beside him.

The jet-black hair was casually tied into a bun, and there was a white beaded hairpin on the head, which looked fresh and elegant.

"Blue scales, blue scales!~" Ye Han opened his mouth and shouted softly.

Through the hairpin on the girl's head, Ye Han recognized the identity of the other party, but there was no response when she called out to the girl several times.

Ye Han was startled, and he didn't know where the strength came from, but Jing Zhi climbed up directly from the stone bed.

"Qinglin, Qinglin!" Ye Han jumped off the stone bed, staggered, and fell to the ground, but he didn't care about his own injury, and immediately grabbed Qinglin's shoulder with both hands, The girl's body moved over and made her look at him.

As a result, the girl's body moved over, but her head fell down weakly, her face was pale, and there was a trace of bright red blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Qinglin, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Ye Han said, his eyes were full of fear, his palms trembled, and he placed it under the girl's delicate nose. After a while, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's okay, okay!~"

While muttering to himself, the body slowly exerted force, exhausting all the strength of the whole body, and then pushed the girl onto the stone bed that he had just laid on.

"You rest here for a while, and I'll go around and see if there are any medicinal herbs that can treat your injury." Ye Han helped the girl straighten her messy hair, and said to himself, after doing all this, he staggered. He got up and stumbled out of the cave.

This girl who suddenly appeared was like a white moonlight in his dark life. Although Ye Han didn't have much ability, as long as it was possible, he would do his best to protect her.

After leaving the cave, the eyes suddenly opened up, and the bright light was a little dazzling. Ye Han raised his hand to block the sunlight and stood at the entrance of the cave for a while before getting used to it.

Looking at the surrounding environment, I found that I was on a two- or three-hundred-meter-high hillside with steep terrain.

Looking down, I was a little dizzy.

"Can I go down in my current state?" Ye Han said to himself, a little timid.

But it was only for a moment, he thought of Qinglin, a little girl could bring him up, and he, a big man, had no reason to go.

He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, then opened his eyes, pouted his **** and slowly climbed down the mountain.

He stopped and went, stumbled and stumbled. When he was about thirty meters away from the foot of the mountain, he finally couldn't hold it any longer. With a slip of his palm, the whole person rolled down the mountain.

The breeze is gentle, the four fields are silent, and there is no sound.

The bright sun shone on the earth, and a figure with tattered clothes, like a beggar, lay quietly at the foot of a mountain, like a cold corpse. After more than ten minutes, the corpse's fingers suddenly moved slightly. Then slowly got up from the ground.

Picking up a stick on the ground as a crutch, he limped out of here...

At dusk, Ye Han limped back to the foot of the mountain with two fish on his back, glanced at the steep hillside, gritted his teeth, and cheered himself up, "Ye Han, you can do it."

One step at a time, sweating profusely, but Ye Han's eyes were firmer than ever before.

The wound on his chest had long since been torn apart, blood dripping from his chest and back, and the stinging pain attacked his nerves, making his eyes black. If an ordinary person suffered such severe pain, he would faint immediately even if he hadn't died, but Ye Han was a man. exception.

For some reason, Ye Han's physique is extremely special, and his willpower is far beyond that of ordinary people, as if he has an immortal body.

In the end, relying on amazing perseverance, it took Ye Han an hour to climb up the mountainside of more than 200 meters and come back to the cave.

Looking at the petite figure lying quietly on the stone bed, a trace of guilt flashed in Ye Han's eyes, feeling that he was too incompetent.

After walking around, he found nothing but these two fish.

"I'm sorry! I'm so useless!" Ye Han stumbled to the girl's side and said with guilt.

He was greeted by the worried eyes of the girl, who had already woken up.

Yesterday, in order to deal with the two Dou Zongs, the physical injury she had just controlled broke out once again, making her unable to move, and at this time she didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

"Brother Ye, I should say that the useless person is me. You have done enough for me. If it weren't for you, I might not be in this world. Besides, you took care of me for a month, but I just I can't even do something as simple as taking you away, but now I want you to take care of me again." The girl spoke weakly, looking at the blood-stained shirt on Ye Han's chest, with even more guilt in her eyes.

"I, I'm fine, you, just wake up. I'll get you something to eat first, and I'll go find the herbs for you when you're full." Ye Han saw the girl open her eyes, and a trace of difficulty flashed in her eyes. Covering up the surprise, he said quickly.

"Brother Ye, I'm not hungry. You are still injured. Take a good rest for a while. I'll be fine. I'll be fine in a few days." The girl said weakly.

"Don't My injury is nothing." Ye Han said.

But when it came time to eat, he was in trouble. The so-called clever woman can't cook without rice. The ingredients are there, but he doesn't have the tools to handle it, let alone fire.

"Brother Ye, use this!"

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, the girl could only use her mental power to take out a short knife from her space bracelet and put it on the edge of the stone bed. Just cut it into pieces."

"Okay! I'll listen to you." Ye Han glanced at the girl, knowing that the girl didn't want him to be too tired, and that there was indeed no condition for the fish to be cooked, so he accepted the girl's kindness.

But he secretly vowed in his heart that he would make the best food for the girl in the future to make up for today's debt.

The girl's short knife is very sharp, Ye Han cut the fish into pieces without any effort. Moderately thin fish fillets...

(End of this chapter)

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