The gentle tone did not have the slightest sense of dominance, but the words he spoke contained an unprecedented confidence.

Emperor Hun Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing Bibi Dong's confident side, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

But the next moment he couldn't help laughing, amused by his sudden thought.

In front of this woman named Dongfang Invincible, her strength, Soul Heaven Emperor, can naturally be seen, and she is at the level of the Nine Star Fighting Saint.

In just a few years, he has raised his strength to a level that is no weaker than his original self. The speed of this improvement is indeed astonishing. If he encounters him without a breakthrough, he may also murmur in his heart.

However, now that he has broken through to the realm of Dou Di, his strength has long been incomparable. In this world, apart from the same Dou Di strong, who can be his opponent.

"Haha, I want to see how you escaped from me today." Emperor Hun Tian laughed, a little unscrupulous.

Then, no more words, a big hand stretched out and grabbed it directly towards Qian Renxue.

He planned to catch Qian Renxue first, and then deal with Bibi Dong.

The surrounding Dou Sheng powerhouses saw this scene, and they all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak in the face of the Soul Heaven Emperor who was picking peaches halfway.

Bibi Dong walked with a faint white light on her body, making her look even more holy and beautiful.

The white light feathers flew like falling snowflakes, making Bibi Dong appear blurry.

One step at a time, it seems that there is no hurry, but in fact, it has reached the extreme.

In an instant, nine figures appeared, like a transparent white long sword, flying immortals in the sky, tearing apart all obstacles along the way in an instant...

"Oh no……"

Someone screamed in agony, and Chi Yu was hurt, and his body was torn to shreds by Bibi Dong's powerful force.

In the midst of the blood and rain, Bibi Dong came first and came to Qian Renxue's side in the blink of an eye.

She was divided into nine parts, one had a clear goal and directly rescued Qian Renxue, while the other eight directly killed Emperor Huntian.

Bibi Dong, who did not do anything, was quiet and peaceful, making people feel extremely comfortable, just like the summer breeze and the warm sun in the cold winter. Not too much.

But once she started to use her hands, her methods were unprecedentedly fierce and full of domineering.

Eight figures attacked from all directions, and the Dou Sheng who had besieged Qian Renxue along the way were instantly torn apart by more than half, and they all bleed on the spot, and there was no one enemy.

Bibi Dong, who exudes a gentle white light all over her body, is holy and noble, really like a nine-day fairy, elegant and cold.

However, in her jade hand, she is holding a long sword.

The white long sword is almost transparent and looks like nothing, but the sharp aura it exudes really makes the Soul Heaven Emperor horrified, and his heart can't help beating wildly.

At this moment, he finally knew why Bibi Dong was so confident.

She has self-confidence.

If he hadn't broken through to the realm of Dou Di, facing this fairy-like woman, he would probably end up not much better than the surrounding Dou Sheng powerhouses.

The palm that originally grabbed Qian Renxue was instantly retracted, his palms formed a seal, and then suddenly pushed out, and then, the terrifying fighting qi radiated from his own center in an instant, forming a violent tide of energy, which was directly compared with the eight Dong's clones collided.

Boom! ~

A huge explosion sounded, and a huge destructive shock wave made the surrounding narrowly escape the disaster, but they were horrified by Bibi Dong's methods, all the fighting saints coughed up blood, and their bodies fell from the air like a broken kite.


Bibi Dong grabbed Qian Renxue's hand, and without saying a word, her speed soared to the extreme in an instant, and she flew towards the distance.

Qian Renxue's eyes looked at Bibi Dong, her eyes were a little wet, and she was allowed to rush into the distance with her.

"Bastard, you can't run away."

Soul Heaven Emperor's hair was disheveled, and his figure emerged from the center of the explosion. His black clothes were more tattered, his originally calm face became a little gloomy, and his eyes were full of tyranny as he looked at the two fleeing.

Unexpectedly, the first thing I did when I just left the customs was to be so embarrassed by others.

But just as he was about to chase after Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, a sarcastic laughter suddenly appeared, causing Emperor Huntian to stop abruptly.

"Tsk tsk tsk! ~ I thought who was bullying men and women here, but I didn't expect it to be the Soul Heaven Emperor of the Soul Clan. I really learned a lot today."

The voice fell, and a tall figure appeared in front of Emperor Huntian blocking his way.

"Gu Yuan, you have also broken through." Emperor Soul Heaven looked at the person who came and couldn't help but said.

Thinking of planning for a thousand years, using various means, and finally relying on the trace of the earth's origin, this is the realm of Dou Di.

However, Gu Yuan, a **** who worked behind closed doors and was promoted through family resources, how could he achieve this level.

Soul Tiandi couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"Haha, what's so strange about this genius who has broken through the Dou Emperor's realm, but you, who always hides behind his back and plays tricks and tricks, can actually break through to this realm, which really surprises me. !" Gu Yuan said with a smile, the yin and yang's strange voice made Emperor Soul Heaven feel a toothache.

You are a **** genius!

Boom! ~

Huntian Emperor's anger rose from his heart to the side of He punched Gu Yuan directly.


What a genius!

Who gave you your face?

Gu Yuan also didn't expect Soul Heaven Emperor to shoot directly at him. This guy's style is completely different from before, which greatly exceeded Gu Yuan's expectations.

In the past, the two of them had not ridiculed each other, but they restrained each other most of the time.

However, one-on-one, Gu Yuan is not afraid. After all, he is also a strong Dou Di, and he has lived a thousand years of fighting experience.

The golden Dou Emperor Fen Tianyan shot in an instant, and it burned raging, evolving into a flaming lion, and pounced directly on the Soul Heaven Emperor...

"It's so lively!"

Not long after the two fought, a clear voice suddenly sounded.

Emperor Huntian looked back, his eyes glared suddenly, and then he just ran away.

"Hehe! Huntian Emperor, when our old friends meet, why don't you even say hello?" The man's hearty laughter echoed in the void, and then his body was like electricity, carrying a monstrous killing intent and chasing after the Huntian Emperor.

"Xiao Xuan, I really didn't expect that you are still alive." Gu Yuan couldn't help showing a hint of surprise when he saw the person who came, and then chased in the direction of Emperor Huntian's escape.

"Haha! I didn't expect that I would still be alive in this world, but I'll talk about it later, I have to find the Soul Heaven Emperor first to settle an old account." Xiao Xuan turned his head and sighed, and the speed under his feet did not diminish in the slightest.

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