From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 537: :I do not want to

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

An old fist hit hard, causing Xiao Yu's head to shake, and one eye swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Xiao Yu has the strength of Dou Zun level, he has reached Dou Zun's six-star level, which is almost the same as the realm of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

However, compared with the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the combat power is far from the world, and it is impossible to remember with reason. Whether it is combat experience or combat skills, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger wants to beat her, just like an adult beating a child.

Not to mention that Xiao Yu didn't think of it, she didn't have the slightest defense, even if she was intently waiting, she might not be able to escape.

"It's really stupid to let you call you, is it stupid or reckless! It's more tiger than me." The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger muttered.

Ye Han called her Hu Niu, and Liu Erlong called her the same, so she pinched her nose and recognized her, after all, those two were stronger than her!

But you are a little rookie, you don't even call me an adult when you see me, but dare to call me Niuniu.

"Nima, Niuniu, listen, is this a person's name? Or is my Lord Hu powerful enough." He raised his other fist and greeted Xiao Yu's other eye.


Just as Xiao Yu came back to his senses, his dazed head regained a hint of sobriety, only to see a fist enlarged in front of his eyes, and he screamed in fright.

Then she saw that fist stop in front of her eyes.

"Oops, it seems that Liu Erlong just said that you can't hit your face." Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's delicate little face wrinkled slightly and muttered to himself.

Just like the white-faced steamed buns, the white and tender little hands stopped in front of Xiao Yu's eyes, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger thought of Liu Erlong's explanation.

Hearing the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's self-talk, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with joy for the rest of his life.

Afterwards, she felt that her eyes were not right, and reached out to touch them. She could not help grinning in pain, and shed tears of remorse.

However, what made her frightened and angry was still behind.

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's small face wrinkled slightly, muttering to himself, and then he seemed to think of something, and said excitedly, "It seems that I just said that the face can't be hit, then I should be fine with her."

Hearing such words in Xiao Yu's ears was like a bolt from the blue.

Just when the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger wanted to make a move and practice with Xiao Yu, Ruo Lin finally came back to her senses and said quickly, "Wait, she, she is Ye Han's woman and your sister-in-law, you can't do this."

Ruo Lin never imagined that Xiao Yu, who had just burst out with such a powerful aura, was so vulnerable to being hit with a black eye in an instant.

Simply, at the last moment, she came back to her senses.

"That guy's woman?"

Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's small face wrinkled slightly, his eagerness to try quickly subsided, and he whispered softly, "No wonder you can't slap your face."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ruo Lin and said, "What about you?"

"Me, I am also his woman." Facing the gaze of the Dark Demon God Tiger, Ruo Lin's heart jumped fiercely. In order not to be smashed into a pig's head, or to end up like Xiao Yu, her cheeks sank. Slightly red, despite being a little shy in her heart, she still said.

"Am I so scary?"

The Dark Demon God Tiger wondered that after so many years of self-cultivation and no slaughter, she felt that she was very kind.

Confused eyes looked at the last person.

"Me, me too, all three of us are your brother's women, you, you can't hit us." Hu Jia waved his hands quickly.

Although she is known as a demon girl, she is not a real monster and is not afraid of death.

Facing this girl who could knock Xiao Yu, who had just been arrogant, with a random punch, she was very aware of the current affairs.

"All of you, am I that scary?" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger said speechlessly.

The three women nodded in unison, and then shook their heads in an instant. The uniform appearance looked extraordinarily happy.

"It's boring! I really don't know what that guy Ye Han likes from you?" The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger shook his head, then grabbed Xiao Yu's palm and said, "Let me see what's going on with your strength?"

"What a powerful bloodline, it's no wonder that the strength has been able to advance by leaps and bounds, amazing!" Dark Demon Evil God Tiger said, feeling the power contained in Xiao Yu's bloodline, she involuntarily licked her lips, and there was a hint of covetousness in her eyes. .

"I, you, what are you doing?" Xiao Yu was taken aback by her expression. Like a girl from a good family who was molested by a satyr, she staggered back with her arms folded, and at the same time, she looked at Ruo Lin and Hu for help. Jia.

The rapid improvement in strength was only a momentary thing, and she hadn't had time to get used to it, but the long-term weakness made her habitually turn her eyes to Ruo Lin and Hu Jia for help.

After all, these years have been living under the wings of the two women, which has become her habit.

"Enough, we are useless, and our strength is far inferior to you, but you don't need to humiliate us like this, what do you want to do to me, I hope you can take Ye Han's face and let them go ." Ruo Lin suddenly snorted coldly.

The woman who was originally weak and gentle like water from the inside out, suddenly broke out at this moment.

It was mainly the words of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger that had stimulated her.

Compared with Ye Han, her talent and strength are really weak, making her feel inferior and feel useless. This was originally a secret hidden in her heart, but she was picked out by the dark devil's roar.

As soon as these words came out, three pairs of eyes were filled with surprise, and fell on her almost at the same time.

Ruo Lin's breathing stagnated for a while, and her scalp was numb for a while, ignoring the eyes of the other two women, she looked at the delicate face of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and her breathing was a little difficult.

Because of her nervousness, her hands and feet were cold, Miaoman's delicate body trembled slightly, and a little regret rose in her heart.

"Why? Why am I trying to be brave?"

She felt extremely regretful and terrified, and even wished she could slap herself twice, but unfortunately, her footsteps never took a step back.

This really answers that sentence, both cowardly and tough.


It seemed that she could see Ruo Lin's strength on the outside, and the dark devil tiger made a disdainful squeak in her hands, and she withdrew her gaze.

"Your strength is too weak, from now on, follow me, and I will train you to make you an excellent The Dark Demon Tiger looked at Xiao Yu with a serious expression.

Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, especially Ruo Lin, she felt her back was soaked wet, and the whole person seemed to be collapsed.

Hu Jia also had a relaxed expression on his face, but the moment Xiao Yu regained his relaxed expression, his expression changed after he understood the meaning of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's words.

Three characters were clearly written in his expression.

"I do not want to!"

However, facing the gaze of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, she did not dare to refute in the slightest.

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