From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 520: : 1 transaction

Chapter 521 One transaction

Huazong, one of the top powers in Zhongzhou, has always been beautiful.

But at this moment, it seemed so embarrassing.

Besieged by powerful enemies, surrounded by wolves, the entire sect that was oppressed by the danger of destruction could not breathe.

The culprit that caused all of this to happen is right in front of us, but the dignified Hua Zong elder, one of the most powerful people in the Hua Zong, faced the culprit that caused all this to happen, but he dared not speak out. Able to compromise and ask the other party to help Zongmen.

It's a pity that Ye Han couldn't afford to be late.

The main reason for sending Yun Yun here is not the so-called chance, but to let her relax, so as not to be too depressed and lead to the appearance of demons.

If she wants to improve her strength, Ye Han is her biggest opportunity, why bother to come here?

But what Ye Han didn't expect was that Yun Yun had just joined the Flower Sect, and she was being targeted, and she also became a bargaining chip.

Ye Han shook his head and directly rejected the woman's request.

"I brought Yunyun to your sect, not to let her be a bargaining chip, just a mere flower sect, the so-called resources are not worth mentioning in my eyes, people still have to rely on themselves, goodbye by fate, take care!"

Ye Han said goodbye directly and was about to leave.

But the woman grabbed her arm.

"Men and women don't have a relationship, so you are pulling me like this, do you have any thoughts on me?" Ye Han turned his head and glanced at the white palm on his arm, and couldn't help but hurriedly asked.

When Fairy Qing heard this, although a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes, the expression on her face did not change at all.

"The matter of the sect started because of me, and freedom should end with me."

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and Fairy Qing looked up at Ye Han, her gentle and beautiful face was full of determination and death, and said, "Did you not say that you wanted me and Xuanyi? Now I bring it to the door myself, Can you save my sect once?"

"You, what do you mean by this?" Ye Han looked at the woman in surprise, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

If it really is like the one who just died, then you should really answer that sentence. You can't look at the face. Compared with Xuanyi's cold and attractive royal sister, this lady in front of you who seems to be gentle as water, quiet and intellectual, has a deep heart. so steadfast.

"As long as you help Hua Zong get through this disaster, my life is yours." Fairy Qing said, her tone became duller, as if she was not talking about herself.

"Your life is not worth mentioning to me, what do I want it to do, but speaking of it, I am quite interested in you." Ye Han smiled and stretched out a palm to gently hold up Fairy Qing Wenrun Ruyu chin, faintly smiled.

"Okay, as long as you help Huazong get through this calamity, I'll be yours." The expression of resistance in Fairy Qing's eyes flashed away, but her willpower overcame her body's instincts, watching Ye Han do not evade.

"I'm a more realistic person. I never throw eagles when I don't see a rabbit. If I help your sect get through this disaster, and you hand me a corpse, wouldn't I cry to death?" Ye Han was neither salty nor indifferent. road.

When Fairy Qing heard the words, her face changed slightly, and she suddenly felt a panic of being dismantled, and then she was embarrassed to find that she was directly held in Ye Han's arms.

"Why don't you give yourself to me first, and then I can find a way to help you solve the crisis in front of you?" Ye Han wrapped his arms around the waist of the beautiful woman and tightly hugged the plump body in his arms. , so that he could not break free, while enjoying the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, he urged the chivalrous.


Fairy Qing finally panicked.

She thought she was ready to risk everything, but only now did she realize that she was not that great.

"Forget it, I don't want to be difficult, and leave!" Ye Han suddenly let go of his arm at this moment, shook his head and said.

When Fairy Qing heard this, she instinctively reached out and grabbed Ye Han.

"What?" Ye Han looked back at Fairy Qing, waiting for her final answer.

"I, I will, I promise you, first, I will accompany you first..." Fairy Qing looked at Ye Han, and after a brief struggle, there was infinite sadness in her eyes, and she muttered to herself.

"Don't be sad, I believe you won't regret your decision tonight." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he immediately hugged the princess and carried Fairy Qing into Yun Yun's room...

The good night was short, and the war that had just been interrupted reignited.

There is no doubt that Ye Han has improved his cultivation by one star.

Ye Han is a generous person, and since he has benefited from it, he will not treat Fairy Qing badly.

A Nether Blood Pill went down, and with Ye Han's unremitting help, Fairy Qing, like Xuan Yi, broke through overnight and reached the realm of fighting saints.

"People still have to rely on themselves. I will give you these pills and give them to the nine-star Dou Zun of your sect. Don't take them directly. Without my help, they will not be able to withstand the power of the pills. After refining them with Dou Qi, It should be able to break through the realm of fighting saints, and when a few fighting saints join forces, it should be enough to overcome the immediate crisis." Ye Han was lying on the bed, holding Qing Fairy's plump and charming mature body, with a look of spring breeze on his face. color, took out three ghost blood pills and handed them to her.

"You, you won't do anything?" Fairy Qing who was lying in Ye Han's arms raised her head, looked at Ye Han, and said.

"If I can help you solve the trouble in front of you, won't you be relieved then? Will I lose a woman by then?" Ye Han raised his hand and helped the woman remove the sweat on her forehead. hair, smiling.


The woman opened her mouth, but she didn't expect her thoughts to be seen through by this man. She was about to speak, but Ye Han turned around and pressed him under her body.

"Have you regained your strength?"

Ye Han looked at the woman's delicate face and smiled.

"No, I, I'm so tired, can you let me rest for a while?" Fairy Qing heard a hint of shyness in her eyes, and said quickly.

At the same time, he secretly cursed in his heart, "Beasts, animals are nothing like you."

Although I haven't experienced it, I haven't eaten pork and I haven't seen a pig go?

He has lived for more than a thousand years, and is an elder of the sect. How could he be stupid and sweet? How can a normal man be as strong as this guy in front of him.

She felt like she was about to fall apart, but this guy was not only still alive and well, but also had high fighting spirit, without showing any signs of fatigue. She was really tired and afraid at this time...

Fortunately, although Ye Han was not involved in human affairs, he still had a little conscience, and knew that the woman was really tired, so he did not embarrass her.

He turned around and lay down again with Fairy Qing in his arms.

"Sleep!" Ye Han said as if he was coaxing a child, patting the woman's pretty back with his palm.

But How could Fairy Qing really be able to sleep.

Out of helplessness, committing to Ye Han was only an expedient measure. After all, the two were just strangers.

A transaction does not mean that the two have feelings for each other.

Lying in the arms of a stranger, she couldn't sleep for a long time.

"You, that, isn't Xuanyi, was it caught and given to you?" After a while, Fairy Qing looked up at Ye Han and said.

"Someone gave her to me as a gift, but I have a good heart, so I let her go." Ye Han said.

When Fairy Qing heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Although he is actually unfamiliar with this seemingly intimate man who hugs him, how could he be kind-hearted just by virtue of his unprofitable style.

If you say this, ghosts won't believe it.

"It's a pity, I let her go, but she couldn't bear me, was moved by my kindness, and ran back, so I did it to the end, showed mercy, and helped her improve her cultivation. "Ye Han continued.

Fairy Qing "..."

"Xuanyi, she, she was also taken by you..." Fairy Qing said, but her last words were a little hard to say, and a blush appeared on her beautiful face.

"Do you care so much about Xuanyi because of Yaochen?" Ye Han said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Fairy Qing's soft jade body froze slightly, and then completely lost her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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