From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 488: : only 1 requirement

Chapter 489 The Only Requirement

The beautiful woman in white, a plain skirt wrapped around her plump body, three days of blue silk was tied into a noble phoenix hair ornament, sitting quietly in front of the dressing table, with a bright smile on her ethereal face, she looked like that Calm and confident.

But looking at it, the smile on that beautiful face was gradually restrained, and finally disappeared completely. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the feet in the mirror.

Those are a pair of man's feet...

The footsteps moved, he was approaching.

The soles of the feet are large, it is a man, the hem of the white robe is exposed, and then the legs. It can be seen that the man's legs are very long.

With one step and two steps, the two long legs were completely exposed in the mirror, and then there was a white belt. The belt without any decoration looked so familiar that Yun Yun couldn't help but feel a trance in her eyes.

Then the broad chest was exposed in front of Yun Yun's eyes...

Yun Yun's breathing was stagnant, her heart was beating thumping, a heart seemed to jump out of her chest and her throat was about to jump out of her throat. Water mist, I still feel pity, it makes people feel distressed.

When the face that was longing for and thought appeared in the mirror in front of her, Yun Yun's body, sitting in front of the mirror, trembled slightly.

he came!

He really came!

Moreover, it came so quickly, so suddenly!

"So lovely!"

Ye Han leaned down and hugged Yun Yun, who was sitting there, into his arms from behind. His head was pressed against the other's white and smooth face, feeling the delicacy of the other's face. Looking at the person in the mirror, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Then he turned his head and kissed the other person's face fiercely.

Yun Yun's pretty face couldn't help blushing slightly, she gave Ye Han a roll of eyes, and said, "It's up to you to talk about things that everyone knows."

"By the way, when did you come?" Yun Yun's expression suddenly changed, and she asked nervously.

"Hey! Guess what?"

Ye Han's eyes flashed, with a playful smile on his face, looking at Yun Yun's flickering eyes in the mirror, and said, "I didn't expect Sect Master Yun to have such a narcissistic side."

"You, I don't have narcissism, so don't talk nonsense."

Yun Yun turned her head, leaned back, pulled away from Ye Han, and said viciously.

"Mmmmm! It's not narcissism, it must not be narcissism."

Ye Han quickly changed his tune, and then changed his tone, "Our family Yuner is telling the truth, how can it be narcissism?"

After speaking, looking at Yun Yun's pretty face full of anger, Ye Han quickly lowered his head and nibbled on the red lips that the other party was trying to avoid.

"I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss me?" Ye Han asked knowingly.

"Cut! Who would miss you?" Yun Yun raised her head arrogantly with a look of disdain on her face.

"You really didn't think so?"

Ye Han pretended to be fierce.

"It's really not... giggling, don't, don't tickle, I, am I wrong?" Yun Yun's enchanting body twisted uncomfortably in Ye Han's arms, and a crisp laugh came out of her mouth, and at the same time, she was also intermittently laughing. Scream for mercy.

"It's not right or wrong, do you really miss me?" Ye Han stopped slightly, looking at the beautiful face of the person in his arms, Bi Hua Jiao, and said with a smile.

"I, I, I want to..."

Yun Yun opened her mouth out of breath, and grabbed Ye Han's wrist with both hands. Just when Ye Han thought he was about to hear what he wanted to hear, Yun Yun suddenly changed her tone and said, "I miss you, you big head, you're dead. "

After she finished speaking, taking advantage of Ye Hanleng's kung fu, she exerted strength with both hands, then pushed Ye Han away, turned her body, and rushed out of the door in an instant, leaving Ye Han with a lingering fragrance and a series of crisp of laughter.

"Cunning woman."

With a smile like a spring breeze on Ye Han's face, he reached out and touched his nose, muttered involuntarily, then raised his feet and chased out.

Ye Han didn't use all his strength, just like in the past, like in the past, like the night when the two fell in love for life, hanging behind Yun Yun and chasing after them.

Unable to catch up with the woman who kept running away for a long time, Ye Han said, "Stop, I'll call someone if you run again."

It was as if he had returned to that night, the story was replayed, and Yun Yun fell into Ye Han's arms again.

"Hehe, did this fall into my hands?" Ye Han said proudly, holding the delicate body in his arms.

Yun Yun looked at the funny man in front of her. Although she didn't know how much Ye Han's current strength was, he was able to approach him silently and come to him so that he couldn't notice it. Obviously, his strength would never be much weaker than himself. The reason why she didn't catch up with her was just to let herself relax. Yun Yun felt this silent love.

Looking at the man in front of her, Yun Yun stretched out her arms, hugged Ye Han's neck, stood on tiptoe and pulled his head down, offering her red lips...

The full moon that just appeared in the sky forms a perfect heart-shaped pattern because of the collision of the two people's heads, which is beautiful and poetic.

"I came when you were handing over the suzerain position. I saw your conversation with Yanran, and made you feel wronged. If you agree, I can make Yanran forget this memory, and she will still be in the future. It is your disciple, and it will only be your disciple, and the helm of the Yunlanzong." Under the moonlight, Ye Han was sitting on the highest building of the Yunlanzong holding Yunyun, admiring the beautiful night. One side spoke slowly.

"Let Yanran forget this memory?"

Hearing Ye Han's words, Yun Yun's head resting on Ye Han's leg couldn't help but lift her head up in shock, looking at Ye Han with an incredible expression.

"Yes! Don't worry, it's just erasing my memory, it won't cause any damage to her." Ye Han touched Yun Yun's head and said with a doting look on his face.

Yun Yun's face changed for a while, looking at the seriousness in Ye Han's eyes, she shook her head suddenly, looked at Ye Han with equal seriousness, and said, "All these mistakes are caused by me, naturally I need to bear, Yan Ran is innocent, Ye Han cold……"

"Tell me, I'll listen." Ye Han quickly replied in a deep voice when Yun Yun addressed himself so solemnly.

"The mistake has been made, and I caused it all. I choose to bear the pain, but I hope you can be nice to Yanran, even if you don't love don't let her notice it. , okay? Now, she really loves you."

Ye Han gently stroked Yun Yun's head, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Did you see it?"

"You treat all the girls who love you as a cauldron of cultivation. For this, I can't blame you, because this is the sequelae of the blockade of the Great Road of Heaven and Earth on you, but I don't want the person I love to be a ruthless The demon of righteousness, for his own breakthrough, will do anything to hurt others..." Yun Yun said.

Yun Yun has long known Ye Han's cultivation path. She opened her heart today. Yun Yun made her only request to Ye Han.

"Although my heart has long been occupied by you, I still have a little conscience. For those who love me, I should do my best to protect their safety in their lives, but I have never been a good person for my enemies..."

Ye Han opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Yun Yun before he finished speaking.

"Hey! Are you very self-aware? You also know that you are not a good person." Yun Yun couldn't help but smile, smiling like a flower.

"It's funny isn't it?"

The corners of Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Yun Yun maliciously.

"No, it's not funny, it's not funny at all." Yun Yun seemed to be conjuring a trick, the smile on her face faded instantly, her hands covered her chest, and she looked at Ye Han and shook her head.

"It's about the same." Ye Han expressed satisfaction with Yun Yun's performance.

Nodding, then a princess hugged Yun Yun up from the eaves and walked into Yun Yun's boudoir...

(End of this chapter)

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