In the depths of the Warcraft Mountains, a deep passage appeared, and then suddenly disappeared.

Ye Han's tall figure appeared directly on the ground of the Demonic Beast Mountains.

However, what greeted him was not the applause of flowers, but the staring eyes of Di Tian, ​​Xiong Jun and others, and a loud shout.

"Bold and crazy..."

The dull roar sounded just now but stopped abruptly, and both of them could see each other clearly.

Humanoid creatures such as Di Tian and Xiong Jun couldn't help blinking their eyes, wondering if they were wrong.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen it, but Ye Han, who used to have no cultivation and could only pretend to use the background of his previous life to make a fortune, the aura emanating from his body at this moment is even bigger than that of humanoid creatures such as Di Tian and Xiong Jun. Most people's breath is stronger.

And the means he used when he appeared made everyone present understand his current cultivation, Dou Zun.

Dou Zong's cultivation base, all humanoid creatures that can appear here can reach it in their lifetime, even if their cultivation base is still low, but their bloodline talents are all verified and selected elites.

However, the Dou Zun realm is still an unattainable level for most people.

"It's very cautious! Did something happen recently?" Ye Han glanced at the people around him, and a faint voice sounded, but he was not angry and arrogant, and people couldn't help but be in awe.

"I have seen adults."

Di Tian came back to his senses and quickly gave Ye Han a respectful salute.

The rest of the people responded quickly, and they all followed suit, bending over to salute Ye Han.

The strength of the soul beast world is respected. In the past, Ye Han could only put on a pretense, and relied on the previous methods to forcibly subdue them. Although these creatures were respectful on the surface, they were not unconvinced in their hearts.

But now, these creatures are really convinced.

With his cultivation base, there is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before he surpasses all of them.

"Don't be too polite, why isn't Queen Medusa's breath here?" Ye Han waved his hand to get everyone to stand up, then his eyes fell on Di Tian, ​​and he said lightly.

"My lord, Her Majesty the Queen handed over the responsibility of managing the soul beasts to the Qingtian Niu Python a year ago, and then left the Demonic Beast Mountains, and has since disappeared." Di Tian responded respectfully.

When referring to the soul beast who guarded him before, Di Tian couldn't help but show a hint of admiration in his eyes. The same is true for other humanoid soul beasts. The stronger the strength, the deeper the admiration in his eyes.

This made Ye Han scratch his head, feeling like he shouldn't!

Could it be that the Qingtian Niu Python has obtained some heaven-defying opportunity, and its strength has grown by leaps and bounds, otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be able to subdue these unruly soul beasts.

No matter how smart Ye Han was, he probably would never have thought that it was not his strength that these soul beasts admired for the Blue Sky Bull Python, but his knowledge and his attitude towards learning.

Under the strong request of Queen Medusa, these rebellious soul beasts know what it means to learn the sea without boundaries, and they are all grown up until the azure bull python returns to the Demonic Beast Mountains.

In order to pursue Yuemei, this guy has exerted his brain cells to the extreme. In just a few years, not only did he get his wish, but he also won the appreciation of Queen Medusa, and handed over the heavy responsibility of managing the soul beast family. he……

It was his appearance that freed these soul beasts from the sea of ​​misery. In the eyes of those soul beasts who had been tormented by the sea of ​​learning, he was light, hope, and a savior-like existence, and it was a matter of course that he won the worship and admiration of the soul beast clan.

Of course, Ye Han knew that all these things would happen in the future.

Now, he is more concerned about the whereabouts of Queen Medusa, as well as more and more powerful people who have appeared in Ditian and others in recent days.

Obviously, the Demonic Beast Mountains has attracted the attention of some forces in Zhongzhou. The Douhuang who sneaked in at first has now become a Dou Zong, and there is even a peak Dou Zong. Honor will come.

Ye Han's brows were slightly wrinkled, he thought for a while, and suddenly the tightly packed brows opened slightly.

With a dumb smile, Ye Han looked at the crowd and said, "The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Now we are not weak. As long as we are not fighting saints, we can all deal with them. In this world, most fighting saints are hidden from the world. I I'll teach you a formation, and after you learn it, although you won't be able to win, you should be able to trap one or two five-star fighting saints without any problem."

Ye Han turned a formation into a brand of divine sense, directly into Di Tian's mind, and then wandered around in the Warcraft Mountains, gaining a deeper understanding of the changes in the Warcraft Mountains.

With the establishment of Xuanling Pavilion, Soul Beast Transformation no longer relies on transformation grass, but uses transformation pill. Compared with transformation grass, after transformation, it will not be able to switch beasts until they reach the Douhuang realm. Disadvantages, Hua Xing Dan has no such concerns.

The most important thing is that there are not many shape-changing grasses needed to refine the shape-changing pill. Only a few roots or leaves can be used to refine a shape-changing pill, and a shape-changing grass can often be refined. Dozens of transforming pills, thus greatly saving the consumption of transforming grass,

As a result, the state of being unable to make ends meet with the spiritual liquid gathered in the original dark green vial was greatly relieved. Queen Medusa used the remaining spiritual liquid to pick some medicinal seeds left by Ye Han, and even cultivated some extremely precious seeds. of medicinal materials.

It's a pity, knowing that these medicinal materials are extremely precious, but there are not many people who can use them to make medicinal herbs. Until now, under the leadership of Qingtian Niumang, Ye Han came to the treasure house, and these precious medicinal materials were only to show their due brilliance.

"Your Majesty said that other people may not know the efficacy of these medicinal herbs, and it would be a waste of money to give them, so I specially told me that if you come back while she is away, you must give these medicinal herbs to you." Qingtian Niu Mang looked at Ye Han, Seeing the happy look on his face holding the herbs, he couldn't help but say.

Draught did not forget the well digger. He was able to hold a beautiful woman back. Standing at the current height, it all depends on Her Majesty's appreciation. At this moment, he couldn't help but speak good words for Queen Medusa in front of Ye Han.

"You guy has a good conscience."

How could Ye Han not know Qingtian Niumang's thoughts, he couldn't help laughing and patted the big man's shoulder, "I have received the wishes of Her Majesty the Queen, don't worry, I will have you a copy of the medicinal pills."

Ye Han is naturally extremely satisfied with Queen Medusa's Ye Han is really a woman who can walk out of the hall and enter the kitchen.

Whether it is housekeeping or household chores, she is a good hand, and she is definitely a woman who deserves to be distressed.

In the past, the strength was insufficient, and some high-level medicinal herbs could not be refined, so Ye Han did not pay much attention to these high-level medicinal materials, but now it is different.

When he came back, he had planned to let Queen Medusa help him grow the medicinal herbs. Who knew that the other party was not there, Ye Han thought it was going to be a waste, but who knew that the woman gave him a surprise, and the medicinal herbs had long been for him. Ready.

All the precious medicinal materials were taken away by Ye Han, and high-level medicinal herbs would attract Dan Lei. Obviously, this mountain range of beasts is not a good place to refine medicinal herbs.

After three days in the Warcraft Mountains, the three-year contract expired, and Queen Medusa did not come back. Ye Han felt a little bad in his heart, worried that Queen Meidousha would be in danger, Ye Han would not Stop again, and then go straight to Yun Lanzong.

Nalan Yanran's return, in just a few years, is already the strength of a six-star Douhuang. This growth rate shocked everyone.

Immediately after the more exciting news came, Yun Yun planned to step down as the suzerain and go out to practice, in order to reach a higher realm...

In this regard, although Yun Lanzong has been debating, but there are not many voices against it.

Nalan Yanran's cultivation base is enough to support the development of Yunlan Sect, and if Yunyun's cultivation base continues to stay in the sect, it will hinder her growth. The most important thing is that Yunyun is just leaving, not break away from...

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