Ye Han, Nalan Yanran, and Yaoye waited by the side, and after two hours, the behemoth in front of him slowly opened his eyes.

The clear eyes were like crystals, slowly turning with a daze, when they saw Ye Han, the huge eyeball shrank instinctively.

Immediately afterwards, the memories just now poured into his mind like a tide, so frightening that the behemoth let out a scream from the depths of his soul.

what! ~

With this scream, she wanted to jump up and turn around to escape, but the sky was shaken and the entire secret room almost collapsed.

"be honest."

Ye Han hugged Nalan Yanran and Yao Ye's heads, covered their ears with the appearance of an old hen protecting a little hen, and then looked at the behemoth in front of him and gave a cold drink.

The huge behemoth shook violently, with a trace of fear in his eyes, looked at Ye Han in panic, and wanted to retreat, but the secret room was limited, and she had no way to retreat.

"Get used to the body and try to transform into a human." Ye Han felt helpless, so he could only lower his voice and said.

The gigantic creature was stunned for a moment, then looked at his body, and there was an unconcealed surprise in his gigantic eyes.

Immediately, she turned into a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old in a burst of purple light, and the red fruit appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes.

"Unfortunately, Xiao He has only shown sharp horns, and her big hands can't stand on her head." Ye Han shook his head, secretly saying a pity.

The little girl glanced at Ye Han, then turned around, and a long white dress shrouded her body that had just taken on a feminine look.

"Thank you!" She looked at Ye Han, her voice still clear, with a little tenderness and indifference.

Although Ye Han helped her break through and realize a long-standing dream, the little girl would never truly appreciate him.

"What are you polite? As a master, isn't it right for you to help you break through?" Ye Han smiled slightly, not paying attention to her attitude.


The little girl's cheeks were slightly cold, and she whispered something.

"Hey! Yes, Ruzi can be taught." Ye Han nodded, and made a very useful appearance with a shameless face.

The little girl gritted her teeth angrily, but she also knew that the situation was stronger than others, and that she might not be the opponent of the person in front of her, so she forcibly endured.

With the breakthrough of her cultivation, her mind has also made great progress.

Another hour passed. At this time, a red figure ignored the many barriers in the secret room and appeared directly in front of Ye Han's eyes. That bright and beautiful face was condensed into reality, and smiled sweetly at Ye Han, saying: He yelled at the master, then got into his dantian and fell into a deep sleep.

"Let's go, it's time to leave here. If the old guy finds out that we have left the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion, I'm afraid we won't have any good fruit to eat." Ye Han took the three women and slowly left the Burning Sky Pagoda. .

Along the way, I naturally met some people, and most of them cast suspicious glances at the four of them, including the little girl.

The little girl who was originally twelve or thirteen years old suddenly grew up by two or three years. The so-called 18-year-old girl has changed. Naturally, few people know the little girl at this moment, and Ye Han is even more so.

However, not many people came up to meddle in their own business.

Lin Zida has all kinds of birds, and not everyone knows it. Maybe this is the pain of a big guy in the college who has graduated. It is not impossible to come back and visit the old place again, why bother to find it for yourself uneasy.

The Canaan Academy was loose on the inside and tight on the outside, which gave Ye Han a huge convenience.

"Little girl, your name is Zi Yan, right?" Ye Han looked at the little girl with a cold face, as if everyone owed her 1.8 million, and couldn't help but say, "You just need to be obedient. , I will take you to find your father in your spare time."

"Do you really know my father?" The little girl's frozen face was finally unsealed, looking at Ye Han with some doubts.

"Of course, I, Ye Han, never lie." Ye Han said with awe.

"you swear!"

The little girl opened her mouth.

"Okay, I swear, if I lie to you, I'll make five thunders..."

Before Ye Han finished speaking, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the thick thunder pierced through the void and directly smashed into a big tree beside him.

"Hey! It might be raining in this ghost weather, you two enter my space ring." Ye Han sighed, his expression was extremely natural, there was no feeling of embarrassment at all, and he was thick-skinned to death.

Nalan Yanran and Yaoye looked at each other and both blushed for him.

"Would you like to go in and practice for a while, my space ring is fun." Ye Han looked at the little girl and said.


The little girl mumbled and ignored him.

"It's just a joke for you to call me master. The reason why I beat you is for your own good. Haven't you noticed the benefits you got? I'm leaving. If you want to find your father, you can come at any time. Heijiaoyu and Guanghan Palace come to me."

The lingering voice curled, and the person disappeared without a trace.

Ye Han disappeared, leaving only Zi Yan, whose head was buzzing, in a daze.

She really didn't expect that guy to actually run away.

With Ye Han's current strength, if he wanted to come out of the inner courtyard, he would really come and go without a trace.

Soon, he came to Ruo Lin's residence.

dong dong dong!

"Dear, Xiao Linlin, my husband is back, come out to greet him soon." Ye Han's voice sounded, but he didn't get a response for a long time.

With his divine sense, Ye Han's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, only then did he realize that there was no one in the room.

Looking at the sky, the moon has already climbed up the branches, Ruo Lin should be in the room at this time!

Ye Han directly broke into the door, and after checking it, his brows could not help but wrinkle even deeper. He found that the room had not been occupied for several months, and there was actually a layer of dust on the table.

After staying for a while, Ye Han turned around and left, and came near Xiao Xun'er's room. After a while, a person's breath appeared in his consciousness.

Silently, Ye Han entered the room through the window.

"Xiao, Xiao Yan, no, no, you, why do you fall in love with others, why do you provoke me again, why, I, I like you so much, woo, Xiao Xun'er, he is already a broken flower, Xiao Yan, you love me too, right..."

On the soft bed, the young and energetic girl hugged the quilt, crying and laughing, dreaming some kind of beautiful dream, constantly rolling on the bed, making all kinds of strange sounds.

Because of her actions, all kinds of beautiful scenes leaked out, but Ye Han didn't want to appreciate it at the moment.

He directly stepped forward, without any intention of pity, he stretched out his hand and slapped the **** the face twice. Although he didn't use much strength, it also caused the girl's cheeks to become red and swollen.

With a painful moan, the girl's body froze, and then, like an octopus that had all its strength drained, she released the quilt from her arms, her limbs were soft, and she stretched out her limbs and lay on the bed without any image.

Ye Han's eyes showed a strange look, he glanced at the girl's pajama pants, then withdrew his gaze, and met a pair of doubtful eyes.

"Wake up." Ye Han said with a smile, stepping forward and sitting beside Xiao Yu's bed.

"You, ah! Woohoo!~" The blank eyes became frightened by Ye Han's approach, but the voice he wanted to scream was directly blocked by his became Terrified whimper.

"Don't yell, ask you something, if you dare to lie to me, you should know the consequences?" Ye Han had a smile like a spring breeze on his face, but the words he said were like the north wind in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, which made people feel chills in their hearts. Creepy.

Xiao Yu widened her eyes in horror, and nodded quickly to indicate that she heard it.

"Where did Ruo Lin go?" Ye Han let go of his palm, and after seeing that the girl was honest, he went straight to the point.

"What are you doing with Ruolin's mentor?" Xiao Yu asked subconsciously, only to see Ye Han's eyes that became extremely unkind.

So, she could only hurriedly said, "Mr. Ruo Lin, she has entered the inner courtyard, and the vice president personally approached her."


Ye Han couldn't help scolding secretly when he heard the words, knowing that this might be because of his own relationship.

Although the relationship between himself and Ruo Lin is secret, if he really wants to find out, it is not difficult to find clues. After all, there were not many people who knew about Ruo Lin in the back garden that day. The clues follow the clues, and it is easy to catch the clues...

"Do you want to threaten me with her?" Ye Han said to himself.

If this is the case, then Ruolin should not be in danger for the time being.

He kidnapped his granddaughter in front of him, and Hu Gan may have done this as a precaution...

But, I think I can figure it out, but I'm very angry! How to do?

Ye Han looked at Xiao Yu on the bed, a smile flashed in his eyes...

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