From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 383: : Xiao Yan, you lost

Chapter 384 Xiao Yan, you lost

Xiao Yan's strength was very strong, but it did not exceed Nalan Yanran's expectations.

After all, Nalan Yanran had seen him make a move.

It was at the door of Nalan's house that day. He met Ye Han and was called out by Ye Han's real name, which is still vivid in his mind.

Clang! ~

The thoughts converged, and with a crisp sword cry, Nalan Yanran unsheathed the long sword in her hand.

The slender jade hand clenched the long sword tightly, and the turquoise wind scroll wrapped around the slender sword body, and the sharp sword qi was looming in the wind scroll, and it was uncertain. On the bluestone plate, a clear scratch is left, and the sharpness is generally visible.

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan, her arm slowly raised, the long sword in her hand moved up, the snow-white long sword wrapped in Dou Qi radiated a cold light under the sunlight, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan was also not to be outdone, and raised the Xuan Chong ruler in his hand...

As the two of them released their grudges, the atmosphere in the square suddenly became a little dignified, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Many people were a little surprised to find that the young man slowly closed his eyes at this moment.

Is this just to pretend to slap the face, or how much do you despise Nalan Yanran?

Nalan Yanran also noticed Xiao Yan's change, raised her brows involuntarily, narrowed her eyes slightly, and felt a little annoyed in her heart.

But the next moment, Xiao Yan suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes.

Holding the black ruler in his hands tightly, he looked at Nalan Yanran, like a lone wolf hunting, rushing towards him.

The tranquility above the square was broken at this moment.

Xiao Yan's speed was extremely fast, like a black phantom, with a powerful momentum, slammed into Nalan Yanran fiercely.

"Three-year appointment! Battle! Nalan Yanran, today, I will use this victory to wash away the humiliation you have brought me over the years."

Like a volcanic eruption, he finally shouted loudly at this moment, the voice that had been suppressed for three years.

Nalan Yanran was unmoved, staring calmly at the tyrannical figure rushing towards her, with a calm expression on her face, showing no joy, anger, or sorrow.

"As expected of the young sect master of the Yunlan Sect, the concentration is really good." Many people couldn't help but nodded secretly when they saw the look on Nalan Yanran's face.

The attitude and bearing that Xiao Yan showed just now, made them ignore the head of the next generation of Yun Lanzong. Now it seems that this girl is also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Just when Xiao Yan was about to approach Nalan Yanran's body within ten meters, her body finally moved.

Light and elegant, like a glimpse of light, just flickering slightly, it staggered past Xiao Yan's figure.

The sword walks lightly, and Nalan Yanran's cultivation technique is of the wind attribute. The combination of the two is even more agile.

On the way between the two figures, Nalan Yanran danced the long sword in her hand, cutting vertically and horizontally in an extremely natural way.

However, Xiao Yan was not a vegetarian either, the rushing figure suddenly stopped, the large black ruler in his hand was slightly lifted, and a tinkling sound came out, blocking Nalan Yanran's attack with such ease.

"It's not indecent to come and go, Nalan Yanran, take me a foot too."

Blocking Nalan Yanran's attack, Xiao Yan was not to be outdone.

With a long whistle, his indifferent eyes swept the staggered figure.

Immediately, the large black ruler in his hand waved, with a wild and fierce aura, and smashed it fiercely behind him.

The fierce breath blew and pressed Nalan Yanran's robe tightly against her body, revealing the proud curve of her back.

"What a **** you are!"

Ye Han was annoyed, he felt that Xiao Yan, this bastard, was definitely doing it on purpose.

Then he pulled Xiao Xun'er into his arms, and he couldn't help but move his hands.

"You, what are you doing?"

Xiao Xun'er didn't expect that Ye Han suddenly went crazy, and he was in his arms at this moment, struggling with a look of horror.

"Why? Of course, I'm charging some interest first. Didn't you see what your brother Xiao Yan did to my woman?" Ye Han said angrily.

"What did brother Xiao Yan do?"

Xiao Xun'er was stunned.

Everything is normal!

She didn't find anything wrong, and she didn't know why Ye Han was crazy.

Snapped! ~

"Look obediently, don't talk too much, don't struggle, or I'll bring you to your brother Xiao Yan right now." Ye Han slapped the little girl in his arms directly on the hips, and didn't want to say more , made a direct and vicious threat.

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er bit her lip, but she could only be honest.


You can only pass the eye addiction, Lao Tzu is not ordinary.

Not only can I see it, but I can touch it too!

Ye Han was angry that his own woman was being frivolous, and with his left hand, he grabbed two ruthlessly.

Boo! ~

Xiao Xun'er screamed in surprise, her face flushed with blood, and she was full of shame and anger.

Once again, being frivolous by this man in front of brother Xiao Yan, she was really ashamed and felt ashamed. I'm sorry to brother Xiao Yan, if she could, she really wanted to die like this.

However, she was afraid that she would be uneasy even if she died, that even if she died, she would not be able to escape from her clutches, and she was even more worried that the **** in front of her would deal with Xiao Yan in the ring.

On the square, Xiao Yan was arrogant and high-spirited.

In the inconspicuous corner, a green grassland was already waving to him.

Come on!

Come on!

On the square, Nalan Yanran felt the powerful attack behind her and suddenly turned around, the long sword in her hand stabbed straight out.

She didn't even plan to dodge and block, but to face it head-on.

Ding! ~

With a crisp sound, the tip of the long sword collided with the black ruler.

An invisible wind and waves centered on the junction of the two people's weapons swept away instantly, blowing their long hair and robes.

Nalan Yanran's pupils shrank slightly, and a hint of surprise appeared on her face.

Xiao Yan's strength was somewhat beyond her expectations. If she encountered such an attack before, she would have to use fighting skills if she wanted to block it easily, but now...

Ding Ding Ding! ~

Nalan Yanran's arm trembled slightly, and three crisp sounds formed a line. Only a few of the thousands of people present knew what happened.

Most people just heard another crisp Then, a hurricane was centered on the place where the two fought, and the black ruler in Xiao Yan's hand was involuntarily Fly away.

"What a brilliant sword skill!"

"So fast!"

Jia Xingtian and Fa Qian glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's hearts.

"It should be more than that. If you don't have strong physical fitness, you will be rootless duckweed." Hai Bo said.

At this moment, the old man known as the Ice Emperor suddenly felt a little regretful, feeling that he had made the wrong bet and should not be here today.

"Xiao Yan, you lost."

Nalan Yanran's voice sounded slowly in the hurricane that swept all over the place.

As the storm subsided, nearly a thousand people at the scene saw Nalan Yanran's long sword, the tip of which stayed about a foot in front of Xiao Yan's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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