From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 379: : The third night of Yunlanzong

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Although Yun Yun at this moment seemed weak, she was full of domineering.

The majesty of the head of a sect, the power of the Douhuang powerhouse is fully displayed.

Nalan Yanran was frightened by the teacher's aura, and she didn't dare to speak for a while.

In fact, she wanted to tell Yun Yun that she didn't know whether she liked Ye Han or not, but in the end she didn't dare to speak.

Yun Yun didn't know what stupid thing she had done, and she still praised her cleverness in her heart, "Serving one husband together, although this method is a bit shy, but in this situation, it is the only solution that can get the best of both worlds. Fa, as expected of me, Yun Yun, where beauty and wisdom coexist."

Seeing that Nalan Yanran's eyes were a little frightened, Yun Yun's aura couldn't help restraining.

There was a hint of distress in her eyes, she looked at Nalan Yanran, and said, "Don't be afraid, come up and tell you something about that bastard."


Nalan Yanran nodded obediently, and then climbed onto Yun Yun's bed.

In Yun Yun's heart, Nalan Yanran had already fallen in love with Ye Han, and her love was deeply rooted, but she didn't notice it just like her original self.

And although he and Ye Han met before, but after all, he fell in love with the same person as his disciple. Although it wasn't a first step, it wasn't a glorious thing.

She felt ashamed and felt sorry for Nalan Yanran.

Coupled with the dream last night, Nalan Yanran decided to kill herself. The sad face, the helpless look, and the picture of the death of the fragrant jade were like a sharp sword, hanging in her heart at all times, making her uneasy.

Sooner or later, she will hand over the position of the sect master of Yunlan Sect to Nalan Yanran, and she will not stay in the sect after she resigns.

In this way, no outsider will know about serving a husband with her own disciple. Therefore, in Yun Yun's view, her current decision can be described as foolproof and the best of both worlds.

It's just that it's a little cheaper for that guy.

The two women were lying on the bed, whispering, but basically Yun Yun was talking, and Nalan Yanran was listening, occasionally making shy coquettish sounds.

Time passed, and unknowingly, Nalan Yanran was clearly arranged by Yun Yun.

"what happened?"

In a pavilion, Ye Han withdrew his gaze from the sky and turned to look at Yun Yun's bedroom.

More than half an hour has passed, and there is still no movement inside.

After a little thought, Ye Han decided to go back to the room to check the situation.

If Yun Yun can't handle Nalan Yanran, Ye Han will forcibly erase part of Nalan Yanran's memory even if she goes against Yun Yun's will to make her unhappy.

Ye Han pushed open the door and entered, and then came out of Yun Yun's boudoir.

Listening carefully, Nalan Yanran's "scolding" entered Ye Han's ears.

"Teacher, you didn't see that you were so shameless."

Ye Han frowned slightly, then pushed open the door of Yun Yun's boudoir and stepped in.

"How did you get in here?"

Yun Yun was lying on the bed, and she measured her head for the first time, looking at Ye Han with shy eyes and anger.

Nalan Yanran, on the other hand, was lying beside Yun Yun, her head resting on her shoulder, her cheeks were full of blush, and she wore a malicious smile.

But at the moment of seeing Ye Han, the smile on his face was completely replaced by shyness, his eyes dodged, and he did not dare to look at Ye Han.

"This, you are this?"

Ye Han looked confused, even if his IQ was 250, he couldn't understand what was going on in the picture in front of him.

Hearing this, Yun Yun's pretty face blushed, and she gave Ye Han a charming look.

After a little hesitation, she looked back at the shy and lovely Nalan Yanran, her eyes dodging, her cheeks flushed, and a hint of determination flashed in her eyes.

Then, she looked back at Ye Han and said, "You, you come up."

"Come up, oh, okay!" Ye Han stepped beside Yun Yun, thinking that Yun Yun was letting him approach.

He came to Yun Yun's bed and stopped moving.

Seeing this, Yun Yun rolled her eyes and said, "I asked you to come to bed."

"Old, teacher."

Nalan Yanran said shyly, extremely shy.

In order to take care of the teacher, her coat has long since taken off, leaving only the underwear and a pocket belly on her body. In this case, if Ye Han comes up again, then...

Ye Han glanced at Nalan Yanran, then looked at Yun Yun, the doubt on his face was even heavier.

Just when he was about to ask, Yun Yun said impatiently, "If you come up, come up, if you don't come up, get out, don't stand here to get in the way."

After she finished speaking, Yun Yun stretched out her hand and held down Nalan Yanran, who was nervous and anxious, and looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han was speechless.

His own woman asked him to go to bed, can he back down?

Obviously not.

"You, you are sleeping."

Ye Han wanted to sit down on the innermost side of the bed, when he heard Yun Yun's voice resounding again.

Ye Han raised his brows slightly and looked at Yun Yun.

Only then did she realize that although her tone was calm and the expression on her face was full of majesty, there was an undisguised shyness deep in her eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Han finally guessed something.

"Ah! Ya!~"

The quilt was raised high, and the two women let out an exclamation at the same time.

Then I felt that there was one more person beside me, and then the quilt fell again, barely covering the three.

Nalan Yanran's current state finally made Ye Han confirm the guess in his heart.

"This is to do something!"

Ye Han glanced at Nalan Yanran, then stretched out his arms and hugged Yun Yun into his arms, with pity in his eyes, and under her shy and anxious gaze, he lowered his head and gently kissed the pink cherry lips.

"I'm sorry for you."

After a long time, his lips parted, Ye Han looked at Yun Yun's blurred eyes and said.

Hearing this, Yun Yun was shocked, and she also understood that Ye Han already knew her intentions.

"No, it's fine, you, be nice to Yanran."

There were sparkling tears in Yun Yun's eyes, but she was happy and happy.


Ye Han sighed inwardly.

After so much experience, he naturally knows how much courage and psychological suffering a woman needs to share with her beloved man to another woman.

Ye Han turned his head to look at Nalan Yanran on the other side and said, "You are serious."

"I, I like you."

Nalan Yanran was watched by Ye Han's eyes, she couldn't help but stammered in her heart, and finally followed her own heart and said these four words.

Ye Han heard the words, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

The other arm stretched out and took Nalan Yanran into her arms.

Woman, he needs it now.

In particular, the girl who is pure and clean is his favorite.

Because they are all good cauldrons.

Once a simple boy, what he thinks is that he wants to have one person, and his heart is white and his head is inseparable.

But his strength forced him to change constantly.

There are yin and yang mistakes, some emotions have to be a last resort, and there are tricks to rob, and eventually more and more women are around him.

And now, there is another one who took the initiative to post it, and Ye Han will naturally not refuse.

Now, his heart has really been filled, and he can no longer hold more figures.

However, Nalan Yanran is Yun Yun's disciple, Ye Han has affection for Yun Yun, and Aiwu Jiwu will naturally not treat her too much.

So I also taught her the secret method that was handed over to Yun Yun, and let her practice and comprehend. Ye Han guided her and helped her change her physique...

The sun rises in the east, the sun is like fire.

The splendid morning glow spread all over the world, Ye Han opened his eyes and looked at the two masters and apprentices sitting opposite him, feeling a lot for a while.

Who would have thought that the two people who were still in fear the day before, lest they be discovered by the other party, became a pair of sisters who talked about everything after just one night.

Don't say that other people don't believe Even Ye Han feels like a dream.

The two pairs of closed eyes opened almost at the same time, and then they saw Ye Han's mouth was slightly upturned, with a wicked smile on his face, with doting in his eyes, looking at them.

Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran looked at each other, and then quickly avoided each other's eyes as if they were electrocuted.

The night is a layer of fig leaf, and the two can feel a little more at ease and face each other more calmly.

But now, in broad daylight, the two of them were extremely shy in their hearts, their faces flushed, and neither Nalan Yanran nor Yun Yun dared to look directly at each other.

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