From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 345: : Holding Xiao Yan's future wife

Chapter 346 Holding Xiao Yan's Future Wife

It is already foreseeable that from today onwards, the sky of the Jiama Empire will be completely changed.

And all this was just because the young man named Ye Han nodded.

The formation of the forces, although the incident happened in a hurry, is not a big problem. Although Ya Fei, who is at the helm, is a scumbag, it is not a big problem to be assisted by Mittel Tengshan, Fa Yan, Jia Xingtian, and these old guys. .

With time, Ya Fei can definitely become the real Queen of Gold, and it will go more smoothly than in the original book.

"As my spokesperson, do you have anything to say?" Ye Han took Ya Fei's soft and boneless hand and said intimately.

Ya Fei shook her head with a wry smile.

She did not resist, she was ready to become a tool person.

"I said I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do, now I can give you a chance to join my force, become a leader, or leave, it's up to you to choose, after the Alchemist Conference is over, give it to me One answer is fine." Ye Han said.

What he needs is a laborer who is full of energy, full of enthusiasm for the future, and full of passion and expectation for the future life, not a vase who is about to die and has a foolish mentality.

Although twisted melons can sometimes quench their thirst, they cannot change the fact that they are not sweet.

So, it's all up to her to make her own choices.

Ya Fei was stunned for a while, but did not expect that Ye Han would actually hand over the choice to himself.

Ye Han had already turned his head to look at the raging alchemist competition on the competition stage, Ya Fei carefully looked at Ye Han's handsome face, and then fell into deep thought.

Jia Xingtian and Mitteltenshan looked at each other and let out a sigh involuntarily.

Immediately, they quickly restrained their spirits, and being able to stand at their height for many years, they naturally did not lack decisiveness.

Once you've made up your mind, there's nothing to worry about.

As for Hai Bodong and those fighting kings, they have long since ignored them intentionally or unintentionally.

In the alchemist competition arena, all kinds of flames are burning, the heat waves are rolling, and the air is distorted, making people's vision blurred.

The competition has lasted until now, and more than half of the time has passed. Some people failed to refine the medicine and left the field in despair. Some people were lucky. They were lucky enough to refine the medicine that had a low success rate before. The results are very satisfactory.

Whoosh! ~

Liu Ling and the little princess Yaoyue formed a pill one after the other.

The two fourth-grade medicinal pills fell into the hands of the two of them. Liu Ling's face was calm, but there was an undisguised joy in the depths of his eyes.

Fourth-grade medicinal herbs!

Although it is not a top-quality medicine, it is also a fourth-grade medicine pill, and other pharmacists may not be able to refine a fourth-grade medicine medicine in their lifetime.

Liu Ling was only in his early twenties, and being able to refine a fourth-grade medicinal pill this time was definitely an extraordinary performance.

"The little princess has an amazing talent. I didn't expect to hide it. It's really impressive." Liu Ling calmed down, looked at Yaoyue, and said politely.

"Haha, Big Brother Liu is joking. How can I hide my strength? It should be Big Brother Liu who lives up to his reputation." Yaoyue said with a smile.

The two of you said a word to me, and the business talked to each other for a while, and then it was over.

Immediately, the little princess Yaoye's small face was tightly wrinkled together with a thoughtful look in her eyes, then she raised her head and glanced at the handsome figure on the viewing stage, that beautiful little face There was a slight blush on it.

She can feel that her strength should not be limited to this, but it is a pity that it is too late, and the time is not enough, otherwise, she is sure to fight for the championship of this conference.

And all of this is because of the young man in white on the high platform.

The effect of the Yin-Yang Spiritual Liquid he brought to several people was too strong, it not only eliminated the sequelae of several of them taking the medicine pill, but also greatly improved their soul perception.

For an alchemist, the strength of soul power is the foundation and foundation. Only with a strong foundation can one climb to the highest peak.

However, she felt shy when she thought about the experience of using the supernatural liquid.

After all, she is still a big girl of yellow flowers. She appears naked in front of a man, and now I feel ashamed to think about it.


At this moment, a muffled sound interrupted the thoughts of the little princess,

A black flame suddenly surged, and a terrifying power erupted.

The alchemist from the Izumo Empire was also at the last moment.

The black flame erupted in an all-round way, and the scorching high temperature spread, forming a wave of air that swept all directions.

Several people were caught off guard, were disturbed, and their pills were shattered directly.

When these people came back to their senses and were about to get angry, a dazzling purple light burst out from the pill furnace in front of the alchemist of the Izumo Empire. Along with the similarities and differences of the dazzling purple light, there was also a strong medicine. fragrant.

The eyes of the alchemist from the Izumo Empire shone brightly, and a light drink came out of his mouth.

"I want the champion of this pharmacist conference."

The voice fell, and his palm patted the medicine refining table in front of him.


The medicine tripod in front of him made a crisp sound, and immediately, the lid of the medicine tripod bounced high, and then, a purple medicinal pill flew out of the drug tripod and appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill!" Fa Yan exclaimed, acting a little rude.

The Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill is an elixir that can directly improve Dou Qi cultivation. It ranks at the peak of the fourth rank. Taking this elixir at the master level, one can improve one's cultivation by one star. The important thing is that one person can take two pills. .

"This is bad."

Fa Qian came back to his senses, and still let out a sigh involuntarily.

Ye Han glanced at him lightly, and naturally knew why this little old man sighed.

"Isn't that there is still hope for the whole village? Hasn't he already created many miracles? There's nothing to be afraid of, trust him." Ye Han said.

After finishing the speech, Ye Han released Xiao Xun'er from the storage space. The yin and yang fighting energy circulated, condensed on the palm of the hand, and injected into Xiao Xun'er's body, causing her to let out a coquettish moan and slowly wake up.

"The next moment will be the highlight of your brother Xiao Yan's pretense. Let's watch it together! How is it, how am I going to treat you?" Ye Han smiled as he looked at Xiao Xun'er's slowly opening eyes.

Xiao Xun'er did not appreciate this, raised her palm and slapped Ye Han's face.

Ye Han didn't care about this, raised his palm slightly, grabbed Xiao Xun'er's wrist directly, pulled her into his arms with a slight force, and slapped her hips unceremoniously.

"It's not good to have a bad temper. Not only does it age quickly, but it is also prone to menopause."

Ye Han fixed Xiao Xun'er's struggling body with one hand, and held up her little face with the other, forcing her to look at himself, his expression became serious and serious, and said, "I'm not very good-tempered, but generally I don't Beating a woman, but the premise is that you are obedient, although I promised Brother Xiao Yan that I would take good care of you for him, but you can’t act recklessly, understand?”

Xiao Xun'er's breathing stagnated slightly, and she felt an unparalleled pressure in Ye Han's which made her feel panic in her heart, and it was difficult to raise the idea of ​​resistance.

After thinking about it, I am just a prisoner under the order, and I really should recognize the situation and not blindly try to be brave.

Xiao Xun'er is very smart, she quickly recognized the situation, changed her strategy, and temporarily gave up her bravery.

Of course, this is just a plan to slow down the army, and definitely not from the heart.

"Humph! I, Xiao Xun'er, as the daughter of the ancient clan and the owner of the divine bloodline, how could I be afraid of him?"

Ye Han nodded with satisfaction, seeing that Xiao Xun'er was silent, his eyes were lowered, and a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he released the palm of Xiao Xun'er's face.

Ye Han expressed satisfaction with this girl's attitude of keeping up with the current affairs.

Holding Xiao Yan's future wife and watching Xiao Yan pretend to be compared, this kind of thing is really cool.

Immediately, a trace of surprise flashed in Ye Han's eyes.

Is that Xiao Yan's third flame?

(End of this chapter)

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