From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 336: : Surprised or not

Chapter 337: Surprise or Surprise?

Finally, Xiao Xun'er's breath stopped growing and stopped at the peak of Dou Wang.

"Damn you!"

Xiao Xun'er scolded coldly, her long hair stretched to her ankles.

The stripes of colorful rays of light are lingering around, Xiao Xun'er seems to have developed again, her body is taller and slender, her curves are beautiful, and she looks mature and plump.

Ye Han was amazed when he looked at it. He didn't expect the secret method to have the effect of plastic surgery.

The current Xiao Xun'er is noble and domineering, with an aloof appearance, which is more attractive than before.

Ye Han felt that if he was holding the body in front of him just now, he might not be willing to let go.

Just when Ye Han didn't know whether to live or die, and admired Xiao Xun'er, who had changed drastically, she saw Xiao Xun'er wiped her mouth fiercely with a look of disgust.

Then the hands quickly tie the seal.

The Emperor's Seal Art, a high-level fighting skill that only a Dou Wang can learn, Xiao Xun'er can be said to be playing on the spot.

However, Xiao Xun'er is indeed very talented, and the powerful fighting skills such as the Emperor Seal Jue were forcibly displayed by her.

The first form of the Emperor's Seal Art, the opening of the mountain seal was slammed out, and the dazzling golden light filled the universe, illuminating most of the holy city of Jama.

Today, it was the last day of the finals of the Alchemist Conference. Almost all the powerhouses gathered in the square where the Alchemist Conference was located, and the battle between Ye Han and Xiao Xun'er was still a long way off.

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted, and they couldn't help but look here, looking at the place where the Emperor's Seal of Magic erupted with boundless prestige.

"What level of fighting skills is that? It's too strong!"

Jia Xingtian sighed that even he, a peak Douhuang strongman, felt a certain threat, not to mention others.

"I'll go take a look."

Jia Xingtian made a decisive decision, and after leaving a sentence, Dou Qi's wings spread out, soared into the air, and rushed directly to the place where energy fluctuations came from in the distance.

Hai Bodong looked in that direction, and then looked at Xiao Yan who had just boarded the medicine refining table, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"Old Hai doesn't have to do this, I'll go take a look and come back to tell you."

Mittel Tengshan opened his mouth, and then spread his vindictive wings, chasing after the punishment day.

Fa Qian's eyes flickered slightly while holding the lid of a large pot, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

Anyone can go here, but he can't.

"Could it be him?" Yaoye looked in the direction of the bright rays of light, with a trace of worry in her eyes, she couldn't help muttering to herself.

In her mind, the handsome face appeared involuntarily, and she couldn't help being a little lost for a while.

Nalan Yanran's ears moved, and she couldn't help but look at Yaoye, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"What happened between her and that person?" Nalan Yanran's mind flashed a thought.

Mainly because Yaoye has changed too much.

Nalan Yanran had never felt pressure when she was with Yaoye before, but now, after just one day of absence, Nalan Yanran felt Yaoye's appearance, temperament, and aura all over her body. Unparalleled pressure.

Nalan Yanran knew very well that the reason why Yaoye had changed so much was definitely because of that person.

Because other than him, in Nalan Yanran's knowledge, no one has been able to make such a big change in a person in such a short period of time.

At this time, Yaoye's skin is like jade, and she has a noble air all over her body. She is dressed in military uniform and armored and has a sharp temperament. She is like a mysterious sword, which can be unsheathed and kill the enemy at any time. bring enormous pressure.

Nalan Yanran's eyes flickered slightly as she looked at Yaoye, wondering what she was thinking.

Neither of the two beauties left, Yaoye was responsible, and Nalan Yanran wanted to see how far Xiao Yan could go.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win every battle. She doesn't dare to be careless about this genius who has re-displayed brilliantly in the past.


Frightened by golden light, divine power is like a prison.

A large golden seal carrying the power of opening up mountains and cracking the earth fell from the sky and blasted directly at Ye Han.

The rumbling sound of the rumbling sound was incessant, and the big seal was panicked, showing its invincible power.

Before it really fell, the surrounding buildings collapsed under this unparalleled force.

Ye Han was tall and straight, his long blue hair was fluttering, his white robes were screeching, and the ground around him collapsed one after another.

However, Ye Han's expression remained unchanged.

He slowly raised his palm, pushed a yin-yang taiji map, and went up to meet him.

The slowly rotating Taiji map carries a mysterious aura, like a treasure that returns to its simplicity. It is not in a hurry or slow, and it easily blocks the monstrous opening seal.

"I didn't expect it to be quite heavy." Ye Han sighed.

Having said that, his movements were unprecedentedly frivolous, and his palms involuntarily swayed upwards.

Xiao Xun'er's complexion suddenly changed, and she almost vomited blood.

Ye Han's movements seemed to be playing with Xiao Xun'er's fighting spirit and soul, but the simple movements made Xiao Xun'er almost vindicate his fighting spirit.

Xiao Xun'er bit her silver teeth and made a decisive decision. The seal between her slender fingers changed, and she directly used the third form of the Emperor's Seal, covering the ground.


Another big seal fell from the sky, and the momentum it carried was even more majestic and heavy, as if it could suppress all ages and wipe out all obstacles along the way. I am truly invincible.

Ye Han's expression changed slightly, but he still did not evade.

Two palms stretched out and lifted up against the sky.

The slowly rotating black and white Taiji map, with his movements suddenly skyrocketing, exudes a more grand breath, with an indescribable solemnity, like a rotating grinding mill, directly crushing the Kaishan Seal, Then press the ground seal against it.


The air explosion roared, forming a ripple in the air, which spread instantly.

Ye Han only felt his arms sink, and there was a light click from under his feet. His feet sank directly into the ground, only the part above his knees was exposed.


Ye Han let out a deep drink, the power of the Taiyin Sun circulated throughout his body, and his body's falling tendency stopped instantly.

His slightly bent arms suddenly straightened, and he lifted the soles of his feet and walked directly out of the collapsed ground.

"not bad!"

Ye Han looked at Xiao Xun'er and couldn't help but praise.

Xiao Xun'er's beautiful face was pale, and there was even a trace of blood dripping from the corner of her lips.

Hearing this, Xiao Xun'er's complexion changed, and she felt a huge insult.

Anger makes people crazy, Xiao Xun'er is desperate to stimulate his vindictive spirit and stimulate his own bloodline.

"do not want."

An exclamation sounded, it was Ling Ying's voice.

But it was just two words, and it was completely misfired.

A giant golden blade with a length of more than 100 meters crossed the sky, condensed out, and immediately slashed directly at Ye Han.


Everything along the way is like paper.

The earth was torn has been spreading to the distance, leaving a deep and wide ravine with no end in sight.

Xiao Xun'er's eyes were dim, her face was as pale as paper, her body was shaky, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"That terrifying guy is finally dead."

Slightly relieved, the colorful stripes blooming on Xiao Xun'er's body disappeared instantly, and the Dou Wang breath emanating from her body also fell instantly.

Finally, she couldn't hold it any longer, and as soon as her legs became weak, she was about to fall.

At this moment, a big hand gently pulled her.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Xiao Xun'er turned around and spoke weakly.

Just as she said thank you, she saw the person who supported her.

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Ye Han blinked, now that silence is better than sound.

Xiao Xun'er frowned, but before she could react, she heard Ye Han say, "No thanks."


Xiao Xun'er couldn't hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out, she was so ashamed and angry, her body fell directly into Ye Han's arms.

"As the saying goes, if a friend's wife is welcome, then I'm welcome."

Ye Han's voice faintly entered Xiao Xun'er's ears, Xiao Xun'er's eyes darkened and she almost fainted.

But at the moment when her body was picked up by Ye Han, there were two completely different forces pouring into her body, helping her to stabilize her injuries, and making her unable to coma even if she wanted to.

End of this chapter

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