From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 317: : Teacher 2 Dragon

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

late at night.

Moon stars are rare.

The cold night, the cold light, and the strangers are talking about the most private things.

Liu Erlong was completely dumbfounded now.

I really don't know how to explain it.

"Forget it, you must be lying to me. The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceiving you are. You are so beautiful, and you don't look young anymore. How could you have never been married, and how could you still be a big girl?"

Ye Han murmured softly, put his palm on the door bolt again, and opened the door.

There was a nasty taste in his heart, and he wanted to see if he could force anything interesting.

"wait wait wait."

Sure enough, at the last moment, Liu Erlong spoke again and stopped Ye Han.

This time Ye Han didn't turn around or open his mouth. He just turned his head and asked with his eyes, "What else do you want to say?"

"I, I can prove it."

Liu Erlong said quickly.

If she could, she would definitely choose to kill without hesitation, and she did not lack the courage to fight to the death.

It's a pity that now she can't even commit suicide, let alone murder.

"Yu Xiaogang, where are you, please, save me, please?" She kept praying in her heart, looking forward to the man who could create a myth again, like a **** descending, saving herself from the sea of ​​misery, waiting for a miracle to happen .

After all, he has created a myth from being a waste and leading himself and others to become gods.

Today's Liu Erlong is full of confidence in that person, and believes that he can create another miracle.

However, what she was waiting for this time was Ye Han's slightly curious threatening voice.

"Prove, how do you prove it? I'm sleepy to death. If you still can't prove it, then I can only send you to the village chief."

Liu Erlong gritted his teeth.

There are only two paths in front of her now. The first one is the young man in front of her...

The second, there are countless, shirtless brawny men...

Just thinking about it, Liu Erlong felt scared, an unspeakable fear.

The lesser of the two evils, under the pressure of Ye Han, Liu Erlong chose the first one.

"I, I can show you."

Liu Erlong opened his mouth, his voice was like a mosquito, his cheeks were blushing, his eyes were full of shame, and his heart was filled with sadness.

Yu Xiaogang, I'm sorry! In order to keep my innocence, I had to make some sacrifices.

"Don't talk about it, if I could see this, I would have seen it already, and I could still hide it from me."

Ye Han made a sound in his mouth, disdainful, but his body was very honest, he turned around quickly, stretched his long legs, and came to Liu Erlong's side.

After looking up and down for a while, Ye Han said dissatisfiedly, "You, you lied to me again."

His voice became a little sharp, like a child who was exasperated and greatly wronged.

After that, he will go to the parents again.

Seeing this, Liu Erlong hurriedly said, "You, of course you can't see it this way, you, you unfasten my belt and take it off..."

"I'll give it a go, is it so hot?"

"You're a temptation, you know that?"

"Although you look good and your figure is extremely hot, am I that kind of person?"

"Well! I don't seem to be human."

"Bah, I am the ancestor of Xuanling."

Thinking about whether there are some or not, and then, two round legs that are as round as columns, shining with the luster of porcelain in the moonlight, have come into view.

"Can this be seen? I don't think I can see it?"

Ye Han spoke, his tone full of doubts, but his eyes involuntarily fell on the dense...

Liu Erlong's face was tense, and his body was trembling slightly because of the tension. Hearing Ye Han's words, she really wanted to die, but she had to tell him how to check.

Ye Han heard the words and acted according to the words.

Like a rigorous scholar, he lay there and watched carefully, then shook his head in disappointment and said, "I didn't see it."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's face was instantly pale and desperate.

This thing, she also accidentally heard people say that she can see it, as for how to see it, she is not clear.

"Forget it, I'll call someone!"

Ye Han got up, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he said with an unfamiliar appearance.

"No, I, I, I have another way." Liu Erlong said desperately.

But in my heart, I prayed again, hoping for a miracle to happen, imagining that Yu Xiaogang could suddenly appear, like a divine soldier descending from heaven, saving himself from the sea of ​​misery.

Unfortunately, Ye Han's voice shattered her hopes again.

"any solution?"

Just four words made Liu Erlong's heart drop to the bottom in an instant.

"Luohong, have you heard of it? As long as it's a big girl with a yellow flower, it's the first time that you will fall into the red." Liu Erlong said.

"so what?"

Ye Han was speechless.

Liu Erlong wanted to cry, but in fact, she had already cried, and she had already burst into tears.

But the seemingly harmless young man was so ruthless and unmoved, he kept talking about the rules, as if if he disagreed, he would immediately find ten or eight strong men for her, scaring her. It's been long gone.

The lesser of the two evils, a trade-off in mind, rather than let a group of people...

She would rather choose the young man in front of her, not to mention that she has already reached this stage.

However, the young man "knows nothing" about this matter, like a blank sheet of paper, very simple.

Coincidentally, Liu Erlong was a teacher. In order to win Yu Xiaogang back then, he deliberately learned about it and searched for many "cheats". Although it didn't come in handy in the end, it was still remembered by her to this day.

Now, it can be used as a material to teach the teenager in front of him how to proceed.


in several other rooms.

Nalan Yanran and Yaoyue had already forced themselves to temporarily forget what happened just now and entered into cultivation.

However, Yaoye was unable to keep her composure no matter what.

She thought of the purpose of her coming here, and Jia Xingtian obviously took herself as a gift and gave it to Ye Han.

When he just left, Ye Han's attitude was obviously not very good.

"Is he angry?"

"Why is he angry?"

"Is it because we didn't stay with him?"

Yao Ye lay on the bed, restless.

Yaoyue can live a heartless and unrestrained life, but Yaoye's character is not.

After hesitating for a long time, she got up from the bed and tidied up her clothes.

Then, with a tragic expression, he came to the door of Ye Han's room.


inside the house.

One is willing to teach, one is willing to learn,

After discussing for a long time and discussing for a long time, the defense was lifted and they were tightly fitted together.

Ye Han is a qualified actor, and his acting skills are flawless and flawless, showing the ignorance and ignorance of a beginner incisively and vividly.

After a long time, I finally found a way.

Just as he was about to push the door and enter, suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Ye Han's body was very clever, and only then did he realize that he was too deep into the play.

The palm pressed on the back of Liu Erlong's head, the woman didn't snort, the wet eyes slowly closed, and she fainted directly.

Ye Han didn't hesitate to put it in his storage space.


Ye Han said.

"It's me, Yaoye."

Ye Han was slightly taken aback by the pleasant female voice.

"It's so late, what is she doing here?"

Ye Han was puzzled, but he casually put on a nightgown and waved a force to open the door and let her in.

The girl grabbed the clothes on both sides of her body with a pair of small hands, her face was filled with anxiety and unease, her eyes were dodging, and she did not dare to look directly at Ye Han.

Although she had told herself countless times in her heart, she had to give up something for the sake of the royal family.

But when it came, she was afraid and wanted to back down.

"If you have something to say, just leave if you have nothing to do." Ye Han said impatiently.

He just ruined his good deeds, it would be strange if Ye Han could give her a good face. ,

But in Yaoye's eyes, it's not like that at all.

He was angry.

He was really angry because of our rejection just now.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye took a deep Xian Xian Su raised her hand, gently unbuttoned her belt, and then, the white long skirt slipped, and immediately, two small clothes fell to the ground.

Under the moonlight, her white skin shone with the luster of porcelain. Under Ye Han's dumbfounded gaze, she slowly walked past him and lay on his bed.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Han's Adam's apple rolled, and his face was stunned.

Everyone, don't they all take me as a gentleman, right?

No way? No way? No way?

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