From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 285: : Goodbye Xiao Yan

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Habits are a scary thing.

Especially, when I was used to being around a person, suddenly that person disappeared one day.

Intense discomfort, emptiness, restlessness, drives people crazy.

early morning.

The morning sun is just rising, and the warm sunshine spreads all over the mountains and valleys. Through the high windows, it shines on Queen Medusa's enchanting face, making her delicate jade-like face glow like a porcelain, adding a bit of added value. Holy.

The long eyelashes blinked gently, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Ye Han, this king wants to wash up, Ye Han, Ye Han..."

Queen Medusa shouted almost instinctively, but her voice gradually weakened.

He's gone.

After realizing this fact, Queen Medusa's excited expression slowly faded away.

She got up and washed herself casually, looking at herself in the mirror, but she didn't hear the timely sound of beard slapping horses.

Her eyes dimmed, and Queen Medusa exhaled softly and walked to the hall where she was dealing with political affairs.

In an instant, she seemed to have returned to the Snake People again. Every day, she was dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, worrying about the development of the group, and her life became boring and boring.

She didn't feel anything before, but at this moment, she felt a little disgusted with this kind of life.

"Bastard, if you can run, can't I run?"

Staring at the powerhouses in front of her who turned into pedestrians, Queen Medusa's long and narrow eyes shone slightly.

The world is so big, I want to see it.

This woman, for the first time, has a plan to live for herself.

She also wanted to be capricious.

However, some follow-up issues must be dealt with first before she can really run away...

After having a goal, Queen Medusa felt that her whole body was full of strength and she was full of energy...

ten days later.

Ye Han brought a bird, a cat, and a tiger girl to the holy city of the Jiama Empire.

"Master, Yihuo, I feel the breath of Yihuo."

As he was walking on the wide street, admiring the customs and customs that were completely different from Douluo Continent, suddenly, an urgent voice sounded in Ye Han's mind.

"Flame, you are awake."

When Ye Han heard the sound, a light flashed in his eyes.

The flames have been sleeping in Ye Han's dantian since absorbing the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. They have been silent for a long time, but they have recovered today.

"Hee hee, yes master." Li Yan giggled.

Like a little girl, her voice is crisp and sweet.

"What's your strength now?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"Yeah! Douwang, right? It's weaker than the guys around you." Rie Yan replied, a little more unhappy in his voice.

But it was only for a moment, her emotions rose again, and said, "However, I can get a strange fire again, I feel that I should be able to reach Dou Huang."

"Oh! By the way, you just said you felt the aura of a different fire?" Ye Han said.

"Yes master." The flames said.

"Are you able to keep evolving as long as you have enough different fires?" Ye Han asked again.

"Well, as long as I can swallow them, I can indeed continue to evolve." The flames replied cautiously.

After swallowing a strange fire, Ye Han felt that the biggest improvement of the small flame was not strength, but wisdom.

Even thinking about it now.

"In which direction, go and see." Ye Han said.

Since the flames need to devour the evolution of the different fires, Ye Han can only say to Xiao Yan, sorry, the wonders of the world, the capable people know, if you have the ability, come and take them from me.

Strictly speaking, raging flame is also a kind of strange fire, but it is a unique one. Lingzhi and Ye Han endowed her with the inextinguishable characteristics, so it is not difficult to devour other strange fires that did not give birth to Lingzhi.

The hard part is how to get the alien fire?

This is the human world, there is only one explanation for the strange fire to appear here, it has been conquered by people. ‘

Those who can conquer the strange fire, are there weak ones?

The answer is... yes.

Under the guidance of the flames, Ye Han walked through the streets and alleys, and finally came to a less traveled, but wider and tidy street.

The wide streets are paved with marble, lined with trees on both sides, the tall courtyard walls, and the luxurious Qionglou Yuyu inside.

Obviously, this is not an area where ordinary people live.

After Ye Han turned in, he looked at the person on the opposite side and was slightly taken aback.

"Xiao Yan!"

Ye Han instinctively opened his mouth and called out the person's name.

Even though he had disguised it, even though he wore a mask on his face, and even though his temperament was very different from before, Ye Han recognized him at a glance.

"Xiao Yan!"

A crisp exclamation sounded, full of disbelief.

Ye Han looked up and saw a young girl wearing a moon-white dress, standing in front of the tall courtyard, her clear eyes widened, her palms like jade covered her red lips, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Nalan House!"

Ye Han glanced at the tall courtyard gate behind the girl, stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses amid the flames' shouting.

"It's him, I feel it, the strange fire is on him." The flames said excitedly.

Then, without waiting for Ye Han's orders, it rushed out of Ye Han's dantian, and immediately got into Xiao Yan's body.

"You, no, bastard, the strange fire is mine, you can't even think about it."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth. Originally, he wanted to make a quibble and didn't want to reveal his identity, but after the flames entered his body, he couldn't care about anything else.

He felt that after a lot of hard work, this Jinglian Demon Fire, which had incorporated some of it, was being plundered.

"As expected of the protagonist of Destiny, this life is really unreasonable." Ye Han was speechless.

He had just grabbed Qinglian's heart fire with his front foot, but this guy got another kind of strange fire out of nowhere.

"Mr. Yaoyan."

The woman in the white robe quickly approached, no matter whether he was Xiao Yan or Yao Yan, he was the benefactor of his family after all, how could she just watch him have an accident at her door.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's face was pale, his body was trembling, and large drops of sweat fell from under the mask, as if he was suffering from the pain of Ling Chi.

The fusion of the different fire is painful, but being forcibly deprived of it, the pain is doubled, like scraping bones and cutting flesh, the pain penetrates into the bone marrow.


A sharp sword pointed directly at Ye Han, a beautiful girl in her twenties, with a cold face and a clear voice, and said, "Who are you? What did you do to Mr. Yaoyan? No matter what your purpose is, please raise your hand, otherwise, Today, if something happens to Mr. Yaoyan, my Nalan family will be at odds with you."

The situation was urgent, and the girl had no time to ask Ye Han's details.

She only knew now that Yao Yan was her grandfather's savior, and she couldn't have an accident, especially not at the door of the Nalan family under her own eyes... an accident.

"Nalan's house."

Ye Han's handsome face showed a bright smile, very dazzling, very pitiful, very contemptuous...

What is the little Nalan family?

The girl's breath stagnated, Ye Han's naked disdain, how could she not see it.

But before she could speak, Ye Han suddenly turned his head and looked in one A tall, white-haired old man in a sky blue gown with white hair, looking fifty or sixty years old, Approach slowly.

As he continued to move forward, a thin layer of ice spread to the tall courtyard walls on both sides in an instant, and came to Ye Han's feet in an instant.

"Hai Bo Dong, Ice Emperor."

Ye Han's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice was cold, especially when the word "Ice Emperor" was mentioned, the anger in his eyes became more obvious.


Can you grab my nickname too?

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