From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 238: : Bloodbath Mountains of Warcraft

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Sunny and windy.

On the vast sky, a three- or four-meter-long time-space tunnel slowly rotates, deep and mysterious, exuding a terrifying power.

A stream of water rushed out of the mysterious space-time tunnel, traversed the sky, and poured into an unknown space.

The water flow is extremely mysterious, and it doesn't seem to be much. After entering that space, it forms rivers and lakes in an instant, and soon fills the entire huge space.

This is the place where Ye Han specially created the living place for the sea soul beast.

Not long after the water flow in the sky disappeared, a terrifying soul beast walked out of the time-space tunnel.

Ye Han didn't care to explain to Emperor Xue, he helped Emperor Xue stand up and looked at the sky.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

There is a feeling of being bullied by dogs when a tiger falls and Pingyang is bullied.

The pressure emanating from those soul beasts in the sky actually made their husband and wife feel suffocated.

Fortunately, Xiaoguang also came in.

After recovering a little, its sharp eyes swept slightly, it instantly found its target, spread its wings, and flew directly to Ye Han and Xuedi.

"Sir, Madam let me in to protect you." Xueshan Lightning Falcon said.

Ye Han nodded, stood on the back of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon with the Snow Emperor, and left here temporarily.

"Little lion, what are you running for?"

Ye Han looked at the Amethyst Winged Lion King who had already returned but suddenly turned and fled, and couldn't help but smile.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King trembled, looked at Ye Han in surprise, then at the Snow Emperor, and finally focused on the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon and Xiaoguang.

This white bird of prey exudes the aura of a Dou Emperor, and its attack power is unknown, but this speed makes the Amethyst Winged Lion King not dare to underestimate it.

So fast, really like a light.

As soon as Ye Han's voice fell, it appeared in front of the Purple Winged Lion King, blocking its way.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you again." Ye Han said.

No matter which world it is in, the social circle of beasts can't compare to humans at all, and the purple lion in front of him is not very strong to be honest.

But human beings are different. Everyone has their own social circle. Once the news of his coming to this world is leaked, it will be endless trouble.

Therefore, he needs to kill people and minimize the number of humans alive in this mountain range.

"Your strength is also one of the best in this mountain range. Now I give you a mission to kill all the human beings who enter this mountain range." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he directly took out three Qi Gathering Pills and threw them to the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

If you want a horse to run, you must feed the horse. Ye Han knows how to use people, and intelligent beasts are similar to humans.

The Zijin-Winged Lion King froze, looking at the three medicinal pills in front of him, breathing the seductive fragrance, involuntarily opened his mouth, and swallowed the three medicinal pills in one gulp.

A warm current swept through the whole body, and the wounds left by the Amethyst Winged Lion King in the battle just healed instantly, and he felt a pure and extraordinary energy in these medicines.

It has a strong feeling that if you give it enough of this elixir, it can definitely advance again and become a seventh-level monster.

"Do what I told you to do, you are indispensable for this medicine." Ye Han said.

The Qi Gathering Pill contains immortal medicinal herbs, and immortal medicinal herbs have the ability to change their aptitudes, and they also have effects on soul beasts.

Looking at it now, it is as expected.

To be honest, relying on immortal grass to refine Qi Gathering Pill is a bit overkill, just like a cannon hitting a mosquito, it is a waste.

However, Ye Han was different from others.

He has a green vial and the mysterious green liquid that can induce medicine. Immortal grass is extremely precious to others. For him, he can produce two plants every month, which is almost the same as mass production.

Over the years, the Snow Emperor has planted countless immortals for him, almost accumulating into a mountain.

This time, most of the migration was left to Ye Chen, but there were still about 20 of them, which was nothing at all.

However, after all, it is a treasure, and Ye Han can't give it to others for nothing.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King was once again shocked, because Ye Han was too casual, and in Ye Han's eyes, the elixir that was extremely precious was like garbage.

call! ~

For the medicine pill, the Amethyst Winged Lion King fought and rushed out to start a **** massacre.

Magic Mountains, those who gather herbs, those who hunt monsters to seize the magic core, those who look for opportunities, those who search for treasures...

There are not many people who come to this mountain range for various purposes, and the more they go to the periphery, the more they go.

But today is destined to be a **** day, many people not only will not get the harvest, but will keep their lives here.

However, all of this has little to do with Ye Han.

He can only block the news as much as possible, so that his side will not be harmed. As for the life and death of others, he can control him?

One after another, powerful auras rose into the sky, and all the soul beasts who came to this strange world were a little uneasy, trying their best to show their power and intimidate their companions around them.

Ye Han frowned, a little helpless.

These ordinary soul beasts don't know him as a dragon knight. If he goes up now, he will tear these restless soul beasts to pieces.

Fortunately, there is someone who can calm down the scene.

To be precise, it was a black dragon.

The golden-eyed black dragon king, Emperor Tian.

This guy has eaten immortal grass, and was baptized by Gu Yuena with her own dragon essence and blood. Now it is a soul beast with a cultivation base of 990,000 years, which is the best in the world.

Originally, Ye Han thought that soul beasts of more than 100,000 years would be suppressed after coming here, but now it seems that his perception is not accurate.

At least, Di Tian was not suppressed.

"Di Tian, ​​control the scene, let all the soul beasts quiet down for me, and at the same time, block the atmosphere here, try not to expose our traces." Ye Han immediately shouted.

But, kind of embarrassing.

His voice did not reach Di Tian's ears.

There were all kinds of terrifying low roars in a mess. If it weren't for the protection of the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon, he and the Snow Emperor would not be able to get close to here.

In the end, it was the Snow Mountain Lightning Falcon's voice transmission that called Di Tian over, and then ordered the matter.

Di Tian is loyal to Gu Yuena, and accordingly, has always respected Ye Han very much.

Hearing this, without the slightest hesitation, he immediately took his orders and let out a dragon roar, suppressing the restlessness of all the soul beasts and making them calm.

The cultivation of soul beasts relies on blood, and Di Tian's blood is naturally impossible.

However, back then, his subordinate, Brigitte Ziji, already had a first-level slandered cultivation, but despite Gu Yuena's help, he has only cultivated for 990,000 years.

Di Tian naturally knew the reason, he was not a woman.

The chance to reach the sky in one step slipped away from him because he had an extra piece of flesh.

He has worked hard all these years, but he can't catch up with the two women with eight-core engines.

However, now, Di Tian feels that he is very lucky.

If he breaks through to become a god, he will definitely be suppressed. His intuition is very accurate when his cultivation reaches this state.

After Ditian, fierce beasts appeared one after another from the time-space tunnel.

Each of these existences surpasses that purple lion in strength.

In the end, after the Blue Sky Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape came in, they turned into human figures directly.

If the Amethyst Winged Lion King is will definitely spit out two words "seventh order."

Because, transformation is a means that only seventh-order monsters can master.

Ye Han ordered the two transformed soul beasts, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, to wash the mountain with blood, to ensure that his whereabouts would not be leaked...

Today, many wives and wives are separated. I don't know how many people's families have been destroyed, and I don't know how many people with white hair and black hair. Scenes of human tragedies are spreading in the Warcraft Mountains.

Ye Han knew how cruel the order he gave was, but he had to survive!

People who don't do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth.

PS: Thank you eldest brother, Dong Yirui, Dao Huizun, and that name is a series of numbers, the monthly ticket of the three eldest brothers, thank you eldest brother!

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