From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 215: : Divine Realm Stealing Home

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

In the golden space, the mysterious aura is densely distributed.

Countless golden rings of different sizes form a golden sphere.

The ring rotates in different directions and speeds, but it eerily forms a sense of order, which does not make people feel disorganized at all.

As they turned, a majestic and majestic aura emanated.

This is the celestial disk that controls countless planes.

Ye Han glanced at the dejected and kind-hearted God King, and could understand her feelings.

This is a common problem for people who eat too much dog food.

After a moment of silence, Ye Han closed his eyes and began to comprehend the mysteries of the celestial disk. Only by thoroughly mastering the celestial disk can the status quo of Douluo Star be changed, and it is possible to reverse the time and space and find Bing'er.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Han would not forget it either.

The power of rules penetrated into the inner space for Zhu Zhuqing to understand, and at the same time, the time acceleration quietly unfolded.

That's it, after a day.

Ye Han was awakened.

"Something happened to Douluo Star." Before Ye Han could speak, the Kind God King said directly.

Ye Han was startled, and hurriedly looked towards the Tianji disk.

The field of vision on the Tianji disk had already been adjusted to Douluo Star and Douluo Continent.

Strings of dazzling firelight bloomed in Douluo Continent, it was the gods who were fighting and fighting.


When Ye Han broke out, he had to open up a space-time channel and return to Douluo Star.

However, in an instant, his face suddenly changed.

He was actually trapped in this space without opening the space gap.

one or two...

Ye Han glanced hurriedly and found ten god-king-level combat powers. In addition, there were dozens of first-level gods in the great perfection realm.

In the Great Star Dou Forest, in the extreme north, in the ocean, wars are going on everywhere, and the battle is torn apart.

Fortunately, these gods haven't lost their minds to the point of destroying a planet, but even so, if they fight on Douluo Star for a long time, Douluo Star will not escape the fate of disintegration.

"What role do you play in this matter?"

Ye Han turned back, his eyes glowed with cold light, and he looked at the kind **** king.

"Why put your anger on a female creature!" A playful voice suddenly came from all directions.

At the same time, a terrifying evil aura instantly spread to the entire space.

"The dignified Shura God, the always strong enforcer of the God Realm, when did he become a rat who hides his head and shows his tail?" Ye Han sneered.

How could he not hear the voice of Shura God?

But the good **** king was already in tears at this moment, looking at the rich source of evil, weeping, his face was pale and bloodless.

"What's the hurry? When the big drama in front of you ends, I will naturally come to see you." Shura God said lightly.

Ye Han was about to speak, when he heard a sudden cry from the kind-hearted **** king beside him, and shouted angrily, "Asura, what did you do to the evil?"

"Hehe, didn't you guess?"

God Shura smiled lightly and said indifferently, "Kill it."

The simple two words, but with endless blood, made the body of the good **** king sway and almost fell.

"Oh! I almost forgot, you and him used to be husband and wife. When I killed him, at the last moment, he remembered his name and asked me to say sorry to you for him. If there is an afterlife, he doesn't want to be a human being. , to be with you forever."

God Shura spoke, then jokingly and disdainfully, said, "Unfortunately, he will never have an afterlife."

"No one can escape from the realm of the gods privately, this rule is set by me, those who disobey, die!"

"He could have lived, but unfortunately he is disobedient! What love, love, are you talking about with me?"

"Love, love, what are they? In my opinion, they are not as effective as the sword in my hand. I will rob whoever I like, and I will kill whoever I don't like. How simple and happy."

"You're so cynical, I think you're so special. Did you lack love when you were young and grew up lacking calcium, so your grandmother didn't hurt you, and your uncle didn't love you?" Ye Han pouted.

"Popil, this **** is too lazy to care about you." Shura God was silent for a while, and then he replied with a murmur.

Apparently, he was very angry, but he didn't know how to fight back.

The black and white eyes of the God of Kindness lost all vigor, and the eyes were filled with mist.

That flawless pretty face was pale and bloodless, and the bumpy slender body was shaky, looking pitiful and touching.

Ye Han glanced at it, sighed slightly, then withdrew his gaze and looked at the enlarged Douluo starlight curtain.

Originally, he suspected that the good **** king set up a game for him together, but there were too many **** kings suddenly appearing, which he couldn't understand.

It now appears that he was clearly thinking wrong.

But fortunately, Ye Han had long anticipated the matter of stealing from the God Realm.

The most important thing is that in the face of the God King, they are not completely powerless to resist.

The emperor sword is unparalleled, he dominates the world.

The Snow Emperor, with white clothes and white hair, has a peerless elegance, like a nine-day mysterious girl who has fallen into the world, and has an ethereal temperament, like a banished immortal who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Her temperament is too high and far, like the clouds in the sky, holy and dusty, but she is fierce and domineering when she starts.

Today, she is not a long sword emperor sword, but two.

A dark blue handle freezes everything, a crimson handle burns everything.

A sword slashed out of the sky and the earth, and the yin and yang were judged, and it was a mad mess.

The three god-king-level combat power besieged her, not only did not take any advantage, but she fled in embarrassment. If Hu Liena was not besieged by the ten first-level perfect gods, she needed to be taken care of at any time. The combat power of the god-king level is very strong. Someone may have broken it.

One red and one blue, two long swords flying, like two phantoms running across the void.

The Snow Emperor hunted in white clothes, with flying white hair, Tai Yin in one hand, Sun in the other, and evolved Tai Chi Bagua Diagram with one palm.

In the Great Star Dou Forest, Gu Yuena screamed in the sky, and a dragon roar turned into a vast sound wave, forcing the gods in the sky to escape into the void to escape.

Her silver-white wings are like knives, and with terrifying destructive power, she smashed other strong men, and finally forced all the invaders to the cosmic starry sky.

The wings shook, and she led Brigitte and Ziji into the void together.

Tang Yuehua was as violent as ever. The invading God Realm powerhouse was smashed by her with two hammers as soon as she arrived.

A god-king-level combat power had just met face to face, and she was hammered half to death by her.

When the other gods saw this, they all changed their expressions, and immediately learned to be obedient, not daring to collide with her head-on, and adopting detour tactics.

But they still underestimated Tang Yuehua.

As soon as the realm of time came out, a group of powerful gods were stunned. Tang Yuehua was like a whack-a-mole, hitting a child.

Then, the god-king strong man she hit with two hammers had a sunken chest, and the blood kept gushing out of his mouth.

Two more hits.

With a bang, the god-king-level combat power turned into a **** fog that shattered into the void.

"Big brother, second brother, you will handle the aftermath. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Tang Yuehua said something to Tang Xiao and Tang Hao who were in the ruins, and then disregarded the reaction of the two, and went away directly.

For the sake of the Clear Sky Sect, she did what she could, and she did what she couldn't do. Her parents were no longer there, and she paid off the debts that she should have paid. Now, she doesn't owe the Clear Sky Sect anything.

Once this is gone, it is forever.

She will not return to the sect.

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