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Graceful and graceful.

Wearing a red gauze skirt, about twenty seven or eight years old, A Rou with a plump figure sat alone on the sofa with an inexplicable expression on her face.

There is anticipation, anxiety, shyness, resentment...

A variety of emotions are intertwined, making it difficult to comprehend.

The girl with black leather coat, leather pants, black hair like waterfalls, fair skin, and an extremely hot figure sat on the soft big bed, her white baby face wrinkled.

I don't know what I thought of, but a faint blush appeared on the delicate skin, which made people drool and want to hug and nibble.

With blond hair and a mature and charming face, Hu Liena sat on the bed with a sad face, her pretty face full of disappointment.

On that day more than ten years ago, he saved herself on the battlefield. She mustered up the courage to confess, but was interrupted by various unexpected accidents. Gradually, her courage was also wiped out.

Until today, seeing him marry everyone, she suddenly felt so sorry.

If you can be a little bolder, maybe the person who gets married today will also have himself.

Unfortunately, if you miss it, you will miss it.


"Sister, what are these people trying to do?" Xiao Wu's voice was full of confusion.

"They all ran back to their rooms and waited, what else could it be?" Tang Yuehua pouted.

Women are smart and well-informed, and they can see the thoughts of these girls at a glance. They all want to pick their peaches!

"He, if he dares to enter another woman's room today, I will kill him." Qian Renxue said fiercely.

She's not stupid either, and naturally she figured out everything very quickly.

"This, it seems that you can't do it." The honest man Bo Saixi said.

As soon as these words came out, Qian Renxue was on the spot and couldn't get off the stage.

"Then what about me?" Gu Yuena's crisp voice sounded.

She completely forgot what she had done, and because of her, there were two more female fairies beside Ye Han, and Qian Renxue had a great opinion of her.

"You two are not good enough, but you can try it together." Xue Di said.

The words of the eldest sister's head still carry a lot of weight.

"Okay, then if Brother Ye goes to another room, we'll go there together and kill him." Xiao Wu gritted her teeth.

As the leader of the topic, I finally made a summary of this topic.

After a group of women reached a consensus, they all swept their consciousness towards Ye Han.

It turned out that the goods were still wandering around in the hall, and a few people found it interesting, and began to issue orders one by one, and began to command blindly.

Ye Han didn't suspect him at first, but as a result, he threw a few dogs and gnawed shit, which made a few girls unbearable.

"You wait for me."

Ye Han cursed inwardly, gritted his teeth, and decided not to listen to these tricksters anymore.

"Be careful there's a table ahead."

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Ye Han instinctively moved his body away, moved to the side, and then fell again.

After his divine sense was sealed, his reaction and speed dropped significantly, which was not much different from ordinary people.

But where is his physical fitness, wrestling is not painful or itchy for him, but his face is hot, and he feels ashamed and lost to his grandmother's house.

"Qian Renxue, wait for me, even if I call my father later, I will not let you go." Ye Han shouted angrily.


Qian Renxue's cheeks were flushed, and she secretly spat, not daring to speak.

Compared with Ye Han, her face is still too thin to be truly shameless.

After abolishing the power of nine bulls and two tigers, Ye Han finally reached the stairs.

Seeing this, Xue Di and the others were too embarrassed to look at them again, and they all retracted their consciousness. Like newly married little daughters-in-law, they sat on the bed uneasy, waiting for their husbands to arrive.

Once the stairway is found, everything is very simple.

Ye Han grabbed the escalator and walked up.

There are many rooms on the second floor of the ancient castle. It is really unclear to Ye Han who seldom walks through the main entrance who lives in which one. Besides, these girls spend most of their time cultivating in the nine-story pagoda, and are rarely here. Living, so Ye Han was blinded again.

"The master bedroom should be here... right?"

Ye Han took a deep breath and pushed the door in.

The master bedroom was the room he was most familiar with.

In the bedroom, Hu Liena's lips were slightly open, her face was slightly red, and there was an undisguised surprise in her eyes.

She never thought that Ye Han would actually touch her room.

You know, her rooms are the innermost ones! ~

"What to do? What to do? What to do? Me, should I reject him, I, I have missed him for so long, should I continue to miss it? No, I don't want to."

The apprehension and panic on Hu Liena's face were instantly replaced by firmness.

She opened the door, came to the living room, and saw the figure who was still groping forward, she mustered up the courage to pounce on it.

The sense of smell, hearing, vision, and consciousness, the three most direct senses and the most powerful supernatural powers were sealed, and Ye Han could only act by his senses.

"Well, so big and so soft, it should be Yuehua."

Ye Han preliminarily judged the identity of the visitor based on the size and touch of his hand.

The lips touched, and the soft and smooth touch came again.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being so proactive." Ye Han further confirmed.

His big hands went from front to back, all the way down.

"The elasticity is amazing, it's very tender and smooth, and it didn't run away." Ye Han secretly praised.

Under the woman's deliberate guidance, Ye Han quickly came to the big bed.

Drive straight in.

Ye Han was dumbfounded.

He is not a first-time brother. After so much, he can still distinguish women and girls clearly.

At this moment, he knew exactly what he had done.

There is no doubt that he once again helped a girl complete a gorgeous transformation.

Vision is restored first.

Ye Han was speechless. Looking at Hu Liena, who was pale, he couldn't help but say, "Why don't you resist?"

In the case of perceiving the self-seal, resistance is the best means of protection, but Hu Liena not only did not resist, but took the initiative.

"I, I like you, I liked it a long time ago. I wanted to tell you about the battlefield of the gods, but there was no chance. Are you willing to accept me now?" Hu Liena asked.

The girl's pretty face was pale, because the pain was intermittent, but the light in her eyes was brighter than ever before, full of expectations.

What else could Ye Han say about this.

All the other girls are like that, how can they still pull out and leave.

The other perceptions returned, the consciousness awakened, Ye Han leaned over, and was about to comfort the girl who was a woman for the first time.

As a result, I felt a terrifying murderous aura attacking from all directions.

For a moment, Ye Han felt his scalp tingle.

The newlyweds entered the wrong room and did not find the bride. Instead, they found a sister for the bride. Is this operation okay?

Ye Han didn't want to be the first man to be beaten to death by his daughter-in-law on his wedding night, so he ran away with the newest daughter-in-law in his arms.

"That bastard."

Qian Renxue was so angry that her branches trembled, but she was helpless, she couldn't catch up at all, and even if she did, what would happen.

The raw rice has already been cooked, and she can't bear to feel that the girl who also came from the Wuhun Temple is really lonely.

"It's a mistake, if we knew that this **** was moving so fast, we should have been staring at him." Tang Yuehua said.

Her words can be said to speak the hearts of the people.

They were originally embarrassed to see whose room Ye Han would enter, but after a while, Ye Han didn't come to their room, and they couldn't help it.

Driven by curiosity, they released their divine sense.

As a result, I didn't know if I didn't see it, and when I saw it, I was startled, and everyone immediately became furious.

However, the guy reacted too quickly and ran faster than a rabbit, leaving them helpless.

They all know that from now on, they will have another sister.

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