From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 203: : Rose Hotel

Chapter 204 Rose Hotel

The night is bright and the lights are bright.

The wide streets and the sidewalks on both sides were bustling with people.

Ye Han held the steering wheel with one hand and drove slowly, watching the pedestrians on the sidewalk on both sides, while feeling the sliding touch from the other palm, a little dazed.

Children are chasing and playing, old people in 60s swim together, young couples are you and me, kiss me and me...

The images are familiar, yet unfamiliar.

Some people wear suits and leather shoes, some people wear brocade clothes and jade belts, some people wear cool clothes, hot pants, t-shirts and sandals, youthful fashion, some white clothes fluttering, long skirts and trousers...

Time and space seem to be intertwined here, and retro and modern are perfectly integrated here.

"Xixi, you definitely look good in that one." Ye Han said abruptly.

Hearing this, Bo Saixi followed Ye Han's gaze.

In the glass window not far away, a fiery red cheongsam is dazzling.

"Then, is that really good-looking?" Bo Saixi said to himself, her cheeks flushed, very cute.

"Wait for me here." Ye Han said.

The car stopped and he went straight into the store.

There is no **** plot of the legendary scramble for a piece of clothing, but the store's boasting of this piece of clothing is exactly the same as those legendary plots.

Swipe the card to check out, turn around and leave, without any hesitation.

This dashing, 30-year-old beautiful boss sees little stars in her eyes.

A piece of clothing, 30,000 gold soul coins, most people would not even look at it, let alone buy it.

But Ye Han didn't even blink an eye when checking out. With so much wealth, how could he not impress the opposite sex.

Looking after Ye Han and getting on the sports car, the beautiful boss blinked, wondering if she had read it wrong.

"Is that the latest Dongfeng Mirage?"

The person who can afford that kind of car is at least a Soul Emperor!

"Young, rich, handsome, I really don't know, what kind of woman is so lucky?"


"Did you just buy one?"

Xue Di's faint voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Ye Han had just got into the car, and his movement of trying to push Bo Saixi to change into a look suddenly froze.

Can I say forget it?

Looking for answers?

Waiting online, 100,000 urgent.

The mind was overloaded, and in an instant, Ye Han had a solution.

"This is just a common thing in the world. I bought it just to let Xixi try it out. When I go back, I will make one for you too. I promise it's better than this." Ye Han said.

Those 100 catties and millions of years of ice silk are about to go mouldy, which just came in handy.

"You only have your Xue'er, what about us?" Gu Yuena, Qian Renxue, Tang Yuehua, Xiao Wu...

Opening one by one.

Ye Han felt his scalp tingling, Xue Er, you cheated on me.

But of course he didn't dare to say that.

"There are all of them, one for each person, no, two." Ye Han smiled and transmitted the sound.

"Big brother, big brother Ye..."

Ye Han was about to cry.

I don't know if a hundred catties of ice silk is enough, but now I can only bite the bullet and agree.

"Humph! You dare to provoke so many women." Xue Di snorted coldly, a hint of joy hung on the corner of his mouth.

As a woman, she will also be jealous, angry, and complain, but she will hide it.

Occasionally, she would be faintly happy to see Ye Han deflated because of the woman around her.

The reason why other people knew about her conversation with Ye Han was naturally the result of her intentional actions, otherwise, no one would be able to know their conversation.

When the sports car started, Xue Di had a smile on his mouth and drove forward to chase.


Ye Han sighed.

How could he not understand Xue Di's thoughts, but he was also very helpless.

Brother is so attractive, what can I do?

Endless charm, what can I do?

The only thing he can do now is to keep a low profile and keep a low profile, and try to provoke women as little as possible.

Rose Hotel.

The moment he saw the name, Ye Han subconsciously rubbed his eyes.

That's right.

It is the Rose Hotel, a chain store.

"There is a big man who said it well. The wind is coming. As long as you stand in the wind, pigs can fly. I have to say, this boss is a talent! He got on the express train of the Spirit Empire." More than a dozen expensive sports cars Comes, attracting everyone's attention.

When those car doors were opened, everyone saw this scene, and everyone felt that the sports car was no longer fragrant at this moment.

Every woman is a peerless beauty, no matter in temperament or figure, all of them are top-notch.

All pedestrians, both male and female, widened their eyes, for fear that they would see one second less than others.

Someone looked at it, bumped into the street lamp, and a big bag appeared on his head, but he didn't feel any pain, rubbed his forehead, and continued to watch without blinking.

Someone planted the onion upside down, planted it directly into the trash can, climbed up, and continued to watch with a load of garbage on it.


Everyone is watching, and the crow is silent, including the reception of the specially trained hotel, which is a bit dumbfounded at this moment.

"What kind of immortals are this?"

Someone swallowed, took out the communicator, and turned on the camera function.



Why is there a strange thing mixed in?


who cares.

It's still important to shoot beautiful women first.

Click! ~


What's going on, why can't you see.

Junk communicator, find that company to settle accounts tomorrow.


Yours is the same!

Not only you, but mine too.


That's fine.


What about beauties?

What about the handsome guy?

Hell, my head.

I wipe, who put **** on my head?

Snapped! Isn't the old lady beautiful? Where are you looking?


Tragedy, comedy, together is life.

Ye Han and the others looked at each other and couldn't help but smile slightly, and silently erased the figures of himself and others from their hearts.

"Hello, dear guests, I'm sorry. From today onwards, ten days from now, this hotel has been reserved and cannot entertain outsiders. Please forgive me, sir and ladies." Before, he looked respectful.

Ye Han thought for a while and turned his gaze to Po Saixi.

Bo Saixi understood, took out the communicator, and showed a ticket to the manager to watch.

"Dear guest, I'm really sorry, please come inside."

After the man saw the bill, he immediately bowed and made a gesture of please.

"Welcome to the Rose Hotel."

A large group of beautiful young and beautiful waiters bowed and saluted, and the huge battle made Ye Han wonder if he had entered the foot washing city.

"Manager, do you have a special room?" Ye Han stretched out his arm, hooked the naive manager's neck, and winked.

"Characteristic house?"

The manager was stunned for a moment, and then there was an expression on his naive face that a man could understand. He nodded and said, "No."

hiss! ~

Ye Han bit his tongue.

puff! ~

Xue Di and Bo Saixi looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, we are a regular hotel." The manager said righteously.

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at those pretty and lovely girls. Although they were not stunning, they were all beautiful girls, and there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

Times have changed for the people's hearts have changed.

The manager felt a little regretful and sighed, feeling worthless for these girls, so many girls like flowers and jade, what kind of person is this?


Ye Han's eyes are open to the sky, how can he not know what the manager is thinking at this moment?

Jun's face darkened slightly, and Ye Han kicked him and flew out.

Of course, it was just a clever use of energy, and it didn't really hurt him.

The room has arrived.

The beautiful waiter opened the door, and a refreshing fragrance of roses came out.

Ye Han's eyes are weird, Mad, what about the seriousness?

What is the minimum trust between people?

The decoration of the Rose Hotel is simple and comfortable, it is easy to make people feel good, and the faint floral fragrance is soothing.

(End of this chapter)

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