From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 186: : Arou, Binger

Chapter 187 A Rou, Bing'er

dong dong dong! ~

The violently accelerated heartbeat continued to enter his ears, and Arou's breathing became obviously rapid after Ye Han approached.

Just now, because of nervousness, most of my thoughts were on Xiao Wu.

Now, Ye Han realized that she seemed, probably, definitely not asleep, and everything just now was... pretending.

Why is she pretending?

Could it be that......

In order to confirm the guess in his heart, Ye Han originally wanted to help her stand up.

But when it was about to happen, she suddenly leaned over and blocked Xiao Wu's sight with her body. At the same time, the hem of Arou's skirt was lifted by a gust of wind, and it fluttered down again.

The scenery inside made Ye Han's eyes widen, his body trembled slightly, and his body and mind cooled off.

Arou's body tightened, her eyes opened quietly, she glared at Ye Han fiercely, then quickly closed her eyes again, her cheeks flushed, very cute.

Ye Han saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say a word that was very interesting.

Now, anything is embarrassing.

"Your mother drank too much, I'm afraid she can't walk now." Ye Han hugged Arou's soft body, and said to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu had no doubts about him.

Mom's clothes were messy. She saw it, but she didn't have the slightest suspicion. After all, it was normal for her clothes to be messy when she was drunk.

And the face, she ignored.

Ye Han ripped apart the space, created a space-time channel, and brought Xiao Wu and A Rou to the underground world that he had just left two days ago in one step.

The blue crystal shimmers under the light of the hot spring pool water, which has a dream-like beauty.

Revisiting the old place, Ye Han couldn't help thinking of Xue Di and Gu Yuena, those two peerless beauties.

Xue Di's refusal and welcome, naughty and cute, Gu Yuena's responsive, gentle and pleasant, all are so infatuation and unforgettable.

"This is a hot spring that your sister Xueer discovered a few years ago. Taking a bath here is very good for the body."

The fluttering thoughts quickly retracted, Ye Han looked at Xiao Wu and introduced the place.

Xiao Wu reached into the water, tested the water temperature, turned her head to look at Ye Han who was still holding her mother, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and said, "Would you like to wash together?"

"This, it's not good!" Ye Han glanced at Arou who was pretending to be sleeping in his arms, pretending to be serious.

"Hee hee, my mother fell asleep, and I don't know when I will wake up, do you really not want to be together?" Xiao Wu said.

The girl's cheeks were flushed, and she was even more beautiful and cute.

Although she and Ye Han were already married, it happened without her knowledge after all. If she really wanted to do it again now, she would definitely not have the courage.

So, when Ye Han hesitated a little and was about to say yes, Xiao Wu suddenly sighed, "Since you don't want to, then forget it, go out quickly!"

Ye Han laughed dumbly, how can he not see now that the little girl is just teasing herself?

He pretended to be sorry and uncomfortable, shook his head, and turned away dejectedly.


Ye Han just turned around when he heard Xiao Wu's cry.

"What, have you changed your mind?"

Ye Han turned around, with a little anticipation in his eyes, his eyes swept across Xiao Wu's concave and convex body, and finally stopped on the pair of round and straight long legs, unable to resist swallowing saliva.

As expected of Douluo’s first leg, it’s not beautiful to see her thighs. Although she just glanced at it, Xiao Wu’s thighs are really beautiful.

"Hey, if you want to be beautiful, give me my mother."

Xiao Wu spat secretly, her face flushed, she could clearly feel Ye Han's gaze, like a substance, staying on her body.

With a coquettish anger, Xiao Wu snatched Arou from Ye Han's arms, raised her head slightly, and said with a proud face, "Now, you can retire."

"Yes, my little sister dance."

The disappointment on Ye Han's face slowly subsided, then bowed and reluctantly retreated.

"Mom, are you awake?"


"Do you feel any discomfort?"

"It's okay, just a little dizzy, don't worry about me."

"Oh! Well, Mom, let's go take a bath."


"Hey, Mom, why did you come in without taking off your clothes?"

Ye Han appeared on the snowy mountain, listening to the conversation between the mother and daughter, he couldn't help but pouted.

woke up? That's called disguise.

Where does it hurt?

Does she have the nerve to say it?

Undress for a bath, dare she?

In my mind, I couldn't help recalling the vacuum that I had just glimpsed, and the red and swollen smoothness...

Ye Han quickly shook his head, throwing those pictures out of his mind.

Arou's matter was considered a dream, and she wouldn't tell Xiao Wu if she thought about it.

Ye Han thought to himself.

In any case, he can no longer do things that hurt Xiao Wu.

Arou's age seems to be only twenty-seven or eight, and she remains in the most beautiful age of a woman.

Her appearance was almost identical to Xiao Wu's, and no one would doubt that they were a pair of sisters.

At this moment, the two were lying in the hot spring.

Like two beautiful snakes, snuggling together, whispering.

After letting go of the resentment in her heart, Xiao Wu's nature gradually returned and became lively again.

The crisp voice kept coming out of her mouth, telling her thoughts over the years and her dissatisfaction with Ye Han, but her face was filled with a happy smile.

Arou listened to her daughter's words attentively, her eyes were sometimes worried, sometimes angry, but in the end, she was infected by her daughter's smile and turned into a warm smile like spring.

At this moment, she only has her daughter in her eyes, and is not disturbed by foreign affairs.

After three hours, the two women walked out of the cave with radiant faces.

Ye Han appeared and the three reunited.

Arou's face changed slightly, a little unnatural, and she couldn't help thinking of yesterday's experience.

The drunk Ye Han was too cruel, he didn't know Lianxiang Xiyu at all, how could Xiao Wu withstand his torture, Arou's persuasion was fruitless, and the drunkenness came, so...he saved her daughter by herself.

In the end, if Ye Han hadn't moved the battlefield, he would have lost half his life.

Beito bit her red lips lightly, her eyes were somewhat resentful, and she looked at Ye Han, looking pitiful and more gentle and moving.

"This, this woman is not going to rob me with her daughter!"

Ye Han's breathing stagnated for a while, then his heartbeat accelerated, and suddenly he felt a little... When he adjusted his mood and looked at Arou again, he saw a cold picture Pretty face, as if the person who was tender and tender just now has nothing to do with her.

"Xiao Wu is yours now, you have to treat her well in the future, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost." Arou's voice was weak, but her tone was extremely firm, giving people a sonorous and powerful feeling.

This is the voice of a mother, her oath.

Ye Han looked at Arou, his heart was slightly shocked, then he took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, and said, "I will."

After speaking, Ye Han stepped forward and pulled Xiao Wu's palm, but two palms fell into his big hand.

Xiao Wu and Arou hold hands...

"Let's go! It's time for us to go back."

Ye Han separated the palms of the two, held one in each hand, tore apart the space again, and brought Arou and Xiao Wu back to Xuanbing Castle.

(End of this chapter)

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