From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 139: : Spirit Empire

Spirit world!

The original beautiful environment no longer exists.

The gods are densely packed, blocking the heavens and the earth.

In the middle of them, a figure with disheveled hair, red eyes, and tattered sky-blue armor sat carelessly among everyone.

This person is Ye Han.

Although he was embarrassed, none of the gods dared to step forward.

hold head high! ~

At this moment, a loud dragon roar resounded throughout the entire God Realm.

The dragon's majesty filled the air, and a slender, half-gold, half-silver dragon soared into the air and appeared in everyone's sight.

"Crap! What kind of thing have you become? It's ugly." Ye Han said unceremoniously.

"You, if you hadn't cried and screamed at every turn, looking like you were about to die, how could I have exited like this." The monster said, with a pleasant voice.

Approaching quickly, and in a burst of light, she turned into a stunning woman in gold and silver.

"Huh! Fortunately, your face is still the same as before, otherwise I won't want you anymore, the yin-yang face is too ugly." Ye Han said.

"Humph! It's like when I belonged to you." The woman was disdainful.

"Hey! I'm so violent."

Ye Han quickly got up, rolled up his sleeves, stepped forward, and slapped the woman's buttocks.

The woman's slender body trembled slightly, and the memory of being surrendered quickly flooded into her heart. Just after gaining strength, some of the swelled flames went out instantly.

The stunning woman in half golden clothes and half white clothes is none other than the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena.

After absorbing the power of the Golden Dragon King, she was awakened by Ye Han before she could fully integrate, so she became the ghost she is now.

Fortunately, her hair and face didn't turn half golden and half silver, otherwise, with Ye Han's eyes, she wouldn't appreciate it at all.

"I'm leaving now. Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Ye Han put Gu Yuena into the inner world, and then grinned, revealing a set of white teeth.

The gods were silent, and many of the gods who had prepared their way back couldn't help but move their steps to clear the way.

Maybe they really have a chance to kill the monster in front of them, but there is no doubt that it will come at a price, and they don't want to be one of the costs.

Ye Han took a deep breath, and the tattered armor returned to normal, shiny and bright, with golden lines all over it, like a fine art.

The peerless spears condensed again, and the only thing that remained unchanged was the pair of red eyes.

In the past ten days, he has really been red-eyed. The gods who died in his hands were not one hundred or eighty, and he himself was unscathed. Does this make the gods desperate?

At this time, Ye Han was about to leave, and whoever dared to stop him had the ability to stop him.

The five **** kings all moved quietly and did not dare to stop them.

However, there is divine power flowing in the dark.

They don't believe that Ye Han can still maintain his peak, and they want to make one last attempt.

"Quickly leave from my direction."

A soft voice suddenly sounded in Ye Han's ears, a strange smile hung on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, his eyes swept away intentionally or unintentionally, and looked in the direction of the God of Kindness.

If I remember correctly, she should have become a **** from a different species, but she obtained the **** position only by compromising and agreeing to unequal conditions.

Ye Han just glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze.

Then he swept the other four **** kings, and suddenly his consciousness instantly locked on one person, the **** of destruction.

It was he who took action a few months ago and destroyed Xue Di's legs. Now, it's time for revenge.

All gods can forgive, but only he can't.

Ye Han's body glowed, and he used the power of his primordial spirit to mobilize the great formation of the gods, and reversely suppressed and destroyed the king of gods.

In twelve days, the great formation that the God Realm used to fight against him was actually enlightened by him, and it became the means he used to fight the enemy.

The moment the God of Destruction locked Ye Han's consciousness, he discovered Ye Han's intention.

He was suddenly startled, and was about to open the distance between them, but before he had time to move, he felt a familiar force suddenly appear, as if a mountain was pressing down on him, causing his body to stop suddenly.

Although he quickly got used to this kind of pressure, but if the strong make a move, this moment can often decide success or failure and life and death.

In this instant, Ye Han's body appeared like a ghost, and instantly appeared beside the God of Destruction.

The inextinguishable primordial spirit turned into a celestial saber, which directly smashed into the mind of the God of Destruction, trying to destroy its divine soul.

The reason why gods are difficult to kill is because the physical activity is much higher than that of normal people, but the biggest aspect is the soul, not to mention a **** king.

He used the inextinguishable primordial spirit to fight against the soul of the God of Soul Destruction. At the same time, Ye Han punched out, directly causing the God of Destruction King's chest to collapse, spitting out blood, and his soul was unstable.

Working together inside and out, Ye Han still learned from Bibi Dong.


The dark golden long sword transformed into the Inextinguishable Primordial Deity directly split the divine soul of the God of Destruction out of the body.

Compared with Ye Han's indestructible primordial spirit, the soul of the God of Destruction seems to be composed of various rules and spiritual power, which is illusory and complex.

Leaving the body, the battle strength of the God-King of Destruction is inexhaustible.

Ye Han's body was under the control of a part of the inextinguishable primordial spirit. He lifted the body of the God of Destruction and directly shook the attack of the surrounding gods. It was wild and sturdy, and the more he fought, the more excited he became.

With a two-pronged approach, the inextinguishable primordial spirit turned into countless golden swords, and launched a frantic attack directly on the divine soul of the God of Destruction.


Douluo star.

Douluo Continent, Wuhun City.

In the Spirit Empire, the Queen's office, a stiff-faced man in a gray robe pushed open the door.

Looking at the queen who was immersed in reviewing the memorials, the man couldn't help showing a trace of reminiscence and pain in his eyes.

"Dong'er, stop it!"

I don't know how long it took, the man suddenly spoke in a gentle tone, mixed with a little pain, and said, "Unify the continent, you can't do it, don't lose your life in vain."

The movement in her hand paused slightly, and the queen raised her head.

The soft and delicate facial features slowly appeared, like a perfect work of art carefully crafted by God, with no flaws to be found.

There is a bit of ruthlessness in her tenderness. After so many years, she is still so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her.

Her lavender eyes contained a hint of playfulness, her red lips were slightly open, and her voice was cold, but with endless majesty.

"Seven years ago, I destroyed the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, destroyed the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and surrendered all the next four sects. The number of Spirit Masters, my Spirit Empire occupies 70% of the entire continent."

The woman smiled coldly, not caring at all about the gloomy expression on the face of the person in front of her when they heard that the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong was destroyed by her.

The hint of playfulness on the corner of her mouth was even stronger, and her voice was a little curious, and said, "Two years ago, I had a million soldiers, and who would dare to compete between the two empires, now you tell me, I can't unify the continent, hahaha , Yu Xiaogang, I want to ask, are you doing your research stupid?"

"Ordinary people are just ordinary people after This world is still dominated by the strong, Bibi Dong hopes you don't mistake yourself." Yu Xiaogang's stiff face was extremely ugly.

This time, he came with a mission in order to disturb this woman's mind.

But now, he suddenly realized that he seemed to be too self-righteous. After so many years, when we met twelve years ago, his appearance could make waves in this woman's eyes to some extent.

However, when he met again after 12 years, he found that from the beginning to the end, the woman's eyes were as clear as water and calm, and facing him was like facing a stranger, with only playfulness and ridicule.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang felt that the target of local ridicule was not him, and he was not qualified enough.

"Ordinary people, hahaha, it seems that you are very unusual. It is precisely because there are so many people like you that the world is so polarized. Don't you say that the strong dominate the world? Then now See if I'm qualified enough."

Bibi Dong's voice sounded faintly, and at the same time, her body slowly stood up.

One or two, three or four, a full ten blood-red spirit rings appeared on her body.

She is not very tall, but at this moment, Yu Xiaogang, who is standing in front of her, seems to be facing an upright giant, and she seems so small and insignificant.

"The last time I met, I seemed to have said that you should call me His Majesty the Pope. Now I'm repeating it, you want to call me His Majesty the Eastern Emperor."

There was no cold words, but it was this indifferent voice, but it was not angry and arrogant, and Yu Xiaogang's body trembled slightly, and he fell on his knees involuntarily.

PS: Well, I just communicated with the editor a lot and it will be launched tomorrow!

Finally, ask for a ticket!

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