From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 131: : reunite at last

The cold wind whistled, and the ice and snow swayed.

The place where you enter your eyes is vast, covered with snow and cold mist.

It was cold, empty, and depressed. Except for the whimpering of the howling cold wind, there was no more noise here.

The Silver Dragon King's speed was very fast, and he quickly entered the sky.

Ye Han stood on the back of the Silver Dragon King, his body was stiff, his brain was roaring, his eyes were blank, and he stared blankly at the world that was both familiar and unfamiliar in front of him.

After an unknown amount of time, he trembled and disappeared in an instant.

Then he suddenly returned, grabbed Arou, opened up a separate space in his inner world, put her in, and told the spirit of the ancient ice crystal tree to take care of her.

In the end, he completely integrated into this snowy wasteland and disappeared.


"Bing'er, Xue'er~ where are you?"

A roar echoed across the entire ice and snow wasteland, overpowering the whistling sound of the wind and snow.

Ye Han frantically searched for it. Five days passed, but he couldn't find the slightest trace of the two of them.

"Ye Han, Ye Han!"

Gu Yuena appeared, her slender figure standing in the wind and snow, curling gracefully, like an iceberg and snow lotus, so beautiful that it made people fascinated.

But at this moment, Ye Han turned a blind eye to her and didn't even care.

"Ye Han, I found a person, to be precise, a..."

Gu Yuena grabbed the arm that Ye Han turned away from, and hurriedly spoke.

However, before she could finish her words, Ye Han suddenly turned around, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, looked excited, and said in a hurried voice, "Where are you? Take me there."

Although she didn't use that weird set of armor, the power that erupted from Ye Han's hands still made Gu Yuena feel a piercing pain.

Her face turned pale, Gu Yuena said, "You, you hurt me."

"Yes, I'm sorry, where did you find someone, take me there quickly, please."

Ye Han's five fingers loosened, but he still held Gu Yuena's shoulders with both hands, apologizing and pleading at the same time.

Gu Yuena stared blankly at the man whose eyes were red and pleading, as if she had just met him.

In her heart, this man is a monster, a demon, a pervert who is too powerful to use common sense. At the same time, shameless, lewd, despicable, etc., are also synonymous with him.

Gu Yuena never thought that such a man would have a day when his true feelings would be revealed.

"follow me."

Gu Yuena restrained her thoughts and said.

After she finished speaking, she naturally took Ye Han's palm and led him to a snow hill five or six meters high, "It's inside."

Actually, she didn't need to say it, Ye Han had already let go of her palm and rushed over immediately.

Ye Han's spiritual power is much higher than that of the same realm, but it is only quantity, not quality. His spiritual power is still just simple spiritual power. Combat power does not represent realm.

Speaking of 1000 to 10000, his realm is only the category of ordinary people, so he can't sense the existence of God at all, so he can't find the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor.

However, now that the distance is so close, how could he not sense it.

In that snowy hill is Cher's faint breath.

Ye Han was like a madman, rushing towards the small snow hill, but he forgot his powerful strength and ability to control ice and snow. Like an ordinary person, he dug wildly on the hard snow with both hands.

In the end, Gu Yuena couldn't stand it any longer. With a wave of her hand, she used the power of space to split the small snow hill, revealing the figure inside.

The white clothes are like snow, and the white hair is like a waterfall.

After so many years, the years have not left any traces on her, she is still so elegant and pure, still beautiful and thrilling.

Tears burst from Ye Han's eyes. Looking at the figure in front of him who was so angry that he fell into a deep sleep, he couldn't help choking, stretched out his hands, and gently hugged her into his arms, with gentle movements and a hideous expression on his face.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the legs that were supposed to sit cross-legged, but now only the empty skirt was left. On the weak shoulders, the empty sleeves made Ye Han's heart hurt.

"Who exactly hurt you like this?"

He wanted to roar up to the sky, but his throat was dry, his lips were squirming, and he couldn't make a sound.

How happy he has been in the past few months with chaotic memory, how painful he is now.

"Don't be afraid, Xue Er, everything will be fine when your husband is back." The hoarse voice came out of his mouth with difficulty.

A few days ago, in order to create a body for Arou, the power of creation in the small world was too much, so Ye Han did not create a physical body for the ancient ice crystal tree for the first time, and wanted to wait for a while until the small world recovered almost. Now, in fulfilling the promise, so as not to affect the small world.

But now, how could Ye Han take care of this?

In order to save Xuedi, he would do anything.

The power of creation is the root that nurtures everything. As the constant power of creation is drawn away, the exotic flowers and plants in the small world will wither first, followed by the rivers and streams that slowly dry up, and soon become A dead world.

"How is this going?"

Zhu Zhuqing frowned, looking at the withered flowers and trees around him, the water that was gradually drying up, and a clear doubtful sound came out of his mouth.

The next moment, her face suddenly changed greatly, and she said, "No, it's big brother..."

This is Ye Han's inner world. Now that there is a big problem in this world, the only possibility is that Ye Han has an accident.

"No, Big Brother Ye is so powerful, it's impossible for anything to happen."

Xiao Wu spoke calmly, but the hesitation in her eyes betrayed her mood. Obviously, she was not as calm as she seemed.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er stood by the side, their faces puzzled.

The two of them and Ye Han had just met each other for a while, so they didn't know much about the internal world, but through the looks of Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, they also realized the seriousness of the problem.

"It's nothing major, don't worry."

Just when the four of them were helpless, like ants on a hot pot, at a loss, Ye Han's voice rang in the ears of several people.

After calming the emotions of the four little girls a little, Ye Han changed the rules of the inner world, brought air into the inner world from the outside, and then ignored it.

The small world inside the body has been completely abolished, but he paid no attention to it. At this moment, he only has her in his eyes.

His lover, his wife, his Cher...

He stared tightly at the Snow Emperor who slowly opened his eyes.

After being treated by the power of creation and the power of the black source, Xue Di's legs and arms have grown back, and his complexion has regained a little blood.

"Xiaohan, is that you?"

Xue Di slowly opened his eyes, a pair of sky blue, ethereal and clear eyes looked at the familiar face in front of him, and there was a warm smile on his face.

"It's enough to see you before I die, even if it's a fantasy, I'm sorry Xiaohan, I didn't protect Binger, and now I'm leaving, Binger, I promise you, I will take care of Xiaohan for you, give He gave birth to a few children, and now it seems that he is going to break his promise."

Emperor Xue's eyes were gentle, with reluctance and guilt, and quietly looked at Ye Han's face.

She moved her arm several times, but she didn't lift it in the end. She was afraid that it was an illusion, and everything disappeared as soon as she touched it.

The man doesn't cry when he has tears, just because it's all bullshit.

Tears kept rolling down Ye Han's eyes at this moment, he gently grabbed Xue Di's slender palm and placed it on his face, with a gentle tone, said, "Fool, how could I let you go, including Bing'er, she will return too. to us."

The soft touch and sticky tears from the hands made Xue Di unable to recover for a long Fool, this is not a dream, nor is it your fantasy, when I come back, you will be fine too, And Binger, I will definitely get her back. "

Tears blurred his eyes, but Ye Han tried his best to squeeze out a confident and bright smile.

"Xiaohan, is it really you? Is it really you?"

Xue Di was pleasantly surprised, but it was only for a moment, the smile and surprise on his face gradually dissipated.

Ye Han really came back, and she won't die, but what about Bing'er?

She knew that Ye Han was only comforting herself, because she knew Bing'er's ending very well.

"Why, don't you even believe me now?"

Ye Han wiped away the tears on his face, staring at Xue Di with his bright red eyes, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Xiaohan, I, I believe in you, but Binger, Binger she..."

With a trembling voice, Emperor Xue explained the process of offering sacrifices to the Ice Emperor that day.

"Hey, I said, I will save her, and I will be able to do it. Don't worry, Bing'er is not completely dead. I just found a trace of her spiritual origin in you. After a few days, wait. The small world in my body is restored, and I will let Binger come back to us."

Ye Han rubbed Xue Di's head with a calm and confident face.

"Is this true?" Xue Di asked.

At this moment, her eyes were brighter than ever before, full of expectations.

"Of course, have I lied to you?" Ye Han asked.

Hearing this, the sadness in Xue Di's eyes completely dissipated. She believed him because he was her lover and her husband. His name was Ye Han...

Moreover, now, she can only trust him! Believe it or not! I believe he can save Binger.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for tickets, all kinds of requests

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