From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 123: : A sudden spear

Moon stars are rare.

The soft moonlight flows like mercury, spreading over thousands of mountains and rivers.

However, after encountering the black blurry figure standing upright, he was swallowed directly.

The place where it is located seems to represent the eternal darkness, making people desperate, without seeing the slightest light and without any hope.

And the petite figure next to it collapsed suddenly, and after merging with it, the blurred figure instantly became clear.

Her face is fair, her facial features are delicate, she has an inexplicable coldness and majesty, and her purple eyes are like two deep vortexes, which can **** away a person's soul at any time.

Although the tall body stands tall, it is unimaginably large, but it is also beautifully curvy, dressed in purple armor, and the black mist billows around the body, as if it came from the gods of the Nine Serenities, which makes people have an urge to worship.

"You are really amazing to create a method that is comparable to gods with the body of a mortal."

Po Saisi, who was wearing a red robe, spoke.

At the same time, she stretched her arms, and behind her, the blue sea loomed.

"I can have the achievements I have now, and I have to thank you!"

The sound made by the figure standing in the sky is like a twilight drum and a morning bell, which is shocking and crazy, giving people an inexplicable pressure.

If it wasn't for the woman in front of her back then, how could she have fallen into the hands of that devil, and if she hadn't fallen into his hands, how could she have created such a miracle, so she should thank this woman now and consider putting her Which hook bar is better for her to sell into?

After she finished speaking, she also stretched her arms, and two huge magic sickles instantly appeared in her hands.

Stab it!

The arms move in circles, and the huge magic sickle is like two heavenly knives, cutting everything apart and slaying forward.

"Magical skills, the sea is boundless."

Bo Saixi's red lips slightly opened, and she turned into the sea, boundless and immeasurable.

Although Bibi Dong is talented and powerful, far beyond the same realm, but Bo Saixi can turn the impossible into the possibility and achieve the realm of the gods as a servant of the gods, is it the easy generation?

It is undeniable that Bibi Dong's talent is indeed more enchanting, but Bo Saixi is also an out-and-out genius.

The vast sea is undulating, and the water columns run through the sky and the earth, like a tornado, carrying the power of the heaven and the earth, attacking and killing.


"You guys enter my inner space."

Forty or fifty kilometers away, Ye Han hurriedly put a few girls with frightened faces into his inner space.

Although it was still a long way for a few girls, the terrifying fluctuation seemed to be a heavy burden on the hearts of several people, making it difficult for them to breathe and couldn't stand it at all.

Ye Han stood alone and saw only the black and blue light colliding with each other.

The terrifying sound of the sky breaking apart came from high up in the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be occupied by black and blue.

The two clashed with each other, colliding with brilliant brilliance and exuding terrifying power.

It was clear that the sky was clear and the moon and stars were sparse just a moment ago, but at this moment it was pouring down pouring rain.

Ye Han did not step forward, but his eyes flickered, and he stopped to watch.

I don't know how long it took, there was a bang, the black light collapsed first, and then the blue light in the sky disappeared in an instant, along with the strange pouring rain.

Thousands of miles of clear sky reappeared, but Ye Han didn't pay attention to this.

In his eyes, at this moment, there was only that figure that fell from the sky like an angel with broken wings.

The beautiful face was pale at the moment, the luxurious dress was tattered, and the nine-curved purple-gold crown was gone.

In the end, she still lost.

"Cough, cough! I didn't expect that in the first battle after the breakthrough, I would be injured by a rank ninety-ninth titled Douluo."

The figure of the red robe coughed softly, and a strand of blood slowly slipped from the corner of his lips, dripping on the towering chest, and merged with the red robe, regardless of each other.

Taking a deep breath, those deep eyes became extremely cold, one palm was raised, and a rapidly spinning water arrow condensed out.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it." The woman said.

"It's just a winner and a loser, why bother to be arrogant, I didn't kill today..." The woman who fell from the sky staggered and supported a rock, looked at the sky, and said in a cold tone.

After so many years of lingering, she was ruthless to others and even more ruthless to herself.

She didn't care about a cheap life.

But she hates so much. Two enemies, one is right in front of her, but she can't take revenge, and the other is not far away, so she has no chance.

Human beings are not as good as heaven's, she was in vain yesterday, and she wanted to gain his trust, but now, everything...

"No, what is that?"

The woman's dull purple eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

"High priest be careful!"

The red-robed woman was about to kill her when she suddenly heard a voice ringing directly in her ear.

At the same time, her body tightened suddenly, and all the hairs on her body stood on end.

The powerful fighting instinct made her twist her body in an instant and look behind her.


A flash of blue light flashed, and the woman stared blankly at the tall figure in blue armor in front of her.

Then, she silently lowered her head and looked at the spear that passed through her chest, with a hint of bitterness on the corner of her mouth.

She had thought about many scenarios where the two would meet, but she never imagined that it would be the current situation.

"Ye Han, why are you? Sigh! Forget it, I know. Back then, in the capital of slaughter, you asked me who that person was. Now it seems that you have found her. Treat her well, she is also pitiful. people."

Finally, she glanced at the woman on the ground. The red-robed woman raised her arm, her slender hand grasped the spear on her chest, and pulled it out of her body little by little.

Ye Han looked at the woman's face stupidly, his whole body was dumbfounded, and she was pushed back again and again.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the spear left the body, bringing with it a large piece of crystal blood.

The woman covered her chest with her palms, her face was as pale as paper, her body was cold, and her heart had been pierced, making her numb with pain.

He staggered and turned around, a drop of crystal clear liquid dripped from his face and slowly landed, and then fell to pieces.

Xiaobai flew over hurriedly supported her, the two of them murmured something, and with the last step, slowly disappeared into the night.

"You, Bo..."

Ye Han looked at the woman's back, stretched out his hand several times, and opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't call out the woman's name.

At the moment when the woman turned around and saw that face, Ye Han's heart jumped fiercely. This face was so similar to Qingqian and the others.

But by then he was too late to stop.

And the woman's final expression and words made Ye Han's brain freeze, and his heart was in chaos.


At this moment, the sound of spitting blood came from below.

Ye Han was startled, his body turned into a blue lightning bolt, and he appeared next to the woman in an instant, hugging the woman's shaky body.

Then, he hurriedly pulled out a bottle of medicinal pill and quickly took it for her.

"Bibi Dong, how do you feel?" Ye Han looked at the woman's pale face with worry.

"It's okay, I can't die yet." Bibi Dong responded coldly, struggling, trying to break free from Ye Han's arms.

At this moment, she really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

As long as she thinks of Ye Han's magic stroke just now, Bibi Dong's heart is now like a big summer, drinking Sprite, her heart is flying, and she is so relieved that it explodes.

Thinking of the woman's heartless look just now, her eyes that lost all her energy, and her back like a walking corpse, she liked it so much.

But it was only for a moment, and she was in a bad mood.

Seeing Bibi Dong at this time, she actually dared to be stubborn and play a petty temper. Ye Han's temper also came up. He raised his hand and slapped her on her buttocks.

PS: Various requests!

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