From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 101: : brother and sister

The situation is treacherous.

When the strong man is angry, the color of the world changes.

There is no doubt that the Silver Dragon King is such a strong person, at least in Douluo Continent, she has few rivals.

Although the power she burst out was short-lived, it was terrifying. If she hadn't encountered a monster that couldn't be described with common sense, even if she was seriously injured, she would still be able to walk sideways in Douluo Continent.

Unfortunately, bad luck, I didn't read the almanac when I went out, and I encountered a pervert who could shatter the golden body of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm with one blow.

Comparing it purely by its destructive power, the power of the Nascent Soul realm is even stronger than that of the **** king in this world.

But such a powerful attack power only seriously injured Ye Han. This shows how abnormal Ye Han's defense power is.

The seriously injured Silver Dragon King couldn't do anything about him. It seemed unbelievable, but it was actually normal.

In a short period of time, King Silver Dragon suffered both old and new injuries, and then fell into a coma and fell into Ye Han's arms, not knowing about his personnel.

On the messy ground, Ye Han stood quietly with a beautiful woman in his arms. A fourteen- or fifteen-year-old blond boy lay quietly at his feet, whose life and death were unknown.

On the other side, a woman sat cross-legged, surrounded by golden rays of light, and a purple-gold sledgehammer floated up and down beside her. The rays of light were soft, noble and majestic.

Behind her, a tall, slender, exotic woman quietly guarded her.

On the opposite side of Ye Han, there was a burly figure with tattered clothes and a sallow complexion, and a 12- or 13-year-old boy with dark skin and ordinary appearance.

"Tang San has met his uncle."

Hearing the burly man's words, the young man took two steps forward and saluted respectfully.

Since Dad said that the person in front of him was his uncle, he would definitely not aim at nothing. As an ancient person who respected teachers and respected etiquette, Tang San naturally didn't dare to neglect him.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched slightly.

Nephew is so polite, as an elder, he naturally can't be petty.

With a flick of the palm, a jade bottle flew towards Tang San.

"There are three Qi Gathering Pills in it, which should be enough for you to increase your spirit power by two or three levels." Ye Han said.

It's not that he is stingy, but that there are only three of the more than 100 Qi Gathering Pills left.

"Thank you uncle."

The elder didn't dare to say no to the gift, Tang San took the medicine bottle and bowed again.

He glanced at the medicine bottle in his hand lightly, then put it away calmly.

"Little San, take this person back." Ye Han said unceremoniously to Tang San.


Seeing his son's questioning gaze, Tang Hao couldn't help but nodded.

Tang San then stepped forward, picked up Wang Long, and found Chen Haifeng behind a tree stump, who was peeing and playing in the mud, and then quickly left with the two of them.

"I haven't seen Yuehua for more than ten years. Now that we meet again, I have a lot of things to ask her." Tang Hao said when he saw Ye Han's appearance as if you didn't leave, and his face became even more bitter.

When he saw his family, he thought of his dead wife. It was because of his wife that the family could not be reunited, the relatives could not recognize each other, and the house could not be entered.

"Hey, hey, don't you just want to talk to your sister? Do you need it? Don't put on the face of a dead wife, it's bad luck." Ye Han quickly spoke.

He also felt that if he didn't stop him, this big man might stage a "crying grave" in front of him.

Intoxicated in his own world, Tang Hao, who was in grief and unable to extricate himself, heard the words, his breath stagnated, and his sallow complexion instantly flushed red.

"You, your **** wife..."

The words he opened his mouth to scold back ended up stillborn.

This bastard's wife, she seems to be called Tang Yuehua, is my sister, so I can't curse.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, took a few deep breaths, and then the Clear Sky Hammer disappeared.

He found that he might not be able to handle the opponent.

After all, his state is not very good, and he is definitely not following his heart.

Thinking of his majesty, Haotian, when he would pass his heart, this was just a strategic retreat.

Ye Han glanced at Tang Hao, his eyes lit up slightly, he thought he would be able to see the mighty power of Haotian Douluo, but who knows, this guy looks tall and burly, but in fact he will judge the situation.

After fighting with the Silver Dragon King, Ye Han now has a certain understanding of his own fighting power.

Using the second martial spirit, in Douluo Continent, he can walk sideways without fear.

No longer ignoring Tang Hao, Ye Han picked up the slender and **** body of the Silver Dragon King, came to Tang Yuehua not far away, and put it down.

Stab it! ~

"Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of the Silver Dragon King, the recovery speed of flesh wounds is quite fast." Ye Han praised.

After all, he is a dragon clan, and he is blessed by nature. Even if the Silver Dragon King is not famous for his physical strength, his physical strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Give her two or three days, and the flesh wound will heal automatically.

For the Silver Dragon King, the most deadly thing is the purest killing sword energy in his body, which is the means of the gods.

One of the wounds of the Silver Dragon King was hit by Ye Han with a spear, and the other was on his chest, hit by the capital of slaughter.

Ye Han swore that he really didn't do it on purpose.

The clothes on her chest had been torn open, and the upper end of the oval shape was blurred with blood. On the other side, Ye Han took a look, then withdrew his gaze, and quickly bandaged her.

Then he turned around for her, looking at the bloody, upturned body, Ye Han took a deep breath, guessing that he would do it again.

After dealing with her injury, Ye Han couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm too difficult."

Ye Han sighed in the sky.

"You said that you are a dragon, why are you so good-looking? If you hadn't met a decent gentleman like me, you probably wouldn't know how you would have died. Alas, I'm really too kind!"

Just as he sighed shamelessly, a dazzling light flashed across this messy land.

Tang Yuehua opened her eyes.

Those beautiful eyes, deep and vast, seemed to contain endless time and space.

The golden light was slowly restrained, she stood up from the ground, the curves of her slender and uneven body were exposed, and the three spirit rings of purple, purple and black moved slowly on her body, exuding a powerful aura.

"How is it? What soul skill did you get this time?"

Ye Han's body was like a ghost, and he immediately appeared beside the woman, said.

"The strength has doubled, and at the same time, my martial soul imprisoning feature has become stronger." Tang Yuehua smiled warmly, and she sat in front of her body and gave Ye Han a sweet This has already become her complete absorption. Instinct after the soul ring.

Ye Han gave her what she is today. Apart from loving him and cooperating with him to do what he loves, Tang Yuehua couldn't think of how to thank him.

Ye Han felt Tang Yuehua's fiery enthusiasm, and his heart was a little bit eager to move. However, with so many light bulbs shining on, it was impossible for him to broadcast a live broadcast to these people.

Feeling the woman's bolder movements, Ye Han quickly pushed her away.

"Cough, cough, Yuehua, long time no see, how are you doing?" Tang Hao's voice sounded.

Tang Yuehua looked at the sound, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face, her eyes gradually became misty, and her eyes turned red.

"Second, second brother, yes, is that you?" Tang Yuehua choked, her voice trembling, and her voice was full of disbelief.

What a heroic, arrogant and arrogant person, the former Haotian, he has become like this after only ten years of absence.

On him, Tang Yuehua could no longer find any trace of the past, and only felt a wave of decadence, life without love, and self-defeating. , but a walking dead.

If it weren't for Tang Yuehua's deep memory of the face in front of him, he regarded it as an idol since he was a child, and he would definitely not recognize it now, he turned out to be the once famous Haotian twins in Douluo Mainland, Tang Hao.

"it's me."

Tang Hao nodded with a bitter look on his face.

Tang Yuehua got an accurate answer, and couldn't hold back her tears any longer, her slender figure flew out like a nimble swallow.

Seeing this, Tang Hao also had a little tear in his eyes, his expression was excited, and he opened his arms unconsciously.

PS: Brothers, do you have tickets? Send one, okay?

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