From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 123 The Burning Reasonable Number (Part 2)

"This is.?!"

"What's going on?!"

"Can you feel it!"

"Can it be said that it is?"

The British sailors who were fighting fiercely also noticed something strange and looked around in panic.

They only felt slight vibrations coming from the ground beneath their feet. In addition to the sound of gold and iron clashing between soldiers on both sides, there was also a dull and neat sound of horse hooves in their ears.

Captain Morris, who was surrounded by soldiers and protected, struggled to stand up, with no trace of blood on his face. I don't know if it was because of his hands, or because he had guessed the worst outcome.

The sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and the sailors could even hear the neighing of dozens of war horses. The loud neighing made them feel chills on their backs.

At this moment, even the dullest sailors realized that this was not a tactical mistake by the Corsican army at all, but a complete ambush.

Captain Moseley looked around blankly. The street they were on could be described as a flat plain. Although it was not spacious, the cavalry could charge without any hindrance.

The Corsican army did not give the British much time to react. On the road where the British sailors came, fifty fully armed cuirassiers rushed out from the corner of the street in an instant.

The pure black horses under their crotches were like a black wave, sweeping towards the sailors.

"It's the cavalry! Coming from the rear!"

"Damn it, those who have muskets in their hands, go behind and form a defense line!"

"No! We can't get away, it's too late!"

The British troops who were fighting fiercely with the Corsican soldiers in the front had no time to care about the rear. They could only watch the cuirassiers charging forward on horseback.

Captain Morris opened his mouth wide and murmured almost unconsciously:

"Impossible, these are Pauli's cuirassiers. How could they obey the order of the usurper? This is impossible!"

Although Captain Morris knew that there was such an elite cavalry unit in the Corsican army, he did not believe that Lawrence could master these cavalry in a short time.

Therefore, from the moment the battle began, Captain Morris completely excluded the cuirassiers from consideration.

"Listen to the order, aim and fire!"

I saw Captain Mattick taking the lead, leading his men to charge at the forefront, and personally pulled out his pistol and led his men to shoot.

After a burst of intensive gunfire, the Corsican soldiers who were fighting the British army in the front also understood the situation and broke away from the British army in a tacit understanding, trying their best to avoid being accidentally injured by friendly forces.

After a round of shooting, the cavalrymen drew their sabers and charged into the British array like tigers rushing into sheep.

And these sailors at sea have no means to counter the cavalry. They can only watch the cavalry constantly attacking their own formations back and forth.

"My God, the British are defeated now, Governor Bonaparte."

Major Trifari looked down with sharp eyes, watching Captain Mattick personally charge on the battlefield with determination, and he couldn't help but admired Lawrence and said:

"I didn't expect you to convince Captain Mattick to join the battle. My opinion of him has changed a bit."

But Lawrence did not answer, but continued to observe the changes on the battlefield with a serious expression, especially the performance of Captain Mattick.

This was also the first time Lawrence saw the combat effectiveness of these well-trained and well-equipped cavalry on the battlefield. It must be said that their performance was even better than Lawrence expected.

"This force must be in my own hands. As for Captain Mattick."

Lawrence silently stared at Captain Mattick on the horse and thought to himself:

"He is indeed an experienced cavalry officer, but the command can no longer be held by him."

The reason why Lawrence went to great lengths to threaten Captain Mattick to send troops today instead of directly sending someone to replace him was because of his own experience and ability.

If an officer who is completely unfamiliar with this cavalry team is suddenly replaced, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the combat effectiveness of the cuirassiers.

However, when Corsica is completely pacified, Lawrence will definitely not allow Captain Mattick, an unstable factor, to continue to be in charge of this force.

"damn it!"

Captain Morris endured the bullet wound in his leg, rolled on the ground with all his strength to avoid the chop of a cavalry, and then stood up with difficulty with the help of the soldiers guarding him.

"Captain, it's no longer possible!"

The sailor who supported Morris almost cried and said:

"Hurry up and give the order!"

"Bang" Captain Morris covered the gunshot wound in his thigh, gritted his teeth and looked around the battlefield:

This ordinary street was already littered with corpses, and most of them were the corpses of his own sailors.

Even the British sailors who were still resisting had to fight with the Corsican soldiers in front of them, while being wary of the cuirassiers who were rushing back and forth, and even the precision shooters who were sniping on the roof.

The thin blades in the hands of sailors simply cannot deal with threats from these three directions at the same time.

Although Captain Morris was extremely reluctant, he also knew that if he did not retreat, his entire army would inevitably be annihilated.

Including Captain Morris's own injuries, if not treated as soon as possible, his life will soon be endangered.

"Everyone listens to the order, retreat! Retreat! Evacuate towards the Reasonable No., don't take the main road, spread out and go through the alleys!"

Captain Morris's hoarse shouting immediately made the fighting British sailors no longer want to resist. They shook off the Corsican soldiers in front of them and dived into the alleys on both sides without looking back. escape.

Captain Morris himself and little Nelson, who had been frightened for a long time, were also quickly taken away by the sailors who protected them.

"It seems that this Maurice is not that stupid."

Major Cui Farley frowned and watched the sailors on the field fleeing into the surrounding lanes, and couldn't help but say.

Captain Morris specifically asked the soldiers to spread out and escape through the narrow passage to prevent the cuirassiers from pursuing them.

Otherwise, for these cavalry, killing enemies who are running away with their backs is as easy as breathing.

Lawrence also nodded in approval, and then ordered Major Trifali:

"Inform the soldiers to go directly to the port. They can only evacuate to the Reasonable."


With the flight of the British sailors and the pursuit of the Corsican army, calm returned to this street littered with corpses.

The citizens living in this neighborhood opened their doors fearfully and cautiously came to the street to check the situation.

After they learned of the British massacre in Ajaccio, these citizens fled back home almost in despair, locked their families in the house, and tremblingly prayed to God for salvation.

However, when the citizens took to the streets with the feeling of surviving the disaster and looked at the corpses on the ground, they realized who had saved them and who was protecting Corsica.

The citizens endured their grief and began to help the remaining soldiers clean up the battlefield and clean the bodies of these Corsican warriors.

At the same time, in their hearts, compared to Pauli, who was rumored to sell Corsica to the devil of England, their respect for the newly appointed Governor Bonaparte has also reached a new height.

Thanks to "A Legendary Pigeon", "80kg Anti-Tank Mine" and "Book Friend 20210906090037100" for their monthly ticket support!

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